Attend TAT's April Spiritual Retreat Weekend—What Does It Mean to Be Awake?
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~ Thanks to Tess Hughes for these ideas and the accompanying acronym. "Understanding" mural by Robert Lewis Reid, from Wikimedia Commons. |
Call To Action For TAT Forum Readers
You can help! A volunteer is producing shareable text-quote and video content of Richard Rose and TAT-adjacent teachers. We need your suggestions for short, provocative 1-3 sentence quotes or 1 minute or less video clips of people like Rose, Art Ticknor, Bob Fergeson, Tess Hughes, Bob Cergol, Bart Marshall, Shawn Nevins, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Paul Constant, & other favorites. (See below for an example). Please send favorite inspiring/irritating quotes—from books you have by those authors, from the TAT Forum, or any other place—to . If you have favorite parts of longer videos (ex: from a talk at a past TAT meeting), please email a link to the video and a timestamp. Thank you!
Project: Beyond Mind, Beyond Death II
We've had 14 additional years of monthly TAT Forum issues since then. And we're getting ready to launch a project to solicit recommendations from all readers for a 2nd volume of BMBD from the seven years of monthly issues spanning January 2008 to December 2014. Our approach will be to have a brief, interactive survey each week for participants to rate the items in one issue of the Forum for inclusion in volume II. That will take about 20 months, during which time volunteer co-editors Abhay D. and Michael R. will arrange the selections into chapters and organize the book's contents. Within 2 years BMBD II should be available in paperback and e-book formats.
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February Virtual Gathering: Saturday, February 5, 2022
* April Gathering: Saturday and Sunday, April 8-10, 2022 *
June Gathering: Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12, 2022
August Gathering: Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21, 2022
November Gathering: Saturday and Sunday, November 12-13, 2022
See the April spiritual retreat page for details and registration.
Comments or questions? Please email
The following video recordings of presentations from a previous April TAT meeting are available on YouTube:
Richard Rose spent his life searching for the Truth, finding it, and teaching others to find their Way. Although not well known to the public, he touched the lives of thousands of spiritual seekers through his books and lectures and through personal contacts with local study groups that continue to work with his teachings today. Meet Richard Rose is a 34-minute audio recording of an audiovisual presentation by Michael Whitely at the August 2017 TAT meeting that explores the arc of Richard Rose's life as seeker, finder, family man, and teacher.
Downloadable/rental versions of the Mister Rose video and of April TAT talks
Remembering Your True Desire (details).
See TAT's Facebook page. |
TAT's YouTube ChannelHave you seen the TAT Foundation's YouTube channel? Subscribe now for spiritual inspiration (and irritation)! Volunteers have been updating the channel with hours of new content! They've also curated some great playlists of talks by Richard Rose, teacher talks from recent & not so recent TAT meetings, episodes of the Journals of Spiritual Discovery podcast, and other great TAT related videos from around the internet. Featuring: Richard Rose, Bob Cergol, Shawn Nevins, Bob Fergeson, Mike Conners, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Bart Marshall, Paul Rezendes, Tess Hughes, Art Ticknor, Howdie Mickoski, Shawn Pethel and other speakers. This month's video is from a session with Tess Hughes titled "Contacting the Inner Child" during the August 2020 virtual TAT gathering themed as "Through the Eyes of a Child":
Local Group News
New listing for Aiken, SC:
Looking to start a self-inquiry group ... finding like-minded people to talk about Richard Rose and his teachings either online or in-person in a home setting ... to question what it means to find our true selves.
~ Email
Update for the Amsterdam, NL Self-Inquiry Group:
The group is not holding meetings currently, but email
for information.
Update from the Central New Jersey Self Inquiry:
Our group is now meeting every other Sunday at 6pm eastern time. The topic of our most recent meeting: In almost all spiritual traditions, reaching the final "goal" means eliminating the "I", the "Sense of Self", or the "Ego". And to do so, for most people it means generally weakening this "I" gradually till it disappears.
