Enjoy the TAT Forum? You can now own an anthology of some of the best essays,
poems, and humor from 77 issues. Selected by readers like you, this collection
is enhanced with photography from Bob Fergeson, Shawn Nevins,
and others.
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at Amazon.com
The TAT Forum Index by Date
Index by Author
A Handyman's Common Sense Guide to Spiritual Seeking:
Reader Commentary
A., Abbie
A., Don
A Story and a Wish
Abbott, Elizabeth:
From "A History of Celibacy"
Abraham, F. Murray:
On Studying With Legendary Acting Teacher UTA Hagen
Adams, Jane:
"Western devotees with Ganesan" drawing |
"Daffodils in Douglas Harding" drawing
What Calls the Eye to See |
True Meditation
Al-Bistami, Abu Yazid:
"Paradox" quotes
Al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid:
Doubt Transports You |
Hypocrite and believer |
Sleep, wakefulness, Being |
The happiness of the drop |
Doubt Transports You
Albigensian symbol:
Dove monument (photo)
Allamby, Carl:
Success Principles (NPR article)
American Museum of Natural History:
"The Known Universe" video
Love Poem |
Some Thoughts about Oblivion, Immortality, and Being a Nobody |
As Long as I Can See You |
Don't Light a Candle for Richard |
Words we use |
A Double Helix of Conviction and Concern |
Longing |
The Tao of Improv |
Weekday Warrior |
Last Week |
Celibacy Q&A |
Meaningful Relationships and Happiness |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Insight |
A Story About a Kite
Arafat, Rashed:
The Denial of Mundane Life by Using the Spiritual Search as a Protective "Cocoon"
Arapahoe Funeral Prayer
Ashe, Arthur:
Egoless Vector
At Home with the Inner Self:
Reader Commentary
Falling Down
Auden, W.H.:
"The More Loving One" selected stanza, and video of Auden reading his poem
Aurelius, Marcus:
Six Excerpts from Meditations
Awake at the Wheel:
Reader Commentary
B., Ben:
"Transparent" (poem and photo) |
A Seeker's Guide to Fasting |
A Seeker-Organized Weekend Intensive Retreat
Bailey, Chris:
"Why Being Lazy Is Actually Good for You" (TIME magazine)
Baker, Jesse:
NPR story on actor Hal Holbrook, who died at 95
Balsekar, Ramesh:
The Final Truth
Balter, Bruce:
What I Have Learned
Bankei, Yotaku:
Be Stupid!
Bard, Paul:
Integrity Poem
Bardasuc, Corina:
My Experience with Group Work |
Poetry |
Beyond the dreaming - a Poem |
What Longing Feels Like - a poem |
Stop - a poem |
Prediction & Living in the Moment |
Arches National Park (photo)
Bariso, Justin:
Advice from Elon Musk (interview)
Barkow, Jerome:
Evoltionary Function of the Self (quote)
Barks, Coleman:
Rumi poems reading (video) |
Rumi: The Book of Love endpaper |
The One Thing, from The Soul of Rumi: A New Collection of Ecstatic Poems
Barrett, Lisa Feldman:
Emotions Are Guesses (TED talk)
Bartlett, Charles W:
Taj Mahal Sunset (woodblock)
Bassui Tokushō:
Question Your Mind
Batts, Chris:
Life After Suicide: Given a Message for Humanity (YouTube NDE)
Beck, Julie:
This Article Won't Change Your Mind (from The Atlantic)
Benoit, Hubert:
On Faith and Accord with the Way |
Satori (1997 printout note to Shawn Nevins from Art Ticknor)
Bergh, Tristan:
Launch Pad (Richard Rose Memorial)
Berlin, Heather:
Sudden Realizations / Insights (from "What Time Feels Like When You're Improvising")
Bernstein, Bill:
Crowd Behavior (from a Morningstar interview
Beyond Mind, Beyond Death:
"Beyond Mind, Beyond Death" video trailer |
Reader Commentary
Bhatt, Pratap:
Deepest Respects (Richard Rose Memorial)
Bialik, Mayim:
I Unplugged Completely for Two Weeks…And CRAZY Things Happened! (YouTube)
Bierce, Ambrose:
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
Blavatsky, Helena:
Fix Your Gaze....
Bly, Robert:
Robert Bly Reads Antonio Machado
Borges, Jorge Luis:
The Enigmas - a poem
Borle, Sharad:
East & West (interview) |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Bossman, Robert:
A Childhood Story
Bourgeault, Cynthia:
The Paradise We Seek
Bradbury, Ray:
If Only We Had Taller Been
Brackett, Elder Thomas:
Simple Gifts
Brahms, Johannes:
Brier, Steve:
How I Came to Understand then Overcome Autism Conditions
Bronk, William:
What We Are: a poem
Brooks, David:
Faith as Yearning
Bronson, Ed:
Relentless Intensity (Richard Rose memorial)
Bruins, Belle:
Interview of Alex Smit re. Sri. Nisargadatta
Buckley, Anna:
Is consciousness just an illusion? (BBC News article)
Buddha, Gautama:
Two Sorts of Thinking
Buckley, Cara:
Emma Thompson Gets a Shock at 60 (New York Times article)
Bukowski, Charles:
Roll the Dice: a poem |
Don't Try (video)
Bunan, ZenMaster:
Die While You're Alive
Burns, Jim:
The Chief Hang-up |
Psychology |
Living in Internal Harmony |
The Key |
Choice |
On Dream Study |
Inner Guidance |
Book excerpt: At Home With the Inner Self |
Mankind's Maelstrom |
Pearls of Wisdom
Burns, Jim:
In Memoriam
Bush, George W.:
The Hen Turkey Story
Butler, Mark:
I Am Not Opposed
C., Cindy:
"Pisces Dream" Bonaire, Leeward Antilles (photo)
C., Eric:
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Local Group Retreat
C., Jenny:
Non-Dual Debate: Knowing What You Are
Campbell, Glen:
I'm Not Gonna Miss You
Campbell, Joseph:
Ponder this |
Follow Your Bliss (excerpt from The Power of Myth
Campfield, Christian:
Keep Your Priorities Straight
Cardin, Matt:
Seeing through Resistance
Carnegie, Dale:
Quotes You Should Know Before You Get Old
Carrey, Jim:
Philosophizing at Fashion Week
Carse, David:
Perfect Brilliant Stillness sample read by Terence Stamp |
Outpourings: a poem |
Stilll Expanse
Carter, Alice:
I Saw How Prayer Actually Changes Reality (NDE)
Casari, Michael:
The Man Who Was a Mirror
Castaneda, Carlos:
Saving & Rechanneling Energy (Don Juan character, The Fire from Within)
Celibate Seeker, The:
Reader Commentary
Cergol, Bob:
Dust Storm in the Desert |
Spiritual Desire |
There is No Death |
Depression & Acceptance |
Separate Particles |
Affliction to the Individuality Sense |
Q & A with |
The Will to Define |
The Other Side |
On Meditation, Two Vectors, and Becoming |
"I can see him, but he can't see Me" |
Aligning Ourselves with the Will of God? |
The Dancing Flame |
Letting Go |
"What is your calling?" |
The Recent Tragedy |
You Can't Lie to Yourself |
Nothing to be Done? |
Looking Away |
On Personality, Analysis & Going Within |
Volitional Contemplation |
Nothing of You Will Remain |
Living in the Now? |
More on Meditation |
Still Point of the Turning World (part 1) |
Still Point of the Turning World (part 2 of 2) |
What Are You Seeking? |
A Meditation on Identity |
The Life Behind Things |
True Intimacy |
Inspiration of Hopelessness |
What Are You Looking For? |
Do You Think a Higher Power Can Help You? |
Are You in Fact a Ghost? |
Effective Teaching |
Joy as Initiator? |
Does He Leave You any Moment? |
On Spiritual Pretense |
Gauging the Need to Continue the Search |
The Light Shining Through the Pumpkin |
Gauging Realization in Oneself and Others |
Devotion |
Going Within |
Commentary on Going Within |
Going Within: The Object of Attention |
Trace Your Roots |
On Discipline |
Spiritual Action |
The Power of Purpose Lies in the Question |
The Focus of Attention |
Becoming vs. Dying |
What Mr. Rose Shared |
Dear Aging Becomer |
The Certainty You Seek |
Generating the Doubt Sensation |
Liberated from Yourself |
Dear Soul-Seeker |
Father... |
Countless Lies |
Rapport Sittings |
Some Advice |
From the Unreal to the Real |
Summer's Mid-Night |
Overcoming Ego-Based Resistance |
Commentary on regret |
Transcendence |
More on Transcendence |
Discernment |
Nondual Talk |
Freedom? |
Meditation & the Spiritual Path |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Realization Experience |
Awareness Diagrams |
Beyond Mindfulness: Meditation and the Path Within |
"NOW" |
Desire to Be Reabsorbed |
Remembering Dan Panchura |
The Mechanics of Creation |
"Living in the Now?" Addendum |
Conceptual Thought |
What Do You Want to Become? |
What Do You Want to Become? Q&A |
Liberated from Yourself |
Conceptual Thought |
Intuition & Honesty |
Desire to Be Re-Absorbed |
Countless Lies |
Do you see what is? Or what you WANT to see? (YouTube) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Hope! Life's Calling: Finding Yourself on the Spiritual Path Called Life (new book published) |
Non-Dual Debate: Knowing What You Are |
A 5-Year-Old Dream of Rose, and a Poem |
Lost in Experience |
What Is Spiritual Action? (YouTube) |
Non-Dual Debate: Discovering Awareness (YouTube)
Cézanne, Paul:
"River with the Bridge of the Three Sources"
Chapman, Beth Nielsen:
Nothing I Can Do About It Now (song lyrics)
I’ve been to paradise—but I’ve never been to me.
