Recent and Upcoming TAT Foundation Events
TAT is all about connecting: connecting seekers with teachers and with each other, because we all have something to teach. To connect in-person, we host four spiritual retreat weekends each year, featuring talks, group discussions, meditation sessions and other activities, as well as time to relax and meet new friends.
The TAT website also hosts a listing of independent, local groups that meet online or in person to explore different aspects of spiritual life.
Events occur through video conferencing or various spiritual retreat centers, often Claymont in West Virginia.
In person events:
April 25th-27th in the Claymont Barn
June 27th-29th in the Claymont Mansion
August 22nd-24th in the Claymont Mansion
November 7th-9th in the Claymont Mansion
Next Event: April 25th-27th in the Claymont Barn

Upcoming and Previous Events:
- April 2025 TAT MeetingA TAT Foundation In-Person Gathering, April 25 – 27, 2025, entitled: The way of Truth. Featuring Paul Rezendes, David Weimer, and Bob Cergol.
- January 2025 TAT Talk with Jerry WennstromJanuary 2025 TAT Talk with Jerry Wennstrom – January 12, 12 – 1:30 ET
- November 2024 Gathering: CertaintyNovember 2024 Gathering: CERTAINTY. A TAT Foundation Retreat: Friday through Sunday, November 8 -10, 2024
- TAT Talks October 2024October TAT Talk with Shawn Nevins. Saturday October 26th from 12pm-1:30pm ET New York / 5pm-6:30pm London time
- Love, Self-Inquiry, Prayer – Three Paths or One?September 21 2024 Virtual retreat entitled: Love, Self-Inquiry, Prayer: Three Paths or One with Art Ticknor and Anima Pundeer.
- August 2024 Gathering: Running Between the RaindropsAugust 2024 Gathering: Running Between the Raindrops A TAT Foundation Retreat: Friday through Sunday, August 16 -18, 2024
- TAT Talks July 2024Live Q&A with long-time Richard Rose student Art Ticknor.
- TAT June 2024 MeetingJune 2024 Gathering: Unseeing What’s Not A TAT Foundation Retreat: Friday through Sunday, June 14 -16, 2024 Photo by Tyler van der Hoeven on Unsplash “Actually, the gold lies in a half-mile circle. It is all around you. You cannot fail to find it – if, of course, you wish.” Alfred R. Pulyan, The Penny that Blots Out
- TAT Talks May 2024TAT Talks May 2024 with Paul Constant – May 11, 12-1:30 ET
- April 2024 Gathering: Look CloserA TAT Foundation Retreat: Look Closer. Friday through Sunday, April 12-14, 2024
Local Group Events
While TAT does not sponsor any of the following groups, connecting with a local group of like-minded friends is a great way to strengthen your spiritual practice. You’ll meet TAT members at all of the following groups:
Aiken, South Carolina
Looking to start a self-inquiry group … finding like-minded people to talk about Richard Rose and his teachings either online or in-person in a home setting … to question what it means to find our true selves.
~ Email Brant.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This Self-Inquiry Group is not holding meetings currently, but email Jeroen for information.
Central New Jersey
The Central Jersey Self Inquiry Group welcomes serious participants. We are a small group and meet every other Sunday from 6pm to 7pm eastern time on zoom.
~ Meeting info: Questions? Email for more details.
Central Ohio
The Central Ohio Non-Duality Group meets virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 to 8:30 PM and welcome new participants. The meetings feature confrontation sessions that are a serious effort to engage in self-inquiry with the help of friends on the path.
For further information, contact Mike, or Mark. We’re also on Facebook.
Dublin, Ireland (Wed.)
Self inquiry group meeting virtually every second Wednesday. We are working using two different approaches. The first is the standard confrontation approach of people giving an update on what was coming for them in the previous period, in terms of their path. The second is the distribution of a piece in advance for reflection.
~ Contact Colm for more information. Also contact Colm or Patrick for info. on in-person meetings.
Dublin, Ireland (Sun.)
Meeting online using Google Meet at least every second Sunday. The format so far is participants talk solo for about 5 to 10 minutes on their reactions to the meeting’s topic, then respond to questions from the others. See the “What we are about” section of the Sunday group’s Meetup main page about becoming a member, etc.
~ Contact Patrick for more information. Also contact Patrick or Colm for info. on in-person meetings.
