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Primary inbox vs. Social, Promotions, etc. => [I don't use Outlook or Yahoo mail, but here's what I've read about whitelisting with them. Please let me know if any of these examples are incorrect or outdated—Ed.]
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Downloadable/rental versions of the Mister Rose video and of April TAT talks Remembering Your True Desire:
"You don't know anything until you know Everything...."
Mister Rose is an intimate look at a West Virginia native many people called a Zen Master because of the depth of his wisdom and the spiritual system he conveyed to his students. Profound and profane, Richard Rose was not the kind of man most people picture when they think of mystics or spiritual teachers. Yet, he was the truest of teachers, one who had "been there," one who had the cataclysmic experience of spiritual enlightenment.
Filmed in the spring of 1991, the extraordinary documentary follows Mr. Rose from a radio interview, to a university lecture and back to his farm, as he talks about his experience, his philosophy and the details of his life.
Whether you find him charming or offensive, fatherly or fearsome, you will not forget him, and never again will you think about yourself, reality, or life after death in quite the same way.
3+ hours total. Rent or buy at
2012 April TAT Meeting Remembering Your True Desire
Includes all the speakers from the April 2012 TAT meeting: Art Ticknor, Bob Fergeson, Shawn Nevins and Heather Saunders.
1) Remembering Your True Desire ... and Acting on It, by Art Ticknor
Spiritual action is like diving for the Pearl beyond Price. What do you do when you don't know what to do or how to do it? An informal discussion centered around the question: "What prevents effective spiritual action?"
2) Swimming in the Inner Ocean: Trips to the Beach, by Bob Fergeson
A discussion of the varied ways we can use in order to hear the voice of our inner ocean, the heart of our true desires.
3) A Wider and Wilder Vision, by Shawn Nevins
Notes on assumptions, beliefs, and perspectives that bind and free us.
4) Make Your Whole Life a Prayer, by Heather Saunders
An intriguing look into a feeling-oriented approach to life.
5+ hours total. Rent or buy at
(This is a complete listing of local groups. See the main page section for just the groups with recently updated information.)
New listing for Aiken, SC:
Looking to start a self-inquiry group ... finding like-minded people to talk about Richard Rose and his teachings either online or in-person in a home setting ... to question what it means to find our true selves.
~ Email
Update for the Amsterdam, NL Self-Inquiry Group:
The group is not holding meetings currently, but email
for information.
Update from the Central New Jersey Self Inquiry:
Our group is now meeting every other Sunday at 6pm eastern time. The topic of our most recent meeting: In almost all spiritual traditions, reaching the final "goal" means eliminating the "I", the "Sense of Self", or the "Ego". And to do so, for most people it means generally weakening this "I" gradually till it disappears.
~ For meeting info:
Update from the Central Ohio Non-Duality Group:
The Columbus, Ohio self-inquiry group, now known as the Central Ohio Non-Duality Group, has continued to meet virtually on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please email one of the people's names below if you wish to get a link to the meeting. Meeting format involves discussion of topics of interest to seekers and often bridges from the concerns, questions and interests of the core members in attendance into the topic which we intend to discuss. We look forward to the easing of restrictions to the point where we feel comfortable meeting again in person.
~ For further information, contact
, or
We're also on Facebook.
Update from the Dublin, Ireland self-inquiry group:
We meet every second Wednesday on Zoom. We are working using two different approaches. The first is the standard confrontation approach of people giving an update on what was coming for them in the previous period, in terms of their path. The second is the distribution of a piece in advance for reflection. We will continue in this vein for the time being, using either a general update or a piece for reflection shared in advance.
~ Contact
for more information.
Update from the email self-inquiry groups:
The Women's Online Confrontation (WOC) group consists of weekly reports where participants can include:
> What is on your mind?
> Any projects that you want to be held accountable for?
> Responses to a selected excerpt (in the previous report).
> Comments/responses/questions for other participants.
A philosophical/spiritual excerpt with two or three questions is included in each report.
Based on what we share, participants ask questions to help get clarity about our thinking.
The intention is to help each other see our underlying beliefs about who we are.
One rule we try to adhere to is not to give advice or solve problems.
The number of participants, to make it work efficiently, is between 4 and 7 including the leader.
Currently we have two men's email groups. They (the weekly exchanges, not the participants :-) function like slow-motion self-inquiry confrontation meetings, which has its pros and cons. We alternate by asking each other questions one week then answering them the following week. Participants provide brief updates of highlights from the previous week and optional updates on progress toward objectives that they use the reports for accountability on.
Both the women's and the men's email groups welcome serious participants.
~ Contact
for