Chatburn, Rob:
Emotion v. Sensation
What is the shortcut to spiritual awakening?
Clair, Linda:
What do you want? |
Video: Let go of all experiences |
Beliefs are Stored Deep in the Body |
Enlightenment: You've Got to Long For It |
Energy & Grounding in the Body
Clare, John:
"I Am!"
Clatfelter, Jim:
Take Notice
CNN News:
Are You Sure?
Cobb, Ricky:
Compassion Is Irrational |
Poems |
Working with Others and Alone on the Path |
Seeker Notes |
Preconceptions |
20 Spiritual Tools You Can Use On Your Path |
What Is Intuition? |
Everything You Believe is Wrong!
Cohen, Andrew:
The Promise of Perfection |
You Have to Be Ready for the Answer
Cohen, Arianne:
Duke University researchers say every brain activity study you've ever read is wrong
Cohen, Leonard:
How the Light Gets In (excerpt from "Anthem")
Cole, Nat King:
I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
Collins, Billy:
The Dead (animation, with poem read by Poet Laureate author)
Conan, Neal:
NPR interview of Ed Zine and Dr. Michael Jenike: "An Obsessive Compulsive's Life In Rewind
Conners, Mike:
Meditation: It's Not What You Think (part 1) |
Meditation: It's Not What You Think(part 2) |
Meditation: It's Not What You Think(part 3) |
Doing Nothing, All Things are Done |
Starting with the Goal |
Becoming Will-less Zombies? - Part 1 |
Becoming Will-less Zombies? - Part 2 |
April 2011 presentation (YouTube)
Constant, Paul:
The Essence of the Albigen System |
Consider Yourself Lucky (Richard Rose memorial) |
Richard Rose Quotes & Notes on Spiritual Action (part 1) |
Richard Rose Quotes & Notes on Spiritual Action (part 2) |
Celibacy |
Richard Rose Quotes & Notes on Life & Death |
Soap Bubbles |
The Awareness Within |
The Mind's Resistance |
Untruth |
Turning the Head |
An Excerpt from Correspondence |
Life With A Hole In It: That's How The Light Gets In, book review by Vicki Woodyard |
Jacob's Ladder: Audio Q&A |
Spiritual Rapport |
No Religion Is Greater Than Friendship |
5 Questions for 2015? |
Friendship |
SNR (and the meaning of ego) |
A view of Weslea's yard in Maine (photo) |
Butterfly photo |
Butterfly photo #2 |
Enlightenment Confusion |
Shifting Our Attention: From the Unreal to the Real and Everything In Between |
Amazing Grace |
Doubt: The Two-Edged Sword of Spiritual Seekers |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Navigating Our Spiritual Waters to the Greatest Treasure of All |
Absorbing Conflict |
Direct Going Within |
Shifting Our Attention |
Ego Errors (Instagram) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses)
Cook, Jesse:
Breathing Below Surface
Cornejo, Baruch:
E-Mails to a Friend
Covey, Steven R:
Insights from Everyday Greatness
Crichton, Michael:
Are Human Beings Sentient? from The Lost World
Crilley, Jeff:
Just Look |
Getting Back to What's Important |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Crocker, Neil:
Knowing What You Want (article titled "The Elephants")
Cross, St. John of the:
An Ecstasy of High Contemplation
Crowell, Amanda:
3 Mental Blocks That Keep You From Doing What You Say You Want to Do (with video)
D., Abhay:
Energy and Tension |
Real Love
D'Aqati, Caroline:
Is Life Meaningless?
d'Aquili, Eugene and Newberg, Andrew B.:
On Ego
"A Beginner's Guide To The End" (interview with co-authors BJ Miller and Soshona Berger) and Memento Mori medallion
Damiens, Nicolas:
"Tokyo Without Signs" photo
Danilowicz, Alex:
... But it Feels Like Me!: Discerning the Fabric of Personhood
Davis, James:
A Poem
Davis, John II:
Hymn to Almighty God: "In Charleston Graveyard upon Release"
Davis, Larry:
Poems (Beyond, Heat & Light) |
Freeing the Inner |
Inducing a Spiritual Awakening - Part II
Davis, Pete:
Keeping Our Options Open: What Netflix Taught Me About Life (goalcast)
Delphi Temple:
Maxims from the Temple at Delphi
Dennet, Daniel:
From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds (Talk at Google)
Dickinson, Emily:
Poem #1563 |
The Loss of Something Ever Felt I |
When a Little Girl |
"I Heard a Fly Buzz - When I Died"
Don Juan:
Saving & Rechanneling Energy (The Fire from Within, by Carlos Castaneda)
Donne, John:
No Man is an Island
Donnelly, James W.:
A Moment Through Time
Dorff, Francis:
Lightening the Load
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor:
Talk nonsense, but talk your own nonsense...
Doty, Jim:
The Neuroscience of Manifestation
E., Ben:
"Parkersburg, PA Sunrise" photo |
A Reawakening |
Taking Stock
Ebert, Chaz:
"Mountain top experience" of Roger Ebert's during his final days
Edmondson, Shelley:
What Comes First?
Ege, John Erik:
Ripples in a Pond
Einstein, Albert:
Letter to Dr. Marcus |
"Reality is merely an illusion" |
The Intuitive Mind
Eliot, T.S.:
I Said to My Soul |
A reading of T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Ellis, Charley:
What Do I Really, Really, Really….
Wait Me in Now - a poem |
On the WAY - a poem |
Liberation - a poem |
Message - a poem |
Sacred Way - a poem
Wise [of Wise & Zany]
Escher, M.C.:
"Circle Limit III" woodcut
Etymology Nerd:
Which Way Is Time Going?(YouTube short)
Extraordinary People:
The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes
Eyal, Nir:
The Way You Think About Willpower Is Hurting You
F., Jane:
Unseen Entities
F., Sergio:
Naked Through the Gate
Falling for Truth:
Reviews of Falling for Truth by Howdie Mickoski
Farnam Street Blog:
The Feynman Learning Technique
Fenwick, Peter:
What Really Happens When You Die (video interview)
Fergeson, Bob:
Ghost in a Box |
Trusting the Inner Self |
Hijacking of Thought |
The Mind in Time |
Finding the Inner Self |
Tears for Fears |
Thoughts on the Limitations of the Finite Mind |
Little Man |
On the Turning of Heads |
Stages of Becoming |
On Listening Attention |
Marriage of Heaven and Hell |
Can We Care for Others as Much as Ourself? |
Interpreting Experience |
Knots upon Knots |
Three Lines of Work |
Back of Beyond |
Passive Attention |
True Direction |
The Dividing Mind |
Tricks |
That Problem Mind |
Save it for Later |
Where Are You Headed? |
Fisherman, Hiker, Driver: Who Am I? |
Stalking Yourself with the Listening Attention |
The Listening Attention |
Listening Attention Commentary |
Words... or Experience? |
What Dream of Mind? |
Self-Observation |
Accident, Sublimation, Transformation |
As Above, So Below |
Working for Inspiration |
The Trap of Projection |
Who Do You Love? |
Tricks & Traps |
The Mechanics of Dreaming |
On Learning to Listen |
Mind Breakers |
The Shifting Image of Identity |
Fact & Fantasy |
What Have We Lost? |
Spiritual Ecology |
Why Work? |
True Compassion |
Silence |
Our State of Mind: The Ring that Binds |
Losing One's Head |
The Path of Becoming |
Principle & Paradox |
Containing Tension |
Movie Madness |
The Gap of Time |
A First Step |
Obvious or Oblivious? |
Mystic Missal Memorial |
Why Don't We Get It? |
What Do You Love? |
The Source of Trouble |
The Paradox of Change |
On Direction |
From Rock 'n' Roll to Silence |
Observing Our Afflictions |
Earnest Seeker or Sleepy Dreamer? |
The Trap of Compensation |
That Which Is Not |
Your Dominant Decision-Making Process |
The True Way of Advaita |
Thinking & Receiving |
The Light of Friendship |
Working with a Group |
The Prayer of Looking |
A Double Edged Sword |
Solitary Spiritual Retreat |
Three Steps to a Working Spiritual Practice |
Working Within |
Grounding |
Gurdjieff |
Intelligent Spontaneity |
The Good, the Bad, and the Innocent |
The Good, the Bad, and the Innocent - Part 2 |
The Ties That Bind |
Something for Nothing |
A Formula for Self Discovery |
The Process of Contracting the Ego |
Small Cyprus: A Photo |
Excerpt from The Listening Attention |
Tree Trunks in Snow: a photo |
Can You Simply Observe? |
Video: The Nothing Dance |
5 Questions for 2015? |
"Connemara National Park" photo |
Movement |
"Moonlit" photo |
"Granby Night, Denver Light" photo |
Facebook Enlightenment |
"Vishnu Temple at Grand Canyon NP" photo |
Nostalgia As Refined Feeling (video clip) |
Freedom? |
Discerning a True Direction: Nostalgia as our Inner GPS |
Bald Eagle (photo) |
The Pump of the Divine |
Camping under the Milky Way (photo) |
The Lure of Far Away (photo) |
April in Hog Canyon, Dinosaur National Monument (photo) |
On Learning to Listen |
Where Are You Headed? (redux) |
Q&A session from an April 2011 TAT presentation (YouTube) |
True Adventure (Instagram) |
What Is Spiritual Action? (YouTube)
Ferriss, Timothy:
"Slow Is Smooth. Smooth is Fast." excerpt from Tools of Titans |
Interview with Marc Andreessen |
Discipline, Sex, Psychedelics, and More (podcast excerpt) |
Fear-Setting: Define your fears instead of your goals |
Mono No Aware
Feynman, Richard:
Way of Thinking | The Cosmological Reality
Fingarette, Herbert:
At 97, he wondered whether he’d been deceiving himself about the meaning of life and death….