~ For meeting info:
Update from the Central Ohio Non-Duality Group:
The Columbus, Ohio self-inquiry group, now known as the Central Ohio Non-Duality Group, has continued to meet virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please email one of the people's names below if you wish to get a link to the meeting. Meeting format involves discussion of topics of interest to seekers and often bridges from the concerns, questions and interests of the core members in attendance into the topic which we intend to discuss. We look forward to the easing of restrictions to the point where we feel comfortable meeting again in person.
~ For further information, contact
, or
We're also on Facebook.
Update from the Dublin, Ireland self-inquiry group:
We meet every second Wednesday on Zoom. We are working using two different approaches. The first is the standard confrontation approach of people giving an update on what was coming for them in the previous period, in terms of their path. The second is the distribution of a piece in advance for reflection. We will continue in this vein for the time being, using either a general update or a piece for reflection shared in advance.
~ Contact
for more information.
Update from the email self-inquiry groups:
The Women's Online Confrontation (WOC) group consists of weekly reports where participants can include:
> What is on your mind?
> Any projects that you want to be held accountable for?
> Responses to a selected excerpt (in the previous report).
> Comments/responses/questions for other participants.
A philosophical/spiritual excerpt with two or three questions is included in each report.
Based on what we share, participants ask questions to help get clarity about our thinking.
The intention is to help each other see our underlying beliefs about who we are.
One rule we try to adhere to is not to give advice or solve problems.
The number of participants, to make it work efficiently, is between 4 and 7 including the leader.
Currently we have two men's email groups. They (the weekly exchanges, not the participants :-) function like slow-motion self-inquiry confrontation meetings, which has its pros and cons. We alternate by asking each other questions one week then answering them the following week. Participants provide brief updates of highlights from the previous week and optional updates on progress toward objectives that they use the reports for accountability on.
Both the women's and the men's email groups welcome serious participants.
~ Contact
for more information.
TAT Press publishes Anima's and Art's book: Always Right Behind You: Parables & Poems of Love & Completion.
Update from the Gainesville, FL self-inquiry group:
The Alachua County library reopened its meeting rooms on July 5th, and we were the first group to meet after the reopening.
We decided to change our meeting day from Sunday to Saturday, at the same time as previously (2 to 4 PM). Our first meeting was on July 10th, and subsequent meetings are scheduled for alternate Saturdays with an occasional extra week between meetings due to holidays or the TAT meeting schedule and our group's associated retreats.
~ Email
for more information.
TAT Press publishes three of Art's books: Solid Ground of Being: A Personal Story of the Impersonal, Beyond Relativity: Transcending the Split Between Knower & Known and Sense of Self: The Source of All Existential Suffering?
Update from Galway, Ireland:
Tess Hughes is starting a women's group on Wednesday evenings, 7pm Dublin time, using Zoom. It will begin mid September. Sessions last 90-120 minutes usually.
Anyone who's interested in joining can
TAT Press publishes Tess's easy to read, profound This Above All, the story of her journey of Self-Discovery.
Update from the GMT Support Group for Seekers:
We meet every Sunday gmt 17.30, live on Google Meet. Rapport and confrontation, talk and exchange.
Someone mostly brings a theme, like a text, poem or whatever to set the mood. Then 10 minutes of silent rapport after which everyone gets their turn on the "hot seat" for 10-15 minutes—the group listens to what the person has to say about the theme then asks friendly questions—depending on how many participants we are. The questioning is aimed at providing material for self-inquiry. There have been sessions in which we just chatted, but that is more the exception.
~ Contact
Update from the Greensburg, PA self-inquiry group:
I am meeting every Saturday morning with three of my former Greensburg SIG group participants who are into non-dualist paths, such as Adyashanti and Mooji. There is also another participant, a professional psychologist who is interested in eastern philosphy and who wasn't in my SIG group but makes a great addition to our proceedings. These fellows are sincere seekers. We spend our time discussing our respective paths and comparing notes. Our new venue is a place called the White Rabbit Cafe in Greensburg. I'm hoping that the lull here has ended and that we're ready to be more dynamic again.
