"When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
"It isn’t normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement."
~Abraham Maslow
"While it's comforting to find evidence that reconfirms one's beliefs, doing so is also dangerous. The researcher is apt to think that he has it all figured out, which is a prelude to stupidity."
~John Rekenthaler
Join us in a one-day, interactive retreat as we explore this question of what we really-really want from our lives. There will be a mix of mini-presentations with Q&A, interviews, panel discussions with Q&A, and breakout sessions for small group discussion. The first half will focus on longing while the second half will focus on doing.
The program will begin at 10:30 AM EST and end at 4:30 PM, which corresponds to 7:30 AM–1:30 PM PST and 15:30–21:30 GMT.
Sessions will be led by Mike Gegenheimer, Tess Hughes, Howdie Mickoski, Shawn Nevins, Anima Pundeer, Paul Rezendes, Art Ticknor and twice as many seekers.
All sessions will be done by a mixture of seekers and self-affirmed finders.
How will you distinguish between the former and the latter? Is conviction on your part foolproof?
The registration deadline for TAT's Virtual Spiritual Gathering is Friday, November 19.
TAT Membership
C. The TAT Foundation currently has three categories of membership:
You can become a TAT member for $40 by visiting our membership page.
Renew membership AND pay for this event
D. To renew your membership and register for the event in one transaction (saving PayPal fees to TAT), please select the appropriate item(s) from the drop-down list below:
You will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the event. We're an all-volunteer group, so please be patient. If you haven't received an email by Friday, November 19, call (336) 933-0295 or contact .
You may cancel your registration on or before November 19 and receive a refund, minus the PayPal transaction fee. Cancellations after November 19 will not be refunded.
For more information... email:
What is the TAT Foundation?
A group encouraging people to think rather than believe. A group determined to help people find ways and means to answer their deepest philosophical questions. A gathering of friends who are not afraid to be honest with one another. An island of hope and sanity (or at least the hope for sanity!). Last, but not least, TAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization chartered in 1973.