Fisher, Carl:
Against Willpower
Fitzgerald, F. Scott:
The test of a first-rate intelligence
Dr. Quantum Visits Flatland
Ford, Henry:
You're Right
Forsthoefel, Andrew:
Excerpt from Walking to Listen: 4,000 Miles Across America, One Story at a Time
Forwell, Gerry:
The Barn's Coming Down |
Foyan, ZenMaster:
The Basis of Awareness |
Look! Look!
Frankl, Victor:
Paradoxical Intention: Laugh at Yourself
Franklin, Ben:
Virtues to Master
Franta, Phil:
Lakeside Lodge at Penn's Scenic View photo |
Inviting Loveseat Bench photo
Frazier, Jan:
What do you want?
Galloway, Scott:
Excerpts from The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
Gallucci, Nick:
Road near Claymont Foundation's Great Barn (Charles Town, WV) photo
Gandhi, Mahatma:
Restraint |
Insignificance & Importance
Gardner, Erle Stanley:
Garmat, Dan:
Bernadette Roberts Retreat |
Benefits and Blocks to Group Work |
Life Teaches: a poem |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Dream: The forgotten history of the Facebook game |
On Conspiracy Theories |
Virtual Podcast? (GoogleNotebookLM)
Gautama, Buddha:
Buddha Said... |
In Shunyata (from the Heart Sutra)
Gegenheimer, Mike:
The Early Teachings of Richard Rose |
Tao Is Self |
And the Student Says to the Master |
Paradigms |
Realization |
Remembering Dan Panchura |
Notes on Between-ness |
"Beyond Feeling" (poem on rapport) |
Success Stories 1-4 (audio excerpts from the first four TAT Talks virtual gatherings) |
What Is Spiritual Action? (YouTube) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Mind Trip (Instagram) |
Non-Dual Debate: Discovering Awareness (YouTube)
Gibson, Prudence:
Pavlov's Plants: Plants can learn from experience
Giordano, :
Auntie Poldi's Natural Koan
Gladwell, Malcolm:
Conclusions vs. Convictions
Goethe, J.W. von:
The Holy Longing |
Gonnella, Gregor:
My Experience Is
Gordon, Steve and Kacandes, Irene:
On Learning How to Die (NPR commentary excerpt)
Gould, Philip:
When I Die: Lessons from the death zone (YouTube video)
Gorvett, Zaria:
Einstein's Quirky Habits
Gosfield, Josh and Sweeney, Camille:
Secret Ingredient for Success
Greeley, Andrew:
Right? (brief monologue from Happy Are the Peace Makers
Greenwood, Phaedra:
"Cloud Cover" water reflection photo |
"Dancing Ship" (photo) with accompanying poem by Shawn Nevins
Gregoire, Carolyn:
10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently
Greyson, Bruce:
"Does Consciousness Need a Brain?" video clip
Griffith, Erin:
Facebook's Biggest Advantage
Gross, Daniel A.:
This Is Your Brain on Silence (Nautilus article)
Gross, Gordon:
Everyday Zen |
Sex and the Sangha |
Robin and the Black Dog
Gubb, Andrew:
A Poem
Gurdjieff, G.I.:
Aphorisms |
Roses and Thorns
H., Andreas:
Dealing With Feeling
H., B:
Self-Definition |
Event Happens (commentary) |
Letter To A Sad, Confused Friend |
H., Colm:
Transition |
A Serene View (photo) |
Placebo Buttons |
The Mind: Friend or Foe? |
Update from the Dublin Self-Inquiry Group |
Hiraeth defintion |
"Longing & Rapport: On Longing" (poem) |
Trading Beliefs (part 1 of 2) |
Trading Beliefs (part 2 of 2)
H., Rex:
"Truth" (poem) |
"Looking to See Me" (poem)
Tired of Speaking Sweetly
Hack, Andreas:
All Fake - a poem
Hakuin Ekaku:
Your Task |
Hakuin's Monkey
Hamoui, Omar:
"The Hand":
Solitary Retreats: Catalysts for Seekers
Harding, Douglas:
Self-Enquiry: Some Objections Answered |
The Nature of the Physical World |
A Jesus for Our Time |
How to Be Happy |
Ramana Maharshi and J. Krishnamurti |
Relying on the Unknown |
How to Surrender |
Prologue to The Little Book of Life and Death |
The Spiritual Path in Pictures |
Being and Doing |
Five Reasons for Looking |
Dark Night of the Soul |
Do Not Go Ungrateful |
In Memoriam: Douglas E. Harding |
Excerpts |
Solving Problems - The Technique of No-Choice |
The Little Book of Life and Death: Review by John Wren-Lewis |
A Jesus for our Time, redux
Harijanto, Ike:
My Journey So Far |
Poems |
A Poem |
Photo: Banda Isles, Indonesia |
Another Conviction Shaken |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Photo: On the slopes of Dieng Plateau, Caldera, Central Java, Indonesia |
Moment of Self-Consciousness (Instagram short) |
Not for Ourselves Alone
Harmon, Gary:
The Sculptor |
Clouds of Consciousness |
Turn Around |
Sincere Inquiry |
Stillness of Presence |
There is only This |
The Narcissism of Words |
A Pathway |
Laugh at the Conjecture |
The Master Game |
The Identity Barrier |
Wake Up |
Form and Emptiness |
Seeking Self-Knowledge |
Tracks |
Seminar Notes |
On Meditation |
Wheel of Manifestations |
Honesty |
Mutual Understanding |
The End is in the Beginning |
Yarn of Acceptance |
Actionless Awareness |
Little Book of Life and Death (book review) |
The Boundless Empty Field |
Self-Knowledge |
Attachment to Attachment |
Prisoners of the Cave |
The Circle Where Nothing Grows |
The Final Step |
That Which Has Value |
Blaming Karma |
Direct Mind Power |
Morning |
Dispassion |
You Can Only Become the Truth |
Work & Spirituality |
The Friend |
Whatever |
Easter Sunday |
Poems |
Musings |
A Relentless Man |
Accomplishment |
Easy to See, Yet Hard to Find |
Memories of Ashram Life with a Zen Master |
The Valley Spirit and the Wind Master |
What ever is to be will be |
There is no other |
Harmon, Linda:
Recipe for Getting REAL |
Presence (Richard Rose memorial)
Hartmann, Franz:
Preface to Magic, White & Black |
Eternal One |
Loving the Truth |
Knowing: Hartmann, Maslow and Pascal quotes |
More Hartmann quotes
Harwood, Bob:
Silence Ends the Search |
Poetry |
Poem - At The Coffee Shop |
Poem - Life is Strange |
Unity Consciousness, The Goal of Many Seekers |
Attending the Actual |
A Fast Path to Non-Abidance |
Deeper than Intellect |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Non-Dual Debate: Knowing What You Are
Hay, Rich:
Who Am I? |
Compassion Can't Be Cultivated
Hayim, Rabbi of Tzanz:
A Hasidic Tale
Heart Sutra:
In Shunyata (from the Heart Sutra)
Hedderman, Paul:
How the word "my" changes everything video |
Serenity Prayer video |
Liberation from the Need to be Liberated video |
Nature of Thought video |
Traveling Lighter with Paul Hedderman video trailer by Poetry in Motion Films
Heidegger, Martin:
A Person Is....
Helminsky, Camille & Kabir:
"Love" from Rumi: Daylight
Hényel, Gábor:
Richard Rose Interview Extracts (video)
Higgins, Kevin:
"I Always Thought I'd Live"
Hill, Isaac:
Song of the Ego - a poem |
O Mountain of Me - a poem |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
The Direct-Mind Experience (review) |
More to Reality Than We Know |
The Role of Magic in Spiritual Seeking
Hill, Napoleon:
On Faith (excerpt from Think and Grow Rich and YouTube video)
Hirsch, Lauren:
Pulse: a poem
Hoffman, Donald:
The Death of SpaceTime & Birth of Conscious Agents (YouTube) |
The Greatest Mystery in the Universe? (YouTube)
Hogenboom, Melissa and Pirak, Pierangelo:
Is Our Future Set in Stone?
Hokusai, Katsushika:
"Irises and a Locust" (painting)
Holbrook, Hal:
NPR story on his life, opening monologue to Wilder’s Our Town, and video clip from Into the Wild
Holiday, Ryan:
The Stoic Art of Not Panicking: Ryan Holiday Speaks to the U.S. Marine Corps (YouTube)
Holloway, Steve:
Compassion as a Virtue
Holmes, Willa:
Milk from Thorns
Hood, Richard:
Lack of Pretension (Richard Rose memorial)
Hotz, Robert Lee:
A Wandering Mind Heads Toward Insight
Howell, Tim:
Can Investigating our Political Leanings Aid our Spiritual Search?