~ Contact
if interested in local self-inquiry meetings.
An update from the self-inquiry group in Houston, TX:
The backyard patio meetings are now moved to Zoom meetings, which take place at 4 pm on Saturdays. There are 3 active and inspired participants right now. Topics vary from Mr. Rose's writings to "What is on your mind?"
~ Contact
for more information.
"Ignoramuses Anonymous" blog
Ignoramuses Anonymous is for seekers to explore questions together
a fellowship of seekers for whom ignorance of the absolute truth had become a major problem. It started as a blog for Pittsburgh PSI meeting members back in 2009. Welcoming discussion on the path.
To get notices of new posts, you can subscribe by RSS feed or by
See the 2020/11/28 post:
Four-day isolation retreat at TAT Center, with photos and YouTube clips.
Update from the Lynchburg, VA self-inquiry group:
We have been meeting on Thursday evenings from 7pm—8:30pm, online, via zoom. Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, and Bob Harwood are consistent guests. We've also had some other interesting characters show up from time to time. Topics come from readings or questions brought up by our members. These are sent out, along with the zoom invitation each week. Recently we posted some "considerations" for joining our group:
** Try to frame your comments as questions to Norio, Paul, or Bob. Draw these questions from you own experience rather than generalities. Maintain attention and discussion on the question rather than philosophical musings.
** Question other participants, in the spirit of group-assisted self inquiry, but without attempting to lead them to any particular conclusion or bring attention to yourself.
**Allow for and attend to the silence and the space that is always present. When you aren't speaking, see that as your role—to hold that space.
**Question, in yourself, the use of personal story-telling and quoting others—though sometimes both are helpful and appropriate.
**Consider the way in which you are listening. Does it have a quality of acquisitiveness or openness?
**Continue to question your own intention for coming to this meeting and let that guide any comments/questions/discussion.
~ Please contact
if you're interested in being on the email list.
Update from the New York City self-inquiry group:
The New York City Self-Inquiry group meets by Zoom every Monday from 6-8 PM EST. The link is For those joining by phone, the number is +1 929 205 6099 US (New York), with Meeting ID: 309 836 1863, and Passcode: 895478. More details, as well as our weekly discussion topics, are available on our MeetUp page (link above) and via email at
Update from the recently listed Online Video Confrontation Group:
The Monday Night Online Confrontation Group is going strong with a core group of participants and room for a few more. Now meeting at 7:30 pm EST (previously at 7 pm), using the online video conference platform from Zoom. The goal of the group is to practice confrontation/group self-inquiry.
~ If you're interested, email
Isaac and AJ interviewed Art Ticknor on their Plant Cunning Podcast series, where they "invite herbalists, ethnobotanists, farmers, mages, fungi experts, community organizers and all kinds of other interesting people to the microphone to share their wisdom and experiences with us": Self Realization with Art Ticknor.
Update from the Portland, OR self-inquiry group:
A small group of us meet most Sundays at a coffee shop. The format for our meetings is to give each person 20 minutes or so to talk about whatever is coming up for them in their practice and to answer questions from the others.
~ Email
for more information.
Update for the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area TAT Center:
Bob Fergeson spent a year as resident teacher before returning to Colorado in March.
Mark Wintgens continues as our chief-seeker in residence and invaluable caretaker. He is looking forward to hosting retreats and meetings for local group members as well as all TAT seekers. And TAT is looking forward to the possibility of hosting the August 2021 TAT meeting at the Center.
~ Email
for information about the TAT Center.
Update from the Richmond Self Inquiry Group:
There isn't a Richmond self inquiry group at the moment
it never really got off the ground. I'm considering a few different approaches for round three, but it'll be at least a few months away before that takes form.
~ Email
for information about future meetings and events.
Update from the San Francisco Bay area self-inquiry group:
See the Shawn Nevins interview by Iain McNay of, kicking off the publication of Shawn's book Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment.
~ Email
for information about upcoming meetings and events.
