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Eddie Traversa in Memoriam
I try and do my best to provide people with good information on how to overcome obstacles and get the most of life. The articles on here mainly focus on the psychological or spiritual – though it must be said that these are often one and the same.
I hold advanced degrees in psychology and have worked as a psychotherapist for a few decades. I am passionate about trying to help people.
I am in the 6th decade of my life which has caused me to think about the challenges of aging. I am a believer in that you are never too old to change the course of a life.
~ Eddie Traversa
I worked with Eddie as my therapist for years, and found him through Shawn's site. Eddie was by far the most practical teacher I have come across. The type of groundedness and openness he exuded I felt as undistorted love. He was incredible at somehow simply allowing you to be whole while at the same time pulling you in when needed.
I will miss him dearly.
~ Nic R.
~ Thanks to Brett S. for gathering this information. Comments or questions? Please email reader commentary to the .
Richard Rose, the founder of the TAT Foundation, spent his life searching for the Truth, finding it, and helping others to find their Way. Although not well known to the public, he touched the lives of thousands of spiritual seekers through his books and lectures and through personal contacts with local study groups that continue to work with his teachings today. He felt strongly that helping others generates help for ourselves as well in our climb up the ladder to the golden find beyond the mind.
Call To Action For TAT Forum Readers
You can help! A volunteer is producing shareable text-quote and video content of Richard Rose and TAT-adjacent teachers. We need your suggestions for short, provocative 1-3 sentence quotes or 1 minute or less video clips of people like Rose, Art Ticknor, Bob Fergeson, Tess Hughes, Bob Cergol, Bart Marshall, Shawn Nevins, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Paul Constant, & other favorites. (An example here is selected by the TAT member who volunteers to oversee the Instagram account.) Please send favorite inspiring/irritating quotes—from books you have by those authors, from the TAT Forum, or any other place—to . If you have favorite parts of longer videos (ex: from a talk at a past TAT meeting), please email a link to the video and a timestamp. Thank you!
Project: Beyond Mind, Beyond Death II
We've had 14 additional years of monthly TAT Forum issues since then. And we're getting ready to launch a project to solicit recommendations from all readers for a 2nd volume of BMBD from the seven years of monthly issues spanning January 2008 to December 2014. Our approach will be to have a brief, interactive survey each week for participants to rate the items in one issue of the Forum for inclusion in volume II. That will take about 20 months, during which time volunteer co-editors Abhay D. and Michael R. will arrange the selections into chapters and organize the book's contents. Within 2 years BMBD II should be available in paperback and e-book formats.
TAT Foundation Press's latest publication Passages: An Introduction and Commentary on Richard Rose’s Albigen System The latest book from the TAT Foundation Press, Passages: An Introduction and Commentary on Richard Rose’s Albigen System, is now available in print and Kindle versions on Mike Gegenheimer and Shawn Nevins combined their experience with Rose's teachings to create this introduction to Rose's work. Passages highlights the tools and techniques for self-realization that Rose recommended. It is a concise yet deep plunge into these valuable spiritual teachings.
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2022 TAT Meeting Calendar
February Virtual Gathering: Saturday, February 5, 2022
See TAT's Facebook page. |
TAT's YouTube ChannelHave you seen the TAT Foundation's YouTube channel? Subscribe now for spiritual inspiration (and irritation)! Volunteers have been updating the channel with hours of new content! They've also curated some great playlists of talks by Richard Rose, teacher talks from recent & not so recent TAT meetings, episodes of the Journals of Spiritual Discovery podcast, and other great TAT related videos from around the internet. Featuring: Richard Rose, Bob Cergol, Shawn Nevins, Bob Fergeson, Mike Conners, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Bart Marshall, Paul Rezendes, Tess Hughes, Art Ticknor, Howdie Mickoski, Shawn Pethel and other speakers. This month's video is a session with Mike Conners at the April 2011 TAT weekend, the theme of which was "The Heart of the Matter."
Local Group News
Groups with new updates are featured below. Link here for a complete listing of local groups.