Huang Po:
This Pure Mind
Hughes, Tess:
Discernment |
The Non-Event of No Self with Tess Hughes (video) |
Who I Am, Before Birth, Eternally |
Acceptance-Surrender |
Prayer to me... |
Identification |
Haiku |
On Ego |
Crossing the Bridge |
Meditation |
Message of the Beatitudes |
5 Questions for 2015? |
Bog Oak Sculpture (photo) |
Where Do We Come From.... |
Stonehenge (photo) |
This Above All (book published) |
Interview (by Awakening Together) video |
Our Heart Always Transcends Us |
When you meditate, what constitutes a "good" session? |
Child of God |
Passage entrance at Newgrange (photo) |
Flowers (photo) |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Garden entrance at Birr Castle (photo) |
Daily Life Is the Spiritual Life |
Straight Talk (excerpts from This Above All) |
The Greater or the Lesser Game of Life – Which Choose You? |
Connemara orchid (photo) |
Beyond Self-Esteem: talk excerpt and video |
Y.O.U. |
The Plate |
Testing One’s Beliefs |
Contacting the Inner Child (video) |
Galway Bay (watercolor painting) |
Relationship With Ourselves (Instagram) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Interview by Michael Whitley (YouTube) |
What, in Your Experience, Does It Mean to ‘Fool Yourself’?
Hui Neng:
The Platform Sutra, excerpted
Human Planet:
Humor (link to):
Hunnicutt, Christopher:
Viewing - From the Outskirts of Infinity: A Poem
Street Hypnosis video
I., Mahesh:
"Longing" (poem)
Images of Essence:
"Images of Essence" video trailer
Ingram, Daniel:
Why The Notion That You Cannot Become What You Already Are is Such Bullshit |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses)
J., John:
Responses to last month's E-Mails to a Friend essay
Jaqua, Jake:
The Guy Who Saved My Life (Richard Rose memorial)
Jemison, Mae:
On being in space ("Here & Now" inteview)
Jenkins, Arik:
Virtual Reality, The Fall and Rise of
Jesus to John:
Is There Any Material Universe?
Excerpt from Chângadeva Pâsashtî
Julian of Norwich:
All Shall Be Well
Jung, Carl:
K., Bill:
Vector & Energy Transmutation
K., Patrick:
The Dual Duel |
Healthy Living
Kabat-Zinn, Jon:
What is Mindfulness? (short video)
Songs (XVII and LXXIV)
Kacandes, Irene and Gordon, Steve:
On Learning How to Die (NPR commentary excerpt)
Kahneman, Daniel:
On Intuition et alia ("Hidden Brain" inteview)
Kalar, Tony:
Chance Encounter (Richard Rose memorial)
Kamakawiwoʻole, Israel "IZ":
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" (YouTube)
Kaplan, Sarah:
Excerpts from "The strange story of 'Mr B.'"
Kashdan, Todd and Biswas-Diener, Robert:
"Mindlessness over Mindfulness" from The Upside of Your Dark Side
Kay, Brian:
The Waking Dream
Kayinto, Rob:
All is One |
That's What I Seek
Keane, Meghan:
Good Anxiety (NPR article and podcast)
Keats, John:
Negative Capability
Kelley, Susan:
"Left, Right and Center: Mapping emotion in the brain"
Kent, John:
Richard Rose's Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self
Kermit the Frog:
Rainbow Connection, from The Muppet Movie YouTube)
Kessler, Curtis:
Avoidant Personality Disorder - How I Cured Myself (YouTube)
Khan, Jeremy:
Casual Intensity
Khourey, Louis:
The Voice of the Cathars (Part 1 of 3) |
The Voice of the Cathars (Part 2 of 3) |
The Voice of the Cathars (Part 3 of 3) |
Kierkegaard, Søren:
The Art of Being Alone (YouTube)
Kinsella, Patrick:
The Path to Enlightenment?
Kiyosaki, Robert T.:
"All coins have three sides" (from Why the Rich Are Getting Richer)
Krishnamurti, J.:
Total Revolution |
Water can never
Kushi, Norio:
Recognizing the Human Dilemma (TAT's YouTube channel)
Kwon, Diana:
Our Brain Typically Overlooks This Brilliant Problem-Solving Strategy (Scientific American) article
L., Vince:
Most Important Thing to Do in Life
L'Amour, Louis:
Today is all we have....
Ladder Work:
Selected quotes
Lanza, Robert:
Are Dreams an Extension of Physical Reality? |
Is Death an Illusion?
Free from Desire
Laurence, Carl:
Seeking and Headlessness
Lawrence, D.H.:
Go Deeper than Love |
Deeper than Love
Leaf, Clinton:
Sloppy Thinking Antidote? (from "The Conversation: Bill Gates")
Le Hotz, Robert:
Excerpts from "A Wandering Mind Heads Toward Insight"
Lee, Bruce:
My Definite Chief Aim
Lee, Li-Young:
Become Becoming
Legend of Bagger Vance:
Bagger Vance / Bhagavad Gita
Lennon, John:
Selected quotes
Lepidi, Vince:
Compassion & Dispassion |
The Positive Mood of Loss |
Starting a Self-Inquiry Group |
Self-Definition: The Only Real Problem |
Psychology and Truth
Ama Dablam - Nepal photo
Liberman, Jeff:
Science and Spirituality
Libet, Benjamin:
Free Won't?
Lisa, Peter:
Addicted to Seeking |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Direct-Pointing Movements
The Listening Attention:
Reader Commentary
Livni, Ephrat
Scientists studying psychoactive drugs accidentally proved the self is an illusion.
Lloyd-Owen, Rob
Glimpses Beyond the Other Side of Paradox |
Longing & Rapport: On Longing (poem)
M., Brian:
Longing & Rapport: On Longing (poem)
M., Dan:
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Mackler, Daniel:
The Seeker's Ballad (Youtube clip)
Mad Men:
Nostalgia scene from Mad Men film
Maharshi, Ramana:
Be As You Are: selections |
Practices Become Problems |
Empty Heart |
Leave Liberation Alone |
On Arrogation
Manzotti, Riccardo:
Consciousness: Where Are Words?
Marshall, Bart:
Nothing Is Necessary |
Things Are Not What They Seem |
What Is Realized? |
Last Hours |
What Is God? |
Strategies |
Useless Effort Well Spent |
In Memoriam: Douglas E. Harding |
Transmission |
Sex and the Siddhi |
12 Haiku |
Ultimate Between-ness (Part 1) |
Ultimate Between-ness (Part 2) |
Poems |
2 Haiku |
Yoga Sutras: The Sayings of Patanjali |
The Quotable Rose: Ten One-Liners That Speak Volumes |
Audio: Removing Resistance to Enlightenment |
Quietude |
Make your life a prayer and True Prayer |
Dream-Like Illusion (audio recording) |
Haiku |
Heart Sutra translation |
Sense of Separation |
Raleigh SIG Meeting transcript excerpt
Martinis, Del:
Conceptually Awake
Masefield, John:
The Everlasting Mercy [an excerpt]
Maslow, Abraham:
Knowing What You Want (quote) |
Knowing: Hartmann, Maslow and Pascal quotes
Masters, Edgar Lee:
Faith Matheny
Your Treasure House:
Matthew, Tyler:
The Path to Nirvana and Beyond: A summary of the core teachings of Franklin Merrell-Wolff |
Let Go and Love |
Getting Orientated |
The simplicity of Self (poem) |
Problems as Opportunities: Relax Into It |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
From an Online Self-Inquiry Group Discussion
Maybury, Ian:
Mays, Benjamin E:
"Tragedy of Life" quote and "Only Just a Minute" verse
Max Planck Institute:
Making Music Together Connects Brains
McBroom, Amanda:
How "The Rose" (song written by McBroom) Came to Be
McCall Smith, Alexander:
Things in Themselves
McCully, Ryan:
Man Dies From Poisonous Bite; Brings Back Messages From The Other Side (YouTube NDE)
McGilchrist, Ian:
The Divided Brain (video)
McKennitt, Loreena:
Dark Night of the Soul (music video)
McLaughlin, Dan:
Problems on the Path |
"The Mirror" |
"A Sincere Moment’s Passing" |
"Suchness" (poem) |
Milk from Thorns |
"Beneath the Weighted Sky" (poem}
Mealer, Mace:
A Visit
Medearis, Wil:
Afflictions to the Sense of Self (excerpt from Restoration Heights
Mehta, Phiroz:
The Affirmation and the Promise |
On Fruitive Dying
Merrell-Wolff, Franklin:
BothThought and Feeling |
The Predicament of Buddha |
Seek Me First |
Finding the Way |
Preface to Experience & Philosophy |
Compassion & Love of Truth |
Concerning Asceticism |
Commentaries on the Aphorisms |
Concerning the Spontaneity of the Self |
Search for the Permanent (excerpt from correspondence) |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Induction (group experiment) |
Barriers to Recognition |
Running Commentary Following Gertrude’s Death |
On Paradox
Merton, Thomas:
No Man is an Island - excerpt |
In Silence
Video of a mother inducing a child to sleep
Mickoski, Howdie:
Native Prayers |
Answers |
Falling for Truth (YouTube series of Howdie reading his book) |
The Courage to Face Death (TAT's YouTube channel)
Millay, Edna St. Vincent:
Milo, Ally:
Realization and its Obstacles |
An Art of Unknowing |
An Interactive Exchange
Milton, John:
"On His Blindness"
"God Moving Over the Face of the Waters" video
Monge, Augie:
A Poem
Regarding THE subject at hand |
Evolution of a Poem
Moody, Dr. Raymond:
Shocking Truth of All NDEs (YouTube)
Is Doership a Myth?