TAT Press publishes Shawn's Images of Essence: The Standing Now, which features his poems with photos by Bob Fergeson, The Celibate Seeker: An Exploration of Celibacy as a Modern Spiritual Practice, Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment, and Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred, which features his poems with photos by Phaedra Greenwood.
Update from the Washington DC Area Self-Inquiry Discussion Group:
[This group was previously listed as the Rockville, MD self-inquiry group.] We've been meeting monthly at Rockville, MD Memorial Library. While the library is closed for public health reasons, we're participating more in a weekly online book club. Forum readers are welcome to participate.
~ For more information, please email
or see the website
Members-Only Area
A password-protected section of the website is available for TAT members. The area contains information on product discounts for members as well as a substantial amount of helpful and historical information, including audio recordings, Newsletter archives, Retrospect archives, policies, conference proceedings, business meeting notes, photographs, and suggestions for ways to help.
TAT's August 2019 Workshop was titled Beyond Mindfulness: Meditation and the Path Within and included three guest speakers who each led separate workshops. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
TAT's June 2019 Spiritual Retreat Weekend was titled Between You and the Infinite. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
TAT's April 2019 Spiritual Retreat Weekend was titled Once in a Lifetime is Now. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
TAT's August 2018 Workshop was titled Beyond Imagination and included three guest speakers who each led separate workshops. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
Please us if you have questions. (Look here for info on TAT membership.)
Amazon and eBay
As an Amazon Associate TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through links on our website. TAT has registered with the eBay Giving Works program. You can list an item there and select TAT to receive a portion of your sale. Or if you use the link and donate 100% of the proceeds to TAT, you won't pay any seller fees when an item sells and eBay will transfer all the funds to TAT for you. Check out our Giving Works page on eBay. Click on the "For sellers" link on the left side of that page for details. |
Your Contributions to TAT News
TAT founder Richard Rose believed that working with others accelerates our retreat from untruth. He also felt that such efforts were most effective when applied with discernment, meaning working with others on the rungs of the ladder closest to our own. The TAT News section is for TAT members to communicate about work they've been doing with or for other members and friends. Please your "ladder work" news.
* ~ Thanks to Michael R.
Angry Pirate?
~ Thanks to
Five Rules
* ~ Thanks to Heidi X.
We enjoy presenting humor here from TAT members and friends. Please
your written or graphic creations. Exact sources are necessary for other submissions, since we need to make sure they're either in the public domain or that we have permission to use them.
The term was coined for the 2011 study "The Emergence of Conspirituality" by sociologists Charlotte Ward and David Voas published in the Journal of Contemporary Religion. They characterized the movement as follows: "It offers a broad politico-spiritual philosophy based on two core convictions, the first traditional to conspiracy theory, the second rooted in the New Age: 1) a secret group covertly controls, or is trying to control, the political and social order, and 2) humanity is undergoing a 'paradigm shift' in consciousness. Proponents believe that the best strategy for dealing with the threat of a totalitarian 'new world order' is to act in accordance with an awakened 'new paradigm' worldview." A 2020 opinion piece in ABC Australia said that, as with other extremist movements, the conspirituality narrative portrayed its followers as more enlightened than mainstream society and prone to persecution due to their awareness of the "real truth".
~ From |
Thanks to Brett S.
Thanks to V.V., who commented, "This quote [from a text message sent by Dan McLaughlin]: it's really got a feel to it. May I suggest you consider sharing it, unmodified, as a stand alone piece in the TAT Forum? It might speak to other seekers."