- Dec. 11: John Kent Thesis Chapter 16: Death and Passing Through Zero "You are on the verge of Enlightenment when you see yourself in your totality and futility." - Jan. 8: John Kent Thesis Chapter 17: Revelation |
- Wed, Dec 7: "Are you primarily instinctive, emotional or intellectual? In what role is the gut, heart, head?" - Sun, Dec 11: John Kent's Dissertation, Ch 16: Richard Rose's "Death and Passing Through Zero" (can be downloaded here: Dan G. hosts, monthly 3:15pm EST. Link to join the meeting. - Wed, Dec 14: Shawn P. will host. - Sun, Dec 18: Joint Dublin, Ireland Confrontation Meeting 2-4pm EST. Patrick K. will host. - Wed, Dec 21: Shawn N. will host. - Wed, Dec 28: Christmas Party meeting online. |
Members-Only Area
A password-protected section of the website is available for TAT members. (Note that there's an occasional glitch that, when you try to link to the members-only area or a sections within it, you'll get a page-not-found error. If you try the link a second time, it should work.) Contents include:
Latest recordings:
TAT's Novemeber 2021 online gathering, titled What Do You Really, Really Want From Life?: 3.5 hours of selected sessions.
TAT's February 2021 online gathering, titled In Thought, Word and Deed : 2.5 hours of selected sessions.
TAT's August 2019 Workshop was titled Beyond Mindfulness: Meditation and the Path Within and included three guest speakers who each led separate workshops. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
TAT's June 2019 Spiritual Retreat Weekend was titled Between You and the Infinite. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
TAT's April 2019 Spiritual Retreat Weekend was titled Once in a Lifetime is Now. The following audio recordings are now available in the members-only website area:
Please us if you have questions. (Look here for info on TAT membership.)
Amazon and eBay
As an Amazon Associate TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through links on our website. TAT has registered with the eBay Giving Works program. You can list an item there and select TAT to receive a portion of your sale. Or if you use the link and donate 100% of the proceeds to TAT, you won't pay any seller fees when an item sells and eBay will transfer all the funds to TAT for you. Check out our Giving Works page on eBay. Click on the "For sellers" link on the left side of that page for details. |
Your Contributions to TAT News
TAT founder Richard Rose believed that working with others accelerates our retreat from untruth. He also felt that such efforts were most effective when applied with discernment, meaning working with others on the rungs of the ladder closest to our own. The TAT News section is for TAT members to communicate about work they've been doing with or for other members and friends. Please your "ladder work" news.
When a Door Closes
31.Sing happy music, karaoke style. 100+ happy and other songs to make you dance, sing and feel good are here. Many thousands more are here. * ~ Thanks to First 10 ideas. Second 10 ideas. Third 10 ideas. "Laughter leads to playfulness, and playfulness equally leads you back to laughter. An easy way to laugh spontaneously more is to play more, because laughter is a natural outcome of playful behaviors. Give yourself permission to play every day!" Image from
We enjoy presenting humor here from TAT members and friends. Please
your written or graphic creations. Exact sources are necessary for other submissions, since we need to make sure they're either in the public domain or that we have permission to use them.
Are You Sure?
Ex-Russian FM lists Putin’s 3 major miscalculations in Ukraine
You say he’s desperate, but you also don’t feel he will use nuclear weapons. How can you be sure?
Previous Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev:
Well, sure, you cannot be of anything in this world….
~ Thanks to for the owl image.
Mussoorie, queen of hills
Monsoon...where are you?
Arched backs with a load
I say a little prayer for
Was I heard?
What was that?
Lightening and thunder
Parched throat of the mountains
~ Thanks to Anima Pundeer for this poem written in 2018 during her seeking years. |
~ Thanks to Mark W. |
“Earthly things must be known to be loved. Divine things must be loved to be known.” ~ Blaise Pascal
“Each one is bound to his own ideals; he whose ideal is mortal must die when his ideal dies, he whose ideal is immortal must become immortal himself to attain it.” ~ Franz Hartmann
~ The image is of Rodin's "Thinker" courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. |
your thoughts on the above items.
A reader wrote that what would make the Forum more interesting would be:
Hearing from people who are searching—and have questions instead of those providing endless advice and "answers." What challenges they are facing. What their doubts and questions are. How they perceive their path is going. What they are doing in their lives. Where they think they will end up. Etc., etc.
Can you help make the Forum more interesting?
Thanks to Bob Cergol for a pair of Reader Commentary questions for the December TAT Forum:
What challenges are you facing? What are your doubts?
Responses follow.