Morrison, Judy:
Exploration of THAT
Morwood, Joel:
To Practice or Not to Practice
Some Things I Think are True
Mulder, Rob:
Just do nothing, and it will save your life... (YouTube)
Munn, Heidi:
Bernadette Roberts Retreat |
The "C" Word |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Murphy, Shane:
Encouraged Me to Think (Richard Rose memorial)
Murray, W.H.:
Commitment &
On Commitment
N., Tina:
"Spilling Over" poems |
Journaling |
Q&A with Tina
The Mars Lander’s Final Message (December 19, 2022)
Near Death Experiences:
Penny Wittbrodt's NDE: Nurse Dies and Gets Shown the Truth About Energy and Moments (YouTube) |
Laura Ketchledge's NDE: She Died Horseback Riding (YouTube) |
Life After Suicide: Given a Message for Humanity (YouTube NDE) |
Man Dies From Poisonous Bite; Brings Back Messages From The Other Side (YouTube NDE) |
Shocking Truth of All NDEs (YouTube)
Nelson, Dean:
True Desire |
Mental Traps |
Transition (essay on Paul Brunton's teaching) |
Never Not Here:
Shawn Nevins: Never Not Here Interview
Nevins, Shawn:
Index of Shawn's Poetry |
Urgency & Desperation |
Your Current State |
"Who Am I?" |
Persistence & Self-Honesty |
How Can You Live Life Fully? |
The Field |
Points and Patterns |
The Validity of Love |
On Controlling the Mind |
A Practical Question |
Developing Intuition |
This Shedding |
Things to Do |
Defintions |
Opening a Path |
Two Types of Art |
There is Not Black or White |
Finding Balance |
On the Value of Headlessness |
Energy Accounting |
Progress |
The Use and Abuse of Teachers |
Are You Serious? |
Understanding |
Asceticism |
To Change or Not to Change |
Compromise |
Earnestness |
Plateaus |
Isolation |
Taking a Break |
The Natural Koan |
The Ultimate Career |
Thought Experiment |
Meditation on Creation |
What is Meditation? |
Do What You Say |
What I Don't Know |
Passed Away |
A Koan for Today |
When You Are Done |
Faith and Discovery |
Material for Contemplation |
Is It Too Late? |
Two Baby Goats |
Scale |
First Meeting with Douglas Harding |
Self-Absorbed |
Further Impressions of the Headless Way |
The Black Wall |
Desires |
Falling Before Fear |
Using Time Wisely |
Expressions |
Shoebox |
Summer, 1992 |
The Ego of Seeking |
Quotes & Notes |
Patterns |
Lawn Mowers, Books, and Fire |
The Company You Keep |
Nowhere to Go |
Escape |
The Disease of Non-Dualism |
The Point That Does Not Exist |
Moody Decisions |
What the Bleep? |
Doing and Being (part 1) |
Doing and Being (part 2) |
Fighting & Feeling |
Is My Hair on Fire Yet? |
Is My Hair on Fire Yet? (concluded) |
A Young Soldier Lies Dying |
My Experience with Celibacy |
Giving Up |
The Business of Seeking |
How it will be |
Observations |
The Depth of Not-Doing |
Depression and the Spiritual Search |
Stepping On Our Own Toes |
Contentment |
Shawn Nevins: Never Not Here Interview |
Lazy Inspiration |
The Purpose of Life in 950 Words |
In Defense of the Small |
Two Conceptions |
A Vision of Home for TAT |
Paralyzed Thought |
What You Want |
A New Home for TAT Moves Closer to Reality |
Paradox |
5 Questions for 2015? |
Meditation Thoughts |
Thank you, Dr. Sacks |
"Corners" |
Pink Floyd's "Time" lyrics |
True Life in True Detective |
"Death Relieves You" |
What Will That Avail You, Ozymandias? |
No Mind/No Heart |
Freedom? |
On Plant Consciousness |
Summer, 1992 reprise |
"Subtraction" conscious.tv interview |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Response to last month's I'm Not This Body? essay |
Notes from a Dialectic of Enlightenment: One-day intensive with Adyashanti at the Spirit Rock meditation center - Sept. 2019 |
"You Were Never Here Before" (annotated poem and photo) |
"Ice Ribs" (poem) |
What Really Matters |
The Light of Home |
Richard Rose "shithouse" quote |
Hands-of-life collage |
Rapport |
Black Boxes |
Spiritual First Aid |
"Life Will Be Your Teacher" (YouTube short; Richard Rose quote) |
Is Life a Dream? |
Success Stories 1-4 (audio excerpts from the first four TAT Talks virtual gatherings) |
A Few Good Friends (Instagram) |
Eternity in an Hour |
What Is Spiritual Action? (YouTube) |
Non-Dual Debate: Discovering Awareness (YouTube)
Newberg, Andrew B. and d'Aquili, Eugene:
On Ego
Newport, Cal:
Life Before and After a Zen Monastery
Truly Do We Live on Earth?
Nicholls, Greg:
Silence |
Truth is Emptiness (2)
Nicoll, Maurice:
Excerpts |
Commentary on the Relationship of a Man to Himself
Niebauer, Dan:
Flowers (Richard Rose memorial)
Nisargadatta Maharaj:
Interview of Alex Smith re. Sri. Nisargadatta |
Unfulfilled Desires |
An Acquired Habit |
Selections from I Am That |
Words of Wisdom |
Use Your Mind |
Five Quotes
Norquist, Steven:
There Is No Search |
What is Enlightenment, no, I mean really, like what is it?
Nye, Naomi Shihad:
O'Brien, Conan:
Walking on Air
O'Connor, Flannery:
O'Leary, Patrick:
Nobody Knows It But Me
O'Toole, Susan:
Homebound |
Rowing over to Long Island
Obama, Barack:
President Barack Obama Speaks at John McCain’s Funeral (video)
Olmo, Jesús:
3101 (video)
Oprah talks with Eckhart Tolle
P., Mario:
Becoming Conscious of Awareness |
Heartbreak (poem) |
Genius Takes Effort?
P., Topi:
"The Servant" (poem) |
"Just 4" (poem) |
"Friends" (poem) |
Longing & Rapport: Rapport of Questions (poem)
Packhan, Chris:
Asperger’s And Me (YouTube)
Palmer, Irene:
My Last Identity
Panchura, Dan:
Remembering Dan Panchura, by Mike Gegenheimer and Bob Cergol
Papadopoulos, Chris:
Run & Hide
Parnia, Dr. Sam:
Consciousness After Death video
Pascal, Blaise:
Knowing: Hartmann, Maslow and Pascal quotes
Paulus, Stephen:
The Road Home video and lyrics
Pausch, Randy:
Achieving Your Childhood Dreams Last Lecture (video)
Peace Pilgram:
Peace Pilgrim Documentary |
Peace Pilgrim's 28-Year Walk for 'A Meaningful Way Of Life' (8 minutes) |
Pearl Without Price (Instagram)
The Perennial Way:
Reader Commentary
Pethel, Shawn:
A Poem |
What Scares You? |
Entropy |
Beliefs Point the Way |
Mind Cannot Comprehend Our True Identity (YouTube) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Non-Dual Debate: Knowing What You Are
Peterlla, Bob:
I Can Remember Every Day of My Life (interview)
Picasso, Pablo:
Inspiration Exists....
Piirainen, Topi:
Longing Empowers Change |
What is Enough?
Pink Floyd:
"Time" lyrics
Pink, Daniel H.:
Intellectual Humility (2-minute podcast)
Pirak, Pierangelo and Hogenboom, Melissa:
Is Our Future Set in Stone?
Pirandello, Luigi:
The Remedy? from "A Character's Tragedy"
Love is simply....
Poetry in Motion Films:
"Beyond Mind, Beyond Death" video trailer |
Traveling Lighter with Paul Hedderman video trailer
Polgár, László:
Genius Takes Effort?
Poincaré, Henri:
Quotes on intellect and intuition |
Photo of Poincaré
Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh:
In Your Dreams
Baby and adult brains "sync up" during play
Proust, Marcel:
The questionnaire the Marcel Proust and other famous people have responded to publically.
Pulyan, Alfred:
Truth is a Rabbit |
What Shall I Do When I Meet a Zen Master? |
The Procedure Toward Awakening |
Wisdom & Compassion |
The Penny That Blots Out the Sun |
Visitors from Space |
Reason for Existence |
The World's Ill-Health |
Life's Pretty Forlorn as Some See It |
The Chess Board: Is It Black or White? |
Ego1-Ego2 Incursus (Devices to preserve Egocentricity) |
Pulyan's headstone |
Guru's Satisfaction (from "Awakening Therapy") |
On Consciousness
Pundeer, Anima:
East & West (interview) |
Finding a Teacher |
Finish What You Start |
Spiritual Contentment |
Sex as an Obstacle in Your Search |
5 Questions for 2015? |
Rishikesh (photo) |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Understanding Grief |
Asiatic lily (photo) |
Commitment Issues |
A Letter to My Younger Self |
Getting your house in order: Preparing Relative Mind for the Absolute |
Purpose and Benefit |
Monsoons in Mussoorie |
Interview by Isaac and A.C. (video) |
Promise (poem) |
What I Found (Finder Questionnaire responses) |
Success Stories 1-4 (audio excerpts from the first four TAT Talks virtual gatherings) |
Falling in Love With Truth (YouTube) |
Commitment (Instagram) |
100-Day Challenge |
Non-Dual Debate: Discovering Awareness (YouTube)
Pursuit of Wonder channel:
Who Am I? - The Mysterious Thing You Always Are (YouTube video)
Purvis, Kiffy:
Spiritual Change as Increasing Clarity |
Bernadette Roberts Retreat
Quantum, Dr.:
Dr. Quantum Visits Flatland
R., Ben:
Changing Convictions
R., Gus:
Do I Really Want to Meet Online? |
R., Michael:
The Wisdom to Know the Difference |
Here; Understanding; The Myth of Significance |
Something Eternal |
Afflictions to the Sense of Self |
Commitment? |
Write Something True
R., Sheri:
Antidote to Meaninglessness?