I propose to give a record of the psychical states through which I am currently passing. I am told that very little is known of the psychical or psychological processes that precede the transition, and it is in this field I am particularly interested. One outstanding feature that I have experienced is this: that there tends to be a confusion in that psychical field. But this confusion, I have found, is not without a possibility of a certain control. By will force, I have found that it is possible to force a certain orderliness or dependability into this field and the confusion becomes less. One enters, then, into a degree of clarity. But this, I find, is a process that is going on, namely, that the organization of the psyche with which I have been familiar throughout all of my adult and self-conscious life had a certain orderliness in it that tends to breakdown at the present time. The process of breaking down seems like a kind of fractionation, as though a psychical field that had been organized and dependable in my dealing with all of experience heretofore, suddenly becomes undependable and tends to be more or less chaotic. Nonetheless, I have found that by the exertion of the will applied to the mind, I have been able to increase the order in the mind. I have been able to bring clarity where there was confusion. This takes a definite application of will force. Nonetheless, it does seem to work. Yet, I do not recover the full clarity that I have known throughout most of life. I cannot turn to resources that I have developed in my early and middle life with the reliance that I used to have. This is a very disagreeable experience. However, by the use of will, I have been able to force a kind of clarity where there had been confusion. The clarity, however, is not as comprehensive as that which I have known throughout nearly all of life heretofore. This is a major problem. I am told that the organization of the psyche which we have developed throughout life is adapted to world experience, namely, the normal experience we have here. But on the other hand, as we approach the transition there is a different kind of experience introduced that calls for a different kind of organization of the psyche; and that preliminary to this, there is a process, which I have called fractionating, which takes place within the mind. It is a process of tearing apart, as it were. I can hold it under some control. I can manage to get along in the general relationships of living, but to do this calls for an exertion of will that was not necessary in the normal days of the past. One holds a distinct order by effort, not automatically as it had been heretofore. Make no mistake about it, this is a positive hardship to have to face. My impression is that it is part of psychical disintegration connected with what we commonly call the dying process. But I do not here regard it as a termination process. I regard it rather as a process of transition into another order of consciousness. This, of course, is my thought and idea, but it seems that it may be valid.
~ From The photo comes from an introduction to Franklin Wolff's second wife, Gertrude, as does this excerpt: After the death of his first wife (Sherifa) in February 1959, Wolff reports that he experienced four psychical effects: First was the arousal of a death wish; the second effect was a “forced passing through an enantiodromia”—that is, a shift from one psychological type to another; the third effect was a state of desolation; and fourth, he felt a sense of subtle bleeding. Wolff interpreted the first effect as the reactivation of a suicidal tendency “that was in me [as] the result of something that had been done in past lives. It seems that, from what I have heard, that I have within myself—though the method is not known to this personality—the capacity to cut off life-force by the act of will.” As for the second effect, Wolff states that “I had already learned enough of psychology to know that the wise thing to do was to cooperate” with it, which in his case, was a shift from a thinking orientation to a feeling orientation. He notes that he was able to divert this shift into an interest in music (and particularly, in the operas of Wagner) and that he “was able later to control and reestablish the primacy of thinking.” Wolff experienced the third effect—a sense of desolation—acutely on a few occasions, but felt that it “hung over me in a tenuous way—and was a problem I could not myself resolve.” He was most concerned with the fourth effect—that is, “a sense of subtle bleeding, not physical bleeding of the blood, but apparently the bleeding of the life-force itself”—for he was convinced that if he let it develop that it would inevitably lead to his death. Thanks to Shawn Nevins, who wrote: A very short transcript of Merrell-Wolff speaking of his own death. It's the 2nd to last recording of him shown here: [Thanks, Shawn. Interesting comparison between FMW's certainty of individual continuation and the opposite conviction from Pulyan. - Ed.] His last year of talks have bits and pieces of his concern with "fractionation." He thought that since he was very old, he was consciously dying. Sounds to me like he was seeing his mind disintegrating and was surprised by that. He remarks several times that there's nothing in the literature to help him understand what's going on. And that got him wondering as to how his mind would be re-assembled after death. |
your thoughts on the above items.
A reader wrote that what would make the Forum more interesting would be: Hearing from people who are searching and have questions instead of those providing endless advice and "answers." What challenges they are facing. What their doubts and questions are. How they perceive their path is going. What they are doing in their lives. Where they think they will end up. Etc. etc. Can you help make the Forum more interesting? |
Douglas Harding was a great one for advocating: “Simplify!” The Reader Commentary question for the April TAT Forum is:
If you were going to implement Harding's recommendation, what would you simplify first?