From Brett S:
My challenges are about a question I’ve been asked dozens of times by TAT friends: what do I want? I thought that
what I wanted was a life that I thought gave me the best chance of a spiritual realization: keeping my obligations to a
minimum in order to have time to attend retreats, remove distractions, and generally spend more time on activities I
see as intentionally spiritual. Having done that, I found that the results aren’t what I expected them to be: I feel more
than ever that there’s something missing in my life, but am confused about what that is, and have gotten depressed
about that confusion to the point of feeling unmotivated to do the spiritual work I set out to do. That leads me to my
My doubts are whether my strong feeling that “something’s missing” is about not being honest with myself about the kind of life I really want, or if it’s about realizing that life isn’t going to give me the safety, certainty, and satisfaction I’m looking for. In other words, am I lying to myself about wanting my life to revolve around spiritual seeking? Or am I lying to myself about being able to escape existential angst?
What I want might be the same in both scenarios: an identity I can rely on, and an ability to deal with change and to accept death. I want these things because I believe not having them creates suffering and conflict, and because I think having them will help me live a life of honesty and integrity.
There’s something fishy to me about living a spiritual life because of what I hope it will give me. But there’s also something disingenuous about not doing whatever I can to get what I want.
These challenges and doubts have at times felt unbearable. But recently I’ve become more hopeful that intensely caring about them might lead me to making a choice I can live with. Basically, they can show me what I really want. Thanks for the question.
From Tess Hughes:
What challenges me is my aging body.
I doubt I'll survive it 🤣🙃
TAT Press publishes Tess's This Above All: A Journey of Self-Discovery.
You can contact Tess by
From Josh M:
My current challenge is maintaining focus and not dissipating energy while also balancing a relationship with someone who is supportive of spiritual quest, but doesn’t share the same intensity-drive.
My doubts are that I could be wasting precious time and energy.
From Isaac H:
My challenges include a lack of faith that I can muster what is required, and the normal mundane lack of motivation and energy. My doubts include the doubt that anything that I can do can help, that this can happen for me, and something more like a fear, where since I don't know what the ultimate context is, there is a doubt that the experience that Finders label "Self-Realization" is not just spiritual suicide; I doubt if it is something that I actually want, or can want. But "I" continue(s).
From Patrick K:
Currently, I am pushing to do regular live meetings with other seekers, post the covid restrictions. The challenges are there for sure. We are relatively lucky enough here in Ireland that there is an interested core group, albeit a small group. I find it challenging to advertise this work beyond the current web of the TAT foundation. Rapport is a big challenge for me. I have an aggressive, forceful manner that may not be most conducive to rapport with other seekers, but I am also sensitive, so maybe I am not too out of balance. I have doubts about myself, which I sum up as fear/negativity. Fear/negativity I sense as cowardice, which has to be faced head-on.
From Art Ticknor:
I continue to do what I've been doing for may years, which is to try helping seekers attain their most heartfelt desires. I do that through personal emails, email confrontation groups, a local self-inquiry discussion group, TAT gatherings, and intensive retreats ... and an occasional book. My challenges are in decreasing energy as I age, which has led me to minimal proactive "teaching" and relying on reactions to seekers' questions and complaints.
My doubts are whether what I'm doing helps or hinders, but they don't seem to impede my actions. Many of the folks I try to help don't seem to have found clarity about what they want most from their lives, and therefore they're more like corks on the ocean than vectors away from untruth. Perhaps the best I can do is just to love them.
TAT Press publishes three of Art's books: Solid Ground of Being: A Personal Story of the Impersonal, Beyond Relativity: Transcending the Split Between Knower & Known and Sense of Self: The Source of All Existential Suffering?
and Always Right Behind You: Parables & Poems of Love & Completion co-authored with Anima Pundeer.
From Eric C:
“Can I handle the seasons of my life?” I don’t know.
When I listen to Stevie Nicks singing that line in "Landslide,"" I feel my life built around role-identities—son, friend, brother, member of a community, director, friend. I relate to the fear of changing, of letting go of the way I have held those identities, of loved ones, of the capabilities on my own body and mind.
There is doubt that I will be able to “hold it all together,” that I will most of the time have the proper perspective, or see and act on what is most important. At the same time there is also a basic trust in life.
From Bill K:
I am my biggest challenge. Everything else in life was in the form of something I could grasp, that I could separate and define, was able to be measured and had definite strategies as solutions, or that could often be solved with dollars and cents. But 'I am' is too close for any of those, because I am is that me who had met or addressed every other challenge in life. Although this me could be developed, it cannot itself improve its ability to see itself except through a process of elimination of what it identifies itself to be. 'I am' is a challenge only if I aspire to discover what could be more real than 'I am.'
'I am' afraid that identifying the one who wishes to discover something more real or solid than what 'I am' may still be a fractured part of the original 'I am.' My doubts are based upon any personal effort that would be consciously or unconsciously self-defeating. Perhaps the only hope is guidance from outside, or from inside that is not the 'I am' that is itself the challenge. This requires an elevation or transcendence of some part of my mental machinery to some higher ability without identity.