Racine, William:
Upon Reading the July TAT Forum |
An Interactive Exchange |
Reponses to last month's E-Mails to a Friend essay
Rainey, Ben:
The Tired Mind: a poem |
Gatha |
The Scent of Longing: a poem |
Photo of Ben at Oil Creek (PA) State Park, taken by Leah Marmo |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Special—Just Like Everyone Else
Ratnayake, Sahanika:
The Problem of Mindfulness
Ramakrishna, Sri:
Universal Teachings
Reader Commentary (link to):
Rezendes, Paul:
"The Mindful Trackers" (video trailer) |
Inter-Being |
Little Star Light Podcast |
Direct Pointing (YouTube) |
Three Conversations with ChatGPT
Richardson, Jim:
Eliminating the Dysfunctional
Riley, James:
Compassion Is Love
Rilke, Rainer Maria:
The Eight Duino Elegy
Rink, Sherry:
Look Closer |
Surrender |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Roberts, Bernadette:
Silence |
Faith |
The Silent Mind |
From the Experience of No-Self |
Bernadette Roberts Retreat (Heidi Munn, Dan Garmat) |
Bernadette Roberts Retreat (Kiffy Purvis, Doug White |
Silence |
Nonduality as a Definition of Christ |
From No-Self to Nowhere |
Bernadette Roberts Replies (correspondence with Shawn Nevins) |
Why Christ Is Not in Christianity
Robinson, Robin:
Robinson, Shane:
I know that Destiny is Real
Robson, David:
Blindsight: The Strangest Form of Consciousness (BBC article) |
Neuroscience: The man who saw time stand still (BBC article)
Rockey, Sharon:
Asking the Right Questions
Rogers, Pattiann:
Tabula Rasa |
Achieving Perspective - A Poem
Rohr, Richard:
Quote on "The Divine Indwelling" from The Naked Now
Roiser, Jonathan:
How Does the Brain Generate Experience? (from "What Has Neuroscience Ever Done for Us?")
Rose, Cecy:
The Woman's Path
Rose, Richard:
WKSU Interview with (Part 1 of 6) |
WKSU Interview with (Part 2 of 6) |
WKSU Interview with (Part 3 of 6) |
WKSU Interview with (Part 4 of 6) |
WKSU Interview with (Part 5 of 6) |
WKSU Interview with (Part 6 of 6) |
Temptation |
The Apple |
The Mirror |
Tales of Love (Part 1) |
Tales of Love (Part 2) |
Tales of Love (part 3 of 3) |
The Grand Work of the TAT Society (Part 1 of 2) |
The Grand Work of the TAT Society (Part 2 of 2) |
Tweeny Town |
Chasms of the Mind |
Zen and Common Sense (Part 1 of 2) |
Zen and Common Sense (Part 2 of 2) |
Zen and Common Sense (part 3) |
Zen & Common Sense (part 4) |
Zen & Common Sense (part 5) |
Zen & Common Sense (part 6) |
The Mind (part 1) |
The Mind (part 2 of 2) |
Memories of Past and Future: Alfred D'Aliberti |
Memories of Past and Future: Last Act |
Real People |
Attitude |
The Books of the Relative |
Transition |
The Path (part 1) |
The Path (part 2) |
The Path (part 3) |
The Path (part 4) |
The Path (part 5) |
Lecture of Questions (part 1) |
Lecture of Questions (part 2) |
Lecture of Questions (part 3) |
Friendship |
Lecture of Questions (part 4) |
The Simple Truth |
General Aims |
The Pregnant Witch |
Yoga: Hatha, Shabd & Raja |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 1) |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 2) |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 3) |
Six Methods of Perception |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 4) |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 5) |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 6) |
Peace of Mind Despite Success (part 7) |
The Way |
Laws |
Introduction to Franz Hartmann |
The Engineer and the Robot |
Intuition & Reason |
Premises, Conclusions & Techniques |
Pathfinder |
The Threefold Path |
Jacob's Ladder (part 1) |
Jacob's Ladder (part 2) |
Jacob's Ladder (part 3) |
Jacob's Ladder (part 4) |
Jacob's Ladder (part 5) |
The Language of the Soul |
A Part of Thee |
Rustic Retreat (interview) |
Deposition of Conclusions |
Zen, Spiritual Steps & Spiritual Systems (part 1) |
Zen, Spiritual Steps & Spiritual Systems (part 2) |
Zen, Spiritual Steps & Spiritual Systems (part 3) |
Zen, Spiritual Steps & Spiritual Systems (part 4) |
Defining the Truth |
Defining the Truth, Part II |
You have to stop ("Mr. Rose" video trailer) |
Socks - a poem |
Absolute Truth is not absolutely inaccessible |
Premises, Conclusions, and Techniques |
Zen Is Action (part 1) |
Zen Is Action (part 2) |
Zen Is Action (part 3) |
Zen Is Action (part 4) |
Two Notes |
Zen Is Action (part 5) |
Zen Is Action (part 6) |
I Believe You ... You Are Lying |
Contemplating Two Things at One Time |
Thought, No-Thought |
The Path to Truth, or Reality or Essence |
Do All Things for the Sake of a Higher Power |
Zen & Death (part 1) |
Zen & Death (part 2) |
Zen & Death (part 3) |
Zen & Death (part 4) |
Decision, Determination, and Discrimination |
Knowing Oneself (part 1) |
Knowing Oneself (part 2) |
One Day at a Time? |
Knowing Oneself (part 3) |
Brain-Mind Connection? |
Knowing Oneself (part 4) |
Letting Go (Youtube video) |
On the Reaction to Problems, and the Problem of Self-Identification |
Introduction to the Albigen System (part 1) |
Introduction to the Albigen System (part 2) |
Introduction to the Albigen System (part 3) |
Do Not Reach for Enlightenment |
Introduction to the Albigen System (part 4) |
Play |
Introduction to the Albigen System (part 5) |
Visualization (excerpt from the Meditation booklet) |
Early Impressions of Richard Rose in Retrospect, from 1994-95 interviews with students (part 1) |
Early Impressions of Richard Rose in Retrospect, from 1994-95 interviews with students (part 2) |
Early Impressions of Richard Rose in Retrospect, from 1994-95 interviews with students (part 3) |
Miami Theosophical Society Talk – 1985 (part 1) |
Miami Theosophical Society Talk – 1985 (part 2) |
Miami Theosophical Society Talk – 1985 (part 3) |
Miami Theosophical Society Talk – 1985 (part 4) |
Man |
The Golden Find ("I come to you as a man selling air
") |
Willful or Will-less? |
Nostalgia and Dreams Talk – 1978 (part 1) |
Nostalgia and Dreams Talk – 1978 (part 2) |
Contemplating two things at the same time |
Nostalgia and Dreams Talk – 1978 (part 3) |
Nostalgia and Dreams Talk – 1978 (part 4) |
Notes on Between-ness |
Talk at Duquesne University – 1974 (part 1) |
Talk at Duquesne University – 1974 (part 2) |
Talk at Duquesne University – 1974 (part 3) |
The chief feature of the quoter |
Describing enlightenment is meaningless |
Looking between thoughts |
1984 letter to Bob Fergeson |
States of Mind |
General Summary of Blocks |
Laws, Yardsticks, Exaltations (part 1) |
Laws, Yardsticks, Exaltations (part 2) |
Laws, Yardsticks, Exaltations (part 3) |
The Dawn Breaks |
Psychology of the Observer (YouTube audio) |
Six Forms of Perception, from Psychology of the Observer |
Where Did We Come From? |
What Is the Truth? (part 1) |
What Is the Truth? (part 2) |
Futility Is Futile, and other quotes |
Going Within (audio) |
Ways & Means |
Developing the Intuition and Reason |
Notes Written on a Shirt Cardboard Insert |
Relative and Absolute (part 1) |
Relative and Absolute (part 2) |
Relative and Absolute (part 3) |
Relative and Absolute (part 4) |
Jacob's Ladder diagram |
Ashram Code of Agreement |
Buddha Nature |
"I Will Take Leave of You" poem |
Excerpts On Dream Study |
Laws |
Definition of Terms |
Notes from a Winter Intensive |
He Found Meaning, Shares Experience |
Inconsistencies |
"The Mirror" (intro) |
Closing Doors, a brief excerpt from a 1974 talk at Ohio State University |
Mind vs. Higher Awareness |
Defining Yourself / Jacob's Ladder (1976 talk; YouTube) |
Quotes & Notes on Action (part 1 of 2) |
Quotes & Notes on Action (part 2 of 2) |
Chasms of the Mind |
Core Albigen System Principles (part 1 of 3) |
Core Albigen System Principles (part 2 of 3) |
Core Albigen System Principles (part 3 of 3) |
"Between" (poem from Carillon) |
Do You Know What Thought Is? |
Guiding Light of Intuition |
Do all things for the sake of a higher power.... (quote) |
Do all things for the sake of a higher power.... (correspondence the quote came from) |
Where Did We Come From? |
Quotes and Notes from RR Audiotapes: Three Books of the Absolute |
Q&N II: Direct Mind Approach to the Absolute |
Q&N III: Peace of Mind in Spite of Success – Irwin, PA |
Q&N IV: from "Truth, Lies, and Ultimate Reality," "Introduction to the Albigen System," and "Esoteric Library Vol. III" |
Q&N V: from "Peace of Mind in Spite of Success – Oakland, PA" |
Q&N VI: from "Are Your Values Working – Pittsburgh, PA" and "Zen Is Action" |
Q&N VII: from "What is Thought?" "Psychology of Miracles" and "Are You a Robot? – Ohio State University" |
Interview Extracts by Gábor Hényel (video) |
Q&N VIII: from "Are You a Robot? – Baltimore, MD" and "Los Angeles, CA" |
TAT: 50 Years of Spiritual Guidance and Tools For Self-Discovery, by Mike W. |
"Ananda, Cela" poem |
Q&N IX: from "Ohio State University" |
Q&N X: from "Miracles" and "Zen" |
Become Turbulent (Instagram) |
Q&N XI: from "Pyramid Zen Meeting" |
Q&N XII: from "Miscellaneous Meetings" |
Common Denominator of All Seekers (Instagram) |
Notes from a 1982 Winter Intensive (part 1) |
Notes from a 1982 Winter Intensive (part 2) |
Notes from a 1982 Winter Intensive (part 3) |
Notes from a 1982 Winter Intensive (part 4) |
Acceptor vs. Challenger (Instagram) |
Notes from a 1982 Winter Intensive (part 5) |
Definition of Truth |
"The Call" (poem from Carillon) |
The Path to Truth (part 1 of 2) |
The Path to Truth (part 2 of 2) |
The Whole System of Spiritual Realization (Instagram) |
That Isn't the Truth (YouTube short) |
Self-Definition |
Psychology of Zen: Science of Knowing; transcript of a public talk at Ohio State University in 1977 (part 1 of 5) |
Psychology of Zen (part 2 of 5) |
Psychology of Zen (part 3 of 5) |
Have to Fight for Enlightenment (YouTube) |
Psychology of Zen (part 4 of 5) |
Doctoral Thesis on Richard Rose's Teaching |
Psychology of Zen (part 5 of 5) |
Tendency Toward Inertia |
Psychology of Miracles (with Energy Transmutation diagram) |
Where Does Truth Begin? |
Willful or Will-Less?