Responses follow.
From BH:
I’ve simplified my life a lot – and continue to look for ways to simplify – with the intent of cutting down on distractions and things that use up mental and emotional energy, both of which I feel I have in limited amounts and that I need to use more efficiently towards my highest goal. I feel I need to maximize the mental focus I’m afforded (unfortunately, for several reasons, it’s in short supply for me). I also have seen that I need emotional fortitude to be able to work through uncomfortable self-inquiry in a healthy way, to be able to ride out the discomfort without shutting down or losing the thread. Closing doors on other pursuits and on engaging with desires that were secondary to my highest goal has had a positive effect on how much time and energy I have for what I really
One thing I’d like to simplify is my thinking and mental focus. I wish I could use my thinking as purely an analytical tool when needed. At the moment, my thoughts are often all over the place, focused on potential problems or theoretical planning. Life requires a certain amount of mundane planning in order to live, but I’d like to narrow the focus of my resting mind.
From Michael R:
Seems there are different levels to which this can be applied - internal and external. From an external and more practical standpoint, I’d decrease distraction - work and personal. Take on less professional responsibility, spend less time dating, that kind of thing. Simple, practical steps that free up energy and attention.
On an internal level I see the dictate to “simplify” as referring to direct inquiry as opposed to abstract, conceptual, philosophical inquiry. What’s going on in this moment without mental overlay? I imagine this is one reason we hear so much about the path being subtractive - complexity seems to exist in concepts and belief.
What’s left (of me?) without them? I’d work to move my practice away from complexity and towards looking in the simplest way I knew how, suspending all belief.
From Louise F:
My day to day life does not seem to need any simplifying. But my thinking can take me right away from what is in front of my face and I would love that to be simplified. Over the years I have tried meditation, which definitely reduces thinking, and makes life appear simple. But I never stay with any techniques, and jump back and forth via dietary habits, exercise, breathing techniques in an attempt to find peace.
Believing my thoughts, or being seduced by their drama is what sucks me back into feeling that everything is not OK as it is.
From SF:
I love simplifying. Unfortunately I don't think I can say anything helpful to share about what I would simplify right now in my life. I simplified a lot, simplifying more would imply becoming a monk, or working less hours, or moving to a more ordered country with less corrupt politicians and more intelligent voters, and none of those options are feasible or feel OK now.
I am going to find the other readers' answers to this question interesting, as they may offer good ideas for me to consider. I can try to answer that question with what I consider a priority for simplifying, as if I didn't already implement Harding's recommendation.
I think that what Rose advised about "getting our house in order" implies a very important form of simplification. Dealing with or facing any kind of conflict that arises frequently in our life may result in a considerable simplification. The more intense and frequent, the more impactful. Simplifying frees mental resources. Solving any problem related to survival and frequent conflicts, whatever it may be, would probably be what I would simplify first.
Also another impactful simplification results from seriously asking the question: "What do I really want from life?" A lot of plans or goals not aligned with "what I really want" may be quickly dropped when seriously considering it, and that's a big simplification.
From Shawn Nevins:
The notion of time -- the idea that there is something in the next moment that is not here right now. And the very idea that there even is such a thing as a "next" moment.
From MT:
I am working on turning all my cares into one care. Kabir Helminski wrote: "Whoever makes all cares into a single care, the
care for simply being present, will be relieved of all cares by the Presence, which is the Creative Power."
From Chitra D:
I would simplify desires, examining them carefully until their futility (in creating
permanent happiness) is seen and they fall away. (And hopefully only one is left: to
know/love Truth.)
When desires are simplified, I have noticed that many lifestyle choices and activities are then seen as useless/unnecessary. Interest in them is naturally lost, and they too begin to fall away.
The desire I would start with is the desire to be loved/admired.
From Dan G:
Action. Do things to try to solve my problems and get what I want out of life. When I procrastinate and avoid, it requires mental dishonesty and increases complexity. Life seems to get simpler and easier as I ask what I want, listen as deeply as I can at the moment with an open mind, apply any wisdom to get some plan, and act on it, turning from inevitable voices I don’t think are real intuitions, and follow through with my plan.