From Mark C:
My current challenges are householder challenges as my father passed away about 22 months ago and
my mother about 45 days ago. I have been the executor for both of their estates, and between that and
the fact that I have had an ongoing pattern of taking on too much in my life, things have become quite
muddy on the path. I have noticed that the recent emphasis on death has forced me to contemplate the
"Who am I?" and "What's this really all about?" questions all the more.
Sometimes I feel like I am a hamster on a wheel now, and there is this feeling that it's all just things happening to this character. The feeling is so great that I almost want to do things "wrong" just to see what happens, whatever "wrong" would be. I seem to be paying more attention to the whole picture of what is taking place around me, and I have noticed more and more synchronicities taking place, sometimes very inexplicably. I feel like I have used my mind to what seems like the limits that it is going to help me, and I guess you could say that I have much more doubt in my ability to figure anything out. I try to pay more attention to my feelings and my intuition, but the intuition comes of its own accord, and not when I think it should.
It seems like I doubt quite a bit now, but there is still this need to color within the lines. Shawn Pethel made a comment at the last TAT weekend about how he had purposely gone to sleep during meditation and then would usually come to with some sort of insight. My immediate thought was that this was "the wrong way," that people were not supposed to go to sleep during meditation, but the following thought was, "What makes it wrong?" So while it appears that my doubt is increasing, the mind still stands guard on "how things are supposed to be."
From Dan G:
There are somatic life balancing challenges. For example, how can I possibly save enough money for a house when the prices of houses are too damn high? Or how the heck do I get done 30 hours of things to do every day?
There are intuition challenges, too. For example, is my current interpretation of how to resolve dissatisfaction going in a good direction? Is a thought I should ask myself Tess’s question, “Do you feel inferior to others who own more than you?” such as who own a house, something I should decide to do, or is the thought I feel tired and I need a different inspiration more on track? Which voices should I commit to act on to save myself? Intuiting the truth of my beliefs as they change minute-by-minute is a challenge.
Another common intuition challenge is understanding messages from higher on the spiritual ladder. I often wonder how exact or how inexact a statement is. For example, Tess asserts, “How you describe yourself is the clue to your identifications and your identifications are the causes of all your suffering.”
Is that “all your” true for me? Is it all her suffering was resolved by fixing identification and I’m special with extra suffering? Are my somatic challenges real sources of real suffering? Or if these challenges are happening to an imaginary being, might they be only imagined suffering? Are identifications the source of all my “real” suffering? Do I really believe her assertion or do I really believe my case is an exception?
And what exactly is an “identification?” Is there something specific she’s pointing at that’s different from other things people might call identification, or is she saying this is a case specificity and precision isn’t the point, the truth sensor intuition is what matters? Do I understand it well enough, or am I missing some key perception? Do I know my identifications she means or do I not know them?
Those are a couple intuition-type challenges I face. I wonder if there are any challenges, I, as consciousness of the mind face? Maybe the limits to what I see. The mind lives in a state of belief, never knowledge. It’s like a constant state of sea-sickness I try to not think about. Nothing is proven as realer than a dream. I need to be something other than the individual viewpoint I seem to be, but I’m not conscious in the mind of ever being anything other than a viewer of mind. Is the fact I need that, proof that my identity as trapped and sourced by a mind isn’t the complete truth? Is there an unconscious view that informs my nostalgia and longing? Is the view not the viewer, or am I what suffers?
Next Month
The Reader Commentary question for the January 2023 TAT Forum: What does the term “enlightenment” mean to you? Please your responses by the 25th of December and indicate your preferred identification (the default is your first name and the initial letter of your last name). "Anonymous" and pennames are fine, too.
What are your thoughts on this month's reader commentary? Please
your feedback.
Richard Rose described a spiritual path as living one's life
aimed at finding the meaning of that life.
Did you find anything relevant to your life or search in this month's TAT Forum?
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* Zen is Action *
Definition of Terms
Index of many of the key terms and principles in Rose's work, with brief definitions, from Richard Rose's Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self by John Kent. |
Jacob's Ladder © 2001 Richard Rose. See this transcript of a talk on the topic by Rose.
Homing Ground Update
A spot on earth where people can do retreats and hold
Did you enjoy the Forum? Then buy the book!
Readers' favorite selections from seven years of issues.
Beyond Mind, Beyond Death is available at