Gainesville, Florida
Meeting at the Alachua County main library on Saturdays from 2 to 4 PM. We talk with newcomers about the objective of the group as a forum to stimulate the progress of self-inquirers and we ask them what their most heartfelt life-objective is, and then we usually listen to each volunteer who wants to talk and then be questioned about what they’ve said.
~ Email Nathan or Art for more information.
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Currently in hiatus, but in the meantime, if you have any inquiries, or have an interest in helping set up local meetings to meet again in person, you can email Vince.
Houston, Texas
Merged our Zoom meetings with the Monday Night Confrontation group, which meets at 7:30 pm EST / 6:30 pm CST. ~ Contact Anima for more information.
Lynchburg, Virginia
Meeting on Thursday evenings from 7pm—8:30pm, online, via zoom. Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, and Bob Harwood are consistent guests. Topics come from readings or questions brought up by our members.
~ Contact Leesa or Steve if you’re interested in being on the email list.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Online group confrontation and individual contributions every Wed, 8:00 pm EST via Zoom. In-person meetings resuming soon.
~ Email selfinquirer to receive weekly topics with preparatory notes and Zoom invitations. Current events are listed on Meetup as Pittsburgh Self-inquiry Group and on
Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Meeting at the Chapel Hill Public Library biweekly. ~ Email Mark with any questions.
Raleigh, North Carolina
We’re a small group that meets every first and third Tuesday of the month via Zoom. We usually have four to eight participants and new members are welcome. Our main focus is on looking at beliefs that can get us stuck in habitual ways of thinking which can limit the possibility of seeing the true nature of things.
~ Email Doug for more details.
San Francisco Bay Area
Meeting twice a month on Saturdays, alternating between in-person and virtual meetings. Open to anyone within driving distance of the San Francisco Bay Area. Email Shawn for more details.
Online Book Club
Thinking about restarting meetings at the Rockville, MD Memorial Library. While the library was closed for public health reasons, we began participating more in the weekly online book club.
~ For more information, please email Dan or see the website
GMT Support Group for Seekers
Meeting every Sunday gmt 18.30, live on Google Meet. Rapport and confrontation, talk and exchange. Someone mostly brings a theme, like a text, poem or whatever to set the mood. Then 10 minutes of silent rapport after which everyone gets their turn on the “hot seat” for 10-15 minutes—the group listens to what the person has to say about the theme then asks friendly questions—depending on how many participants. The questioning aims at providing material for self-inquiry.
~ Contact Jim.
Monday Night Confrontation Group
The online meeting is going strong with a core group of participants and room for a few more. Meetings are at 7:30 pm EST / 6:30 pm CST and uses Zoom. The group practices confrontation/self-inquiry in a spirit of helpfulness with the goal of finding answers from within. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, email Tara.
Online Self-Inquiry Book Club
Now meeting monthly on Richard Rose’s Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self by John Kent and will sync up with the new ProBoard book club discussion board on the Kent publication.
~ For more information on book club participation, see the meeting website. Visitors are welcome to drop in any time (invitation to Sunday meetings).
Email Self-Inquiry Group (womens)
The Women’s Online Confrontation group consists of weekly reports where participants can include:
> What is on your mind?
> Any projects that you want to be held accountable for?
> Responses to a selected excerpt (in the previous report).
> Comments/responses/questions for other participants.
A philosophical/spiritual excerpt with two or three questions is included in each report. Based on what we share, participants ask questions to help get clarity about our thinking. The intention is to help each other see our underlying beliefs about who we are.
~ Contact Anima for more information.
Email Self-Inquiry Group (mens)
We continue to have two men’s email groups active. The weekly reports function like slow-motion self-inquiry confrontation meetings, which has its pros and cons. We alternate by asking each other questions one week then answering them the following week. Participants provide brief updates of highlights from the previous week and optional updates on progress toward objectives that they use the reports for accountability on.
~ Contact Art for more information.
Washington DC Area
Every week, we introduce a different philosophical or spiritual topic and split the time among all participants using question based self-inquiry. We meet at 6pm on Mondays @ the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, a few minutes walk from the Bethesda Metro on the Red Line. For more info or to contact us, visit our Meetup page.
“Ignoramuses Anonymous” blog
Ignoramuses Anonymous is for seekers to explore questions together…a fellowship of seekers for whom ignorance of the absolute truth had become a major problem. It started as a blog for Pittsburgh PSI meeting members back in 2009. Welcoming discussion on the path.
The idea is to have a kind of seeker’s blog to process our thinking out loud and hopefully also help seekers new to group work see what we’re thinking about and if it resonates.