Action actually means I’m trying to achieve less, be less. It means saying no to some voices of hope I intuit don’t have hope. It means I don’t need to solve all problems now, just the one my system wants to that I can see.
And on a deeper layer, Action may be like a kind of prayer. Action on my intuitions should increase the amount of guidance I hear. And that is one thing I want.
From [- Ed.]:
Definitions of simplify (transitive verb)
a) to reduce to basic essentials
b) to diminish in scope or complexity : STREAMLINE
// was urged to simplify management procedures
c) to make more intelligible : CLARIFY
From "how do i simplify my life" [- Ed.]:
From "what is the #1 way to simplify my life" [- Ed.]:
From Art Ticknor:
What greatly simplified my life as a seeker was when I saw what I really wanted most from life and didn't see any holdouts when I checked. That clarity automatically put first things first for me, and my other objectives took care of themselves.
What I truly wanted wasn't more or less of something but to answer a longing for Home ... a place with no ups and downs, no more coming and going ... a vaguely, distantly remembered nostos of eternal perfection.
What keeps our focus here has to be challenged by our life-experience in a way we know not but includes afflictions to our faulty beliefs in what we are, our sense of self. There's a keystone in the arch of faulty self-beliefs, but my feeling is that, unlike a masonry arch, the keystone's dropping out won't collapse the arch ... and that the lesser beliefs have to loosen up so that the whole arch collapses when the keystone drops out.
Pursue your ideal. "CONTINUALLY WORK for ways to accelerate your adventure.... DO NOT WORK FOR YOURSELF (very important)" as Richard Rose advised.
From Don A:
It seems simplification has a lot to do with addressing avoidance, in ridding oneself of clutter accumulated as distraction.
My efforts at spiritual work for example are too often distracted by not-so-productive reading, writing, attending group meetings and even meditation that can all be entertainment or excuses for the hard-lifting work of intentional watching, questioning and looking for inconsistencies.
To simplify my spiritual seeking would mean a habit of questioning myself to consider if I am wandering from the core motivation and intentions. I could best describe self-inquiry as a pulling back, a retreat from daily distractions that some part of me otherwise finds more appealing. Simplification would mean a process of recognizing when pleasure and ease betray something else that simultaneously is being avoided.
How do you spend your life vs. invest your life? Please your responses by the 25th of April and indicate your preferred identification (the default is your first name and the initial letter of your last name).
Other Reader Feedback
From Bonnie Y., referencing last month's Reader Commentary question ("What does love mean to you?), which she had suggested:
On a cold, dreary night with ever more depressing war news rushing in, I'm happy to have the companionship of fellow seekers by way of reading their thoughts on What is love. It brings home the conviction that world peace as well as inner peace starts with selfless love and at the same time self love. Love probably is the most narrated, exalted, also damned human feeling. Its interpretations abound and yet it's elusive for many people. I'm grateful to be reminded of the seekers' perspective in this chillingly chaotic world.
What are your thoughts on this month's reader commentary? Please
your feedback.
Richard Rose described a spiritual path as living one's life
aimed at finding the meaning of that life.
Did you find anything relevant to your life or search in this month's TAT Forum?
Park bench photo by Zane Lee. |
We like hearing from you! Please
your comments, suggestions, inquiries, and submissions.
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monthly Forums by email on our .
~ Advice given to Lee W. in personal correspondence c. 1990. Lee d. 5/12/2015.
Definition of Terms
Index of many of the key terms and principles in Rose's work, with brief definitions, from Richard Rose's Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self by John Kent. |
Jacob's Ladder © 2001 Richard Rose. See this transcript of a talk on the topic by Rose.
Homing Ground Update
A spot on earth where people can do retreats and hold
Did you enjoy the Forum? Then buy the book!
Readers' favorite selections from seven years of issues.
Beyond Mind, Beyond Death is available at