Rose, Richard:
In Memoriam
Rose, Tatia:
Dear Father
Who Says Words with My Mouth? |
Rumi read by Coleman Barks |
I honor those who try.... |
I said Oh No! and Eat me like candy |
I brought you a mirror |
Rumi, Pay Homage |
Longing Is the Core of the Mystery |
Inner Wakefulness |
Love Is a Tree with
No Trunk |
Stand Firm in that Which You Are |
The One Thing
Russell, Bertrand:
What Makes a Fulfilling Life |
Beliefs vs. Truth |
Comfort vs. Truth
Russell, Peter:
The Primacy of Consciousness (video)
Ryan, William:
I Am Grey Eyes excerpt about Seminole leader Grey Eyes
S., Alex:
I Am the Doer … Aren’t I?
S., Brett:
Top Ten Rap Songs For the Spiritual Seeker |
The Plan |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
To Do or Not to Do? |
Reactions to "Desperado" |
My Grandfather |
Seeker Story |
Reality Yardstick |
My Life Story (blank verse) |
Doubting Intuition |
Selected John Lennon quotes |
Acceptance |
Response to "Everything You Believe is Wrong!" |
What Will Make Me Happy? |
About the Rainbow Connection |
Spiritual Songs – Desperado pt. 2 |
Current Mood or Conviction State
S., Danny:
Looking Back (at life on the Richard Rose ashram)
S., Kevin:
Will and Choice?
S., P.:
The Permanence not me
S., Steve:
"Lost" (poem)
Sachs, David:
Nowhere & Everywhere (NPR interview)
Sacks, Oliver:
Video of a neurology patient |
NPR retrospective tribute |
Thank you, Dr. Sacks by Shawn Nevins |
The Graces |
Carving One's Own Destiny
Most Unfortunate Way to Die?
Sadony, Joseph:
You Cannot Shape the Truth |
I wanted the truth
Sagan, Carl:
The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean
Saint Augustine:
Samantha Wills Foundation:
Holly's Last Letter
Samuel, William:
The Account of an Awakening |
Detachment from Feeling |
Excerpts |
The Cathedral Illustration |
Induction Talk |
The Divine Discontent |
2+2 = Reality |
One Heart (podcast) |
The Child Within |
The Film of Experience |
Sanai, Sakim:
"Bring All of Yourself to His Door": a poem
"Peace": a poem
Two Excerpts
Santelli, Adam:
S73 video
Saunders, Heather:
Find Out for Yourself |
Two Poems |
A Poem |
A Poem |
My Palliative Guru |
Spiritual Care Plan |
Haiku |
Listening Point photo |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression
Schibbelhute, Joel:
Thoughts on not thinking
Schmidt, Paul:
Master Storyteller (Richard Rose memorial) |
"Switzerland of the Rockies": Uncompahgre Gorge, Ouray, CO (photo)
"Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Feelings" (video)
Schopenhauer, Arthur:
Reading Ourselves Stupid?
Schulz, Kathryn:
"When Things Go Missing"
Schwantes, Marcel:
Schwartz, Jeffrey, MD:
Rewiring the Brain? (YouTube video)
Schwartz, L:
"End of Story" (poem)
Scoma, David:
The Tantric Distraction |
Interdependence |
The Checklist-Introduction [referencing Richard Rose] |
Willing |
Crossing the Line & The Greatest Grace |
The Flatscreen |
Scorelle, Mark:
Short Path/Long Path: Teachings of Paul Brunton
Seabright, Mark:
On/Off, Waking/Sleeping |
I'm Not This Body?
Segal, Suzanne:
Nothing Is Given Up
Seidelin, Tune:
Two Poems
Self-inquiry, email groups:
Heart Readings
Sendak, Maurice:
Illustration for Ruth Krauss's
Open House for Butterflies
Seneca, Lucius:
4 Quotes from "On Shortness of Life"
Seth, Anil:
Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality (TED talk)
Shackleton, Ernest:
Invitation to Adventure
Shankaracharya, Adi:
Freedom While Alive
Shatner, William:
William Shatner Moved to Tears by Space Launch With Blue Origin
Sheldrake, Rupert:
Exposing Scientific Dogmas: Banned TED Talk (YouTube)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe:
Skenderis, Kostas:
"Reality an Illusion?"
Sickerott, Rachelle:
"Divinity Is Upon You" poem
Sidon, Weslea:
"I Keep Losing Things"
Sierra, Pete:
The Emerald Scarab
Simpson, Sturgill:
"Brace For Impact (Live A Little)" video
Sloman, Steven and Fernbach, Philip:
"Individual Thinking?" From The Knowledge Illusion
Smith, , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
Glacier and Hiker (photo)
Smither, Chris:
"Leave the Light On" (song)
Smolin, Lee:
Space: The Final Illusion (Scientific American article)
Soehnlen, David:
A Letter
Solid Ground of Being:
Reader Commentary
Solow, Victor:
I Died at 10:52 A.M.
Sotloff, Steven:
Everyone Has Two Lives
Spira, Rupert:
Why am I not Enlightened Yet with Rupert Spira |
Excerpt from "The New Science of Consciousness" video, and request for feedback
Spoon, The:
The Naked Soul
Stanford, Nigel:
CYMATICS: Science vs. Music (video)
Steenbarger, Brett:
Teamwork à la Gurdjieff
Stine, Tom:
I Wasn't Joking: You Really Can't Sit Too Much |
Shortcuts on the Spiritual Journey #36
Reader Commentary
Suhor, Charles:
Dogma, Karma, No Regrets
Suzuki Shōsan:
Something to Post on the Wall?
Sweeney, Camille and Gosfield, Josh:
Secret Ingredient for Success
Szymborska, Wislawa:
Nothing's a Gift
Tabrizi, Shams-i:
Takacs, Istvan:
Photo inside Boldogkö Castle, Hungary
Talbot, Michael:
Holographic Universe excerpt
Tasc, Uma:
The Question
Fractal Wrongness: quote from Jesse Sheidlower; phrase from Keunwoo Lee
TAT Conference:
Just Be Honest: a YouTube video trailer from the April 2006 TAT gathering
TAT Forum:
A collection of Forum readers' favorite songs (videos)
Taylor, James:
An Unexpected Spiritual Teacher (Oprah's Master Class video)
Taylor, Robin:
Flame tree (against brick building in Mali (photo)
TH, Rob:
Longing & Rapport: On Longing (poem)
Tharpe, Sister Rosetta:
"Precious Memories" (video)
"How's Your Life Plan?
