Enjoy the TAT Forum? You can now own an anthology of some of the best essays,
poems, and humor from 77 issues. Selected by readers like you, this collection
is enhanced with photography from Bob Fergeson, Shawn Nevins,
and others.
Order Beyond Mind, Beyond Death
at Amazon.com
Zen Crossword |
Bro. Theo looking for Self |
Market Forecasting |
Bro. Theo on Predestination |
Plato and Aristotle (by Steve Harnish) |
Bro. Theo "I am not a body" |
Smile (W.C. Fields) |
Responsibility (Ambrose Bierce) |
Loch Ness therapy |
Great Faith in Fools (E.A. Poe) |
Endeavor (Chris Madden) |
Grass Looks Greener (Selig) |
Pepper and Salt cartoon |
Land of Wise Men (Chris Madden) |
Sattvic humor from www.sivananda.org |
The joke's on Lin-Chi |
Finding his True Self (Chris Madden) |
Mae West |
Miss Piggy |
On Fools: Lincoln, Mark Twain, Anonymous |
Zen Comedy Club |
Religion of Cowardice (Shaw) |
Relativity (Einstein) |
Births & Funerals (Twain) |
Philosophical Neighbor |
When Caught between Two Evils (Mae West) |
When the End of the World Comes (Mark Twain) |
Free of All Prejudices (W.C. Fields) |
Beds of Nails |
Treat Children as Adults |
Success Formula (Einstein) |
From There to Here (Dr. Seuss) |
Baiting the Baiter (Chris Madden) |
Some Say the World Will End in Fire (Robert Frost) |
Skiing (Chris Madden) |
Love Involves (Diane Arbus) |
Key to a Successful Marriage (Warren Buffett) |
If Love is the Answer (Lily Tomlin) |
Free to Good Home |
George Carlin quips |
Forgot My Passwords |
Infinity (Einstein) |
Driven to Drink (WC Fields) |
Novocain Refusal (Dzogchenpas) |
"Dear IRS" from Snoopy |
Know Yourself (Ann Landers) |
Stress (anon.) |
Shielding Men from their Folly (Herbert Spencer) |
Stress Management |
Beethoven Gravesite |
Pumpkin Geometry |
Thought pun, creation pun (John B.) |
My Principles (Groucho Marks) |
Doctor's Office Plants (Billy Crystal) |
A Sobering Thought (Woody Allen) |
What the Old Priest had Learned (Andre Malraux) |
Buddha Baby (photo) |
Frisbeetarianism |
Gandhi on Modern Civilization |
Robot Wiring |
Adversity (Samuel Johnson) |
Donkey Cart |
One Thing's for Certain |
Definitions: Seeker; Advanced Seeker |
Wine (Ben Franklin) |
Heroism (Zell Miller) |
Teamwork (Sangha) |
Success |
Always About You |
Rank & File (Einstein) |
Temptation |
Knowledge & Money |
Lotus-guru (Johnny Hart) |
Hokey Pokey (à la Shakespeare) |
Optical Illusion? |
Guru Poem (John Wren-Lewis) |
(Yogi Berra, James Thurber, Woody Allen); double-decker |
Evolution |
Female Longevity |
Meaning of Life |
Thorny Humor |
Western Challenge |
Buckle Up |
Mental Health Hotline |
One of Those Days |
Meaning of Life (Monty Python) |
On Government (Ronald Reagan, Will Rogers, Mark Twain) & Self-Government (Gandhi) |
One-Liners by Stephen Wright |
In the Bleachers (Steve Moore) |
Notable Quotables on Golf |
Religious Practice (Kurt Vonnegut) |
Tail-Chaser |
Churchill Wit |
Point of View |
Yogisms (Yogi Berra) |
Irony (Anatole France, Dolly Parton, H.L. Mencken, Rita Rudner, Artemus Ward, Woody Allen |
Mark Twain at 70 |
Wet and Dry (Jim and Edna....) |
What Does God Look Like? |
Where's the Ladle? |
Out of My Mind (Vicki Woodyard) |
Birth is thus... (Dahui) |
If a man says something... |
Consciousness - an animation of spirit |
A guy joins a monastery... |
Men and melons.... (Ben Franklin) |
Hey, Buddy.... |
It will pass |
Tombstones |
A young swordsman.... |
A perfectly wonderful evening.... |
The Dualist's Lament |
What if everything is an illusion.... |
Upon Hearing One Too Many Spiritual Cliches |
Quoting Einstein |
Gauguin on stupidity |
I have never killed a man.... |
...the need for illusion |
Traveler and Farmer |
Rumi humor |
Einstein's religion |
Woody Allen one-liners |
Lily Tomlin: I always wanted to be somebody.... |
The illusion of life cartoon |
Mark Twain: ...looking like an envelope |
Video - A Homeopathic Emergency |
Just Give Up |
Sheeple |
What the hell is water? |
Puppetji speaks: Who am I? |
A looper for the Dalai Lama |
Mark Twain: ...I have suffered |
Ornery Donkeys |
...mental institution of the universe |
The Zen of Sarcasm |
Mark Twain, Stephen Bishop, and Henny Youngman on relationships |
Sahlins, Bright and Wilde |
If this is the American Dream.... |
Hey Waiter... There's God in My Soup! |
God is an Atheist, by N. Nosirrah: an Enlightenment Dudes book review |
A mile in someone else's moccasins |
Brian Kiley, Emo Philips, and Woody Allen |
It's nice to be nice.... |
You hate your job? |
Seriousness is stupidity.... |
Play... Work... Die |
Fractal Wrongness |
Do not argue with an idiot... |
"Detected" by Ambrose Bierce |
Pagnol, Woody Allen and Sacha Guitry |
If you tell the truth... |
Human level intelligence... |
Absolute and Relative Confusion |
I met a man who wasn't there |
Kermit's horrible truth |
Peanut's power |
There is no humor |
"Yoga" from Stuff White People Like |
Pink Panther teaches Non-Duality |
The name of that restaurant.... |
Fractals |
"I need to pee" Haiku |
The Summation of Me |
Curious George Meets His End |
Confessional Box |
Amnesia cheat sheet |
Stealing bikes |
Philosophers' Strike |
Learning to Swim |
Was that today? |
Motivational Speakers graveyard |
Cheese and Crackers |
Your own thoughts |
If I agreed with you |
Creationist Cosmos |
The daydreaming room |
Jesus |
Taking all this too seriously |
Can I help you? |
Portuguese Proverb |
Ukrainian Proverb |
Facial Expressions |
Robert Benchley quips |
"An Old Has-Been" poem by Judith A. Davis |
Accompanying photo by Francie Ivy |
The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers (A Riff on Ego?) by A.A. Milne |
The Next Nonduality Book Title |
The Narcissist Test, by Doug Savage |
Lemur Meditation retreat? |
Life in the Punitentiary |
Man's Best Friend (by Groucho Marx) |
Tombstone Wit |
Yogi Berra's Observation |
"So Freakin' Enlightened" cartoon by Mark Stivers |
You're Quipping |
Say what? Basset hound communication |
The only thing that stands between me and happiness |
Paronomasia |
A feline twist on Harding's tube experiment |
An anecdote from The Dog Who Came in from the Cold by Alexander McCall Smith |
Zen Rattle |
Meditating Frog Zen master painting |
The Man Who Wasn't There |
Crossroads Confusion |
More Old Tombstone Wit |
"Cereal Killer" by Paul Constant |
"How to Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps" (Youtube video) |
If You Fear Change |
Haiku Humor |
Truth is like poetry
. |
Silver torch cactus (photo) |
Mabutsu haiku humor (or irritation?) |
Bumper Stickers & Film Funnies |
What do you get when you cross a dog with a frog? by R.L. Stein |
Seen on a Dublin, Ireland bathroom wall by an observant TAT member |
Gingerbread Man cartoon from Cyanide and Happiness © Explosm.net |
Seen on a church sign: "God
on vacation and
." |
Excerpts from Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why by Scott Weens |
"Knock, and the door shall be open(ed)" cartoon by Nick Gallucci |
"The Teacher" from Ardvark The Aardvark by Eric Skiff |
Ambiguities & Indiosyncrasies |
"Fetch" cartoon by Nick Gallucci |
"Negative Thinking" by Svend Brinkmann |
"Well, That Didn't Work" |
More Philosophy of Ambiguity |
Bear Attack Tip |
About Me Not Listening |
More Bumper Stickers |
A Pain in the Neck |
When Nothing Goes Right |
Applauding the Teacher |
Anything that's worth doing.
Captivating Teacher |
Time & Flies |
Surprising the Taxi Driver |
I want to live my next life backwards |
Watch Where You're Going |
Anagrams |
Hole in the Chest |
Wedding Toast |
How I Spend Money |
Number One Fear |
Living in the Present |
Quips by Robert Frost, a Buddhist monk, and Voltaire |
Motivation |
More quips |
Feudalism |
Terry Pratchett quotes |
A Giraffe's Coffee |
vignettes: Desmond Tutu, a 4-year-old boy at church, and a little girl at a wedding |
pilot's lounge sign |
Big D's first AA meeting! |
If you don't think too good
. |
I'm not lost
. |
Open Sesame! |
3 quips by Terry Pratchett |
Difficult for others |
Siddhartha Claus is coming to town! |
sniglets |
Just Challah |
Discipline |
Wizdums |
Bistro sign |
Caution: Low-Flying Aircraft |
For Those Who Enjoy Language (or Severe Distortions Thereof) |
Free from Desire (Bizarro) |
Help Me Haiku |
Wittyschisms |
Smooth Transition |
Interest-Free Checking |
Ynnuf |
Teacher |
Ups & Downs |
Rumpole & Friends |
Wine of the Month |
Do Not Flush |
New Proverbs |
Farmyard Relaxation |
Zany [of Wise & Zany] |
I Want to Live My Next Life Backwards |
A Massive Pain in the
Bob Newhart skit "Stop It!" |
Prayer of Petition |
Appointment with the Psychiatrist |
Universal Connection |
Be the Reason |
Applauding the Teacher |
Zen Koan |
Let Us Pray |
The Ego in Our Heads |
Detachment |
More For Those Who Enjoy Language (or Severe Distortions Thereof) |
Galumphing |
Stairway to Heaven |
Frequent Flyers |
Which Way Should I Go? |
Resistance Is Futile |
Sniglets II |
Five Tips for a Woman |
Henri 9 – "Blight of Spring" |
Marriage I |
Reincarnation Disappointment |
Angry? |
Badinage |
Why They Call It ICU |
Addiction |
Lexophilic Laughs |
Headless Handwash |
Reality Goggles |
An I for an I |
What Am I? |
Easily Entertained |
Terry Pratchett: Outside the Box |
Guru U |
Cell Phones |
Four Worms and a Lesson |
Vintage Humor |
Missing |
Gandhi and Professor Peters |
Hitchhiker |
I Forgot |
The Stock Market Keeps Rising Despite COVID. Is It Nuts? |
Cremation |
I Asked My Wife |
Salary Negotiation |
Just Saying |
Motivation |
A Message for the Moon |
Also? |
Who's a Good Boy? |
Arrogance Rewarded |
Zen Birthday Card |
Everything Is Nothing |
Hanging from a Tree Limb |
Guardian Angel |
Forgiveness |
"Be Careful What You Wish For" |
Hereafter |
Man Who Orders Three Beers |
Wit from Winston Churchill, redux |
TED Talk Takeoff |
How Enlightened Are You? |
Reality is an illusion, but.... |
Reformed Buddhists |
Genealogy |
Event Happens |
Egalitarian |
Marshmallow Test |
Comfort Zone |
Old Farmer's Advice |
Where's Waldo? (Zen version) |
Don't Read Jed McKenna! |
Facebook Nobody |
Talking Dog for Sale |
Meaningless |
Stuff-a-Feeling |
Wit and Wisdom |
Ashram Ad |
Dharmatologist |
Accidental |
Transcendental? |
Clear your Cache |
Local News Headlines |
Wrong Number |
Path to Nothingness? |
New Year's Eve |
Love's Message |
Saint Almost |
Click This Link |
What's Your Spiritual Book Title? |
Experience Playfulness |
Uptown (Bizarro) |
Outside the Box |
Puzzle of the Week |
Angry Pirate? |
Five Rules to Remember in Life |
Thinking Caps |
Dogs in a Bar? |
How to Adult |
Atoms |
Experience Playfulness II |
Reliable News Source |
Cellphone Evolution |
The Truth |
Sisyphus on Vacation |
Gogo |
Planck Before & After |
Air & Space Museum |
Nothing Is Impossible |
Experience Playfulness III |
Embrace Your Mistakes |
Ambiguities III |
Bugs' Bonnets (video) |
Yo' Momma Contest |
Zen Pencils |
Tombstone Wit III |
Old Souls |
When a Door Closes |
Experience Playfulness IV |
Conflict in Literature |
Existence |
Let's See |
Ambiguities IV |
Time a Delusion |
Bunburying |
Gist of Enlightenment |
That Damn Stick! |
Generation Gap |
Control Yourself |
I'm Enlightened! |
An Old Lady and a Conductor |
Show Me a Sane Man |
Exercise? |
Please Don't Ask Me |
What Will Make Me Happy? |
Extroverted |
Relief |
Unobservant |
Nothingness |
I Am Nothing! |
Warning Signs |
Honesty |
Fave Way to Online Shop |
Before Yelp |
Weight of Thought |
Last Words |
The Wisdom of Doing Nothing |
Happy Halloween |
Less Condescending |
Prisoners |
Robot Incident |
In yoga pants grace (a haiku) |
Séance |
12 Days of Seeking |
7 Years of Not Seeing |
Best Friend |
TAT vs. T.A.T. |
Bunburying (Oscar Wilde) |
Chaos (Terry Pratchett) |
Sticks & Stones |
Fictitious |
Do Trousers Matter? |
Hand Washing |
Sniglets II |
Hey, How’ve You Been? |
American Meme |
Investment Advice |
Secrets |
My Dog After Eating My Philosophy Book |
Just Two Words |
No Self |
Grape to Raisin |
Why Are You So Afraid of What You Want? |
Complexity |
Obvious Definitions |
Called Home? |
Proverbial Largesse |
Low-Tech Gifts |
ChatGPT Mimicking a Certain Personality “talking about zen master richard rose’s albigen system” |
Life Pace |
What’s a Htub? |
Wise and Foolish? |
The Speeder |
That's Me? |
Definitions? |
Irish Award (TikTok) |
Aware |
Under-Door Message |
A New Monk |
Milk from Thorns |
What Makes Us Human? |
Just Some Guy |
Resistance is Futile |
No-Self Application |
Born With a Hole in the Chest? |
Epitaphs for the Living. (What’s Yours?) |
Easily Entertained? |
Time Flies |
Loch Ness Atheist |
Disappearing Ink