One-Day Event at the TAT Center, August 14
The informal day-long gathering Saturday August 14, is planned for 9 am to 4 pm. The gathering is free. In keeping with NC regulations, vaccination is not required. N95 masks will be available for those who wish to wear a mask. There are both large indoor spaces and outdoor seating for discussions. Participants in the informal gathering should bring their own lunch/snacks, though TAT will provide coffee, tea, water, and soda. In keeping with the theme of the original August meeting, a small number of people may be there fresh from a retreat and a few of the previously-scheduled speakers and participants will be there in attendance traveling from the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard. If you're in the Raleigh area, or wish to travel to the TAT Center for this informal gathering, this is a great opportunity to meet informally and have the live, interactive discussions we have been missing.
There's no registration or fee for this informal one-day event, but if you think you'd like to attend this informal gathering, please send an email to TAT Society so we have an idea of how many would like to come. If you are traveling and need to stay over to return on Sunday, there is room at the TAT center for 8 overnight guests to enjoy separate rooms, again at no charge for TAT members.
"Intentional self-inquiry is a conscious attempt to get congruent with what life’s trying to do for us. This could be described as going Home...So how do you go Home when you don’t know where it is...?"
~Art Ticknor, Beyond Relativity, p. 107
Where did we come from? Where are we going? How do we find our inner Home—the place we live from—if we don't know who or what we are? Spiritual teacher Richard Rose advised helping others in a spirit of friendship, and allowing ourselves to likewise receive help, as a way of finding lasting, satisfying answers to these fundamental existential questions. He called this kind of active friendship "The Law of The Ladder" and, relatedly, "The Law of Love." Join us for a weekend of breakout groups, presentations, and panel discussions as we join together in a spirit of friendship and look for the source of our deepest inner calling.
Please note this schedule will change
Friday, August 13, 2021
Day One - Saturday
Day Two - Sunday
Join us for a weekend of insightful talks, small group dialogue, and panel discussions as we seek true self-knowledge through the theme of "Friendship, Love, and the Return Home." This event is in person.
Meet our featured presenters:
Jenny Clarke
In May of 2012, after decades of spiritual study and self-inquiry, Jenny's identification as a separate, individual self fell away. A spaciousness, love, and peace were left in its place. Now, her singular vision is to appreciate and share the simplicity, beauty, love, and perfection of life no matter what direction it may unfold in any given moment.
Currently, Jenny is retired and resides in Raleigh, NC, where her 3 young granddaughters constantly reflect the innocence, play, aliveness, and truth of who we really are. She assists in facilitating Satsangs in the Raleigh area and a monthly "Awakening Experience" group at the Unity Church of the Triangle.
Art Ticknor
worked first hand with numerous psychological and philosophical systems during years of intensive research. Twenty-six years of effort toward self-definition paid off in 2004, when the final nail was driven into the ego's coffin during an intense Realization. Art is the author of the books Beyond Relativity, Solid Ground of Being, and Sense of Self: The Source of All Existential Suffering?, invaluable guides on the quest for self knowledge.
Art currently lives the life of la dolce far niente and is involved in the Gainsville Florida-based Philosophical Self-Inquiry Discussion Group. For more information, visit Self-Discovery Portal.
Norio Kushi
Norio was born in New York City to Japanese parents. At age five, while his mother was breastfeeding his younger brother, she said to Norio, "Always trust your feelings, your feelings will guide you through your life." Many years later, he discovered that the world in which we find our self is a world that is continually being created from the way we've been programmed. Norio refers to this current programming as a "linear time-based reality." In 2003, he inadvertently, without effort, shifted from this programmed way of seeing. With this perceptual shift—the attention no longer fixated in this programmed reality—the true nature of being human began revealing itself, finally unveiling the cosmic joke, that we're never lacking, always whole and complete, always at home in our bodies and in the world.
Norio currently drives a truck throughout North America.
Mike Gegenheimer
Mike was an early student of Richard Rose. Mike was active in the Pyramid Zen Society in Pittsburgh during college, and resided at Rose’s farm for a year and a half thereafter. Following several deep insights, a period of about 20 years passed without significant group work until Mike became active again in the TAT Foundation in 2001. The friendship and dedication of the teachers and fellow members of the TAT Foundation have been an inspiration for him. Mike’s search ended in April 2019 during a TAT rapport session of friends, for whom he feels deep gratitude.
Location and Facilities
The event is being held at the new TAT Center in Hurdle Mills, North Carolina, about 50 miles northwest of the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. The building sits on 15 wooded acres with a creek and walking trail.
There are no costs for this day
There is no registration for this day - but please email TAT Society
Participants in the informal gathering should bring their own lunch/snacks, though TAT will provide coffee, tea, water, and soda.
Most lodging will be off-site. If you are interested in on-site lodging at the TAT Center for the August event, please email
TAT Society
to be placed on a wait list, and TAT will respond to confirm availability and your reservation if space is available. Due to limited on-site housing options, TAT has not included a button to register for on-site lodging but, again, does have a limited number of rooms available. Note that all options will involve a shared room. This will be free for TAT members for this event.
Informal camping is available -- no hook-ups or restrooms.
The following overnight accommodations are located near the TAT Center:
Quality Inn Roxboro South
906 Durham Rd, Roxboro, NC 27573
Hampton Inn Roxboro
920 Durham Rd, Roxboro, NC 27573
America's Best Value Inn Roxboro
1006 N Madison Blvd, Roxboro, NC 27573
Timberland Motel
720 N Madison Blvd, Roxboro, NC 27573
Budget Inn
1033 N Madison Blvd, Roxboro, NC 27573
Microtel Inn and Suites
120 Old Dogwood St, Hillsborough, NC 27278
(919) 245-3102
For more information... email:
TAT Foundation events
What is the TAT Foundation?
A group encouraging people to think rather than believe. A group determined to help people find ways and means to answer their deepest philosophical questions. A gathering of friends who are not afraid to be honest with one another. An island of hope and sanity (or at least the hope for sanity!). Last, but not least, TAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization chartered in 1973.