This Month's Contents: Haiku by Bart Marshall | Haiku by Deborah Westmoreland | Rumi Poem translated by Coleman Barks | Haiku and Poetry by Ryokan | Haiku by Robin Roberts | Haiku by Gerry Forwell | Haiku by Anonymous | Heart Sutra translated by Bart Marshall | Haiku by G.G. | Haiku by Tess Hughes | Haiku by Shawn Nevins | Quotes | Humor | Question of the Month |
  A Forum filled with Haiku and poetry.   Allow the words to slip past the mind and be heard with your body.   Recite the Heart Sutra as though from your deathbed.   Fall into Rumi's ecstasy.   Enjoy. |
The locust tree that breaks my ax ~
Unending fear, lust, ~
Empty mind, ~
Not knowing who you are,
~ Bart Marshall |
From the beginning of my life
Today I have seen
Today I have found you
I am bewildered by the magnificence
My heart has burned with passion
I am ashamed
Your fragrant breath
You have breathed new life into me
My soul is screaming in ecstasy
Your effulgence
My arrow of love
~ Rumi |
The thief left it behind: ~
How can I possibly sleep ~
Too lazy to be ambitious, ~
In the stillness by the empty window
Meditation Hall
Rain taps the hut roof. ~
The pump handle moans ~
My old leather shoes
~ Gerry Forwell |
No heaven, no hell
The Bodhisattva of Compassion,
Thus he was freed from anguish and suffering.
He said:
All appearances are emptiness-
There is only emptiness.
No form, sensation, perception, volition, or consciousness.
There is neither ignorance nor the absence of ignorance.
There is nothing to attain.
The Bodhisattva abides in the Absolute,
All Buddhas, past, present, and future, teach one Way.
Therefore, live this great mantra:
[Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone beyond beyond
The stars are singing
~ G.G. |
  The pot: three legs it stands on,
~ Tess Hughes |
Littering the trail ~
Yellow, purple, pink ~
Quick hands:
Quotes...."Facing the unknown takes a lot of personal quiet and divorcement from the world around you. I studied this very carefully. It is the bridge between the inner and outer man."
~Jim Burns
I wake, reluctant,
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