This Above All:
Reader Commentary
Think like a Mountain, Be Melting Snow?:
Thomas, Devin:
Something That Stirs
What’s something I wouldn’t believe about you? (Strangers Answer; YouTube)
Thoreau, Henry David:
Light or Darkness
Ticknor, Art:
The Will to Resist |
Muddled Mind Sonnet |
Acrostic |
Buddha's Turning Point |
Do Not Fear the Darkness |
Critical Path to Nirvana |
Last Supper |
Nirvana Project Management |
Home Base |
Always Right Behind You |
Is Psychological Change Necessary? |
Pursuit of Relentless Love |
Man to God |
Complications & Sticking Points |
The Ego |
O Come All Ye Faithful |
Impressions |
Rapport |
Innermost Longing |
First Know Thyself |
This Camera |
Everything Will Be Okay |
Find your Highest Opposition |
Pass It On |
Crossing over the Bridge |
Hearing |
What Do You Really Want? |
Call & Response |
Feed Before You Eat |
I Have Never Left You |
Something & Nothing |
Nothing & Everything |
Are You a Person? |
Struggling Blindly |
Number Our Days |
Meditation: What Is It? |
What of Me Will Remain? |
Our Purpose |
Meeting Richard Rose: 1978 (part 1) |
Heaven |
Meeting Richard Rose: 1978 (part 2) |
Rabbit-Proof Fence |
What Is Action? |
Gender & the Denial of Death |
Richard Rose on Controlling the Mind |
The Cosmic Egg & the Sense of Self |
Is What You See Real? |
Three Questions |
In Memoriam: Douglas E. Harding |
Progression |
The Problem's not in the Transmission |
Of Goats and Gates |
Pride & Precipice |
Inspiration, Intention & Commitment |
True Love |
How Is It Possible? |
The Light Bulb |
When I Finally Became Serious |
Disinformation |
Beyond Bliss |
Where is Permanence? |
Acceptance and Surrender |
The Final Hour |
Why do Seekers of Truth Fail? |
Paean to Group Work |
Becoming Your Own Authority |
A Poem |
Breaking Through Beliefs |
Why Do You...? |
Your Strategy |
Thinking about Thinking |
All You Need to Do |
Mirror Therapy |
Inspiration |
Becoming Unstuck |
"Petition": A Poem |
Asking Ourselves out of Depression |
Work, Watch, Wait |
Magnetoresistance & the Search for Self |
Is the World an Illusion? |
The Bellows: a poem |
Look at Awareness |
Our one father |
Excerpt from the book Beyond Relativity |
Longing |
Struggling to Open - excerpt from Beyond Relativity |
Existential suffering ends.... |
"Where's the Boundary?" |
"The Final Hour" |
A Cosmos of Confusion |
Freedom? |
Transcending the Mind |
Marks of Enlightenment? (discussion) |
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Response to last month's I'm Not This Body? essay |
Life Is like a Flame |
Eternal Perfection |
Going on the Offensive (TAT's YouTube channel) |
A Part of Thee |
Memorable Reflections |
Substantiality vs. Ponderability |
1-2-3 (Instagram) |
"Solid Ground of Being" conscious.tv interview (YouTube) |
Success Stories 1-4 (audio excerpts from the first four TAT Talks virtual gatherings) |
Love as Our Source? (Amanda McBroom poem "The Rose") |
Lovable? Is This Your Life? (Reddit video) |
Advice to the seeker of Self (Instagram) |
What Is Spiritual Action? (YouTube) |
ChatGPT Critique
Ticknor, Christopher:
Cliffs of Moher (photo)
Tolle, Eckhart:
Oprah talks with Eckhart Tolle |
The Power of Now and the End of Suffering
Torrence, David:
Becoming a Man
Traherne, Thomas:
His Name is Now (including an animated YouTube clip)
Tran, Jonathan:
"Inspiration Frustrations": A Poem
Traversa, Eddie:
Uncovering the Hidden Shadow Aspects of You |
Uber Dream Analysis |
Negating Patterns |
The Probability of Enlightenment |
Between-ness: A Guide to Creating Magic in Life |
Your Mind: Friend or Foe? |
The Negative Process
Traversa, Eddie:
In Memoriam
Tupy, Marian L:
Things Are Getting Better, So Why Are We All So Gloomy?
Turner, Brian:
Deep-Down Scared excerpts from My Life as a Foreign Country
Twain, Mark:
Twenty years from now |
"shoals of fools" quote
U. of Bath (UK):
Creative Rewards of Profound Boredom (research paper by Dr Hill, Professor Pierre McDonagh of the University of Bath, and Dr Stephen Murphy and Amanda Flaherty from Trinity College, Dublin)
Man & Moon (photo)
Urban, Tim:
What Makes You You? (WaitButWhy.com link)
USA Today:
Nice Work If You Can Get It
van de Wettering, Janwillem:
Sadguru (dialogue)
Van Pelt, Kate:
"Something Says"
Group Work Nuggets
Vedder, Eddie:
Into the Wild - Rise video
Verena Gorge:
Hermitage and church, Solothurn, Switzerland photo
Very, Jones:
Soul Sickness
Golem by Patrick Mccue and Tobias Wiesner |
Together We Will Live Forever by Clint Mansell |
To Be by John Weldon |
Amongst White Clouds by Edward A. Burger |
Choros by Michael Langan & Terah Maher |
Happy Little Clouds by Bob Ross (Remixed) |
Walk a Different Direction by Vernon Howard |
Mister Rose |
Louis C.K. Hates Cell Phones |
The Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson |
Gaelic Blessing by Libera |
Love and Death by Woody Allen |
Gretna Green Starling Murmurations |
Explosions by Christopher Frey
Vidyarthi, Sunil K.:
A Poem |
Nature of Thought |
Meditation |
The Hole Within
Vissac, Thierry:
What is Love?
VR, Jeroen:
Longing & Rapport: On Longing (poem)
W., Chuck:
Dexter (photo) |
Posutinia (photo)
W., Leesa:
Remembrance of Jeff Crilley & Contemplation of Depression |
Suffering Is Missing |
Response to last month's I'm Not This Body? essay |
February sunset from Anna Maria Island, FL |
Effort vs. No Effort |
Response to last month's Getting Orientated essay |
The Trouble Is
Wade, Robert:
"Wildflowers" poem
Wallace, Karen:
Math Riddle
Ware, Bronnie:
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
Wargo, Eric:
Watts, Alan
On Depression (video)
Wearing, Clive:
Clive Wearing: A case of extreme amnesia
Weimer, David:
Pieces from my Road |
An Appropriate Gesture |
Poems |
A Poem |
A Poem |
21 Things that I Wish I had Told Myself when I was Younger |
All of Me |
a poem |
My Three Women |
A Short Story: Relatively Speaking |
I Knew That There Was Something Really Wrong - a poem |
Book Review: The Haunted Universe |
The Best Gift |
What questions would I ask of anyone who was enlightened? |
Reverse-order Q&A |
Correspondence between Ohio and Connecticut |
A Poem |
Portrait of a Seeker - upcoming book excerpt |
Group Work |
Book Excerpt - A Handyman's Common Sense Guide to Spiritual Seeking |
The Disintegration of Me |
Two Poems
Wells, H.G.:
The Door in the Wall
Wennstrom, Jerry:
Interview of artist Jerry Wennstrom |
Excerpt from The Inspired Heart |
Trust the Unnknowing (YouTube)
West, Mae:
Mae West on Sex
Westmoreland, Deborah:
under the bamboo: a poem |
The Last Unraveling: a poem |
Four Hundred and Forty Beats Per Second: a poem |
White, Doug:
Bernadette Roberts Retreat |
An Encounter with Tony Parsons
Whitely, Mike:
House on Fire: Urgency on the Spiritual Path |
Postscript to House on Fire |
The Baby and the Actor
Whitman, Walt:
Whoever You Are, Holding Me Now in Hand video
Whitmire, Thomas:
A Song of Parting |
A Poem |
The Unknown You: A Poem
Whittier, John Greenleaf (attributed to):
"When Things Go Wrong"
Whyte, David:
All the True Vows |
On Friendship |
Total Honesty (video with David Whyte quotes)
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler:
Wilder, Thorton:
Hal Holbrook's opening monologue to Wilder’s Our Town, "a drama that has been performed more than any other play in the history of American theater"
Williams, Greg:
Singing Mice (NYU research article and YouTube clip)
Wilson, Colin:
Excerpt from G.I. Gurdjieff: The War Against Sleep
Winfrey, Oprah:
An Unexpected Spiritual Teacher: James Taylor (video)
Wizard of Oz:
Home Is Knowing
Woodyard, Vicki:
Reflections (Paradox, There Is Only Everything)
Wren-Lewis, John:
A Terrible Beauty |
Unblocking a Malfunction in Consciousness |
Guru Poem |
The Darkness of God (part 1) |
The Darkness of God (part 2) |
Joy Without a Cause |
Review of Douglas Harding's The Little Book of Life and Death |
The Dazzling Dark: An Interview with John Wren-Lewis
Wright, James:
Today I Was Happy
Wright, Wyatt:
You Can't Hide from Yourself in Others |
Form is Emptiness
Yoda teaches Luke Skywalker the Force
Yorimasa, Mimamoto no:
Death Poem
Young, Scott:
Freudian Flip |
How to Enjoy Studying
Yousuf, Saima:
Waves of Love
Zen Surfer's Quest:
"Saltwater Buddha" Documentary Short
Zetty, Metta:
Awakening into Awareness (part 1) |
Awakening into Awareness (part 2) |
Awakening into Awareness (part 3) |
Awakening into Awareness (part 4)
Great Dream
Zoo Fence:
Do We Have to Give up S-E-X? |
Gender & The Spiritual Search |
Gender & The Spiritual Search
Zucker, James:
How Do You Know You're Real?
Zydek, Fredrick:
Praying Our Way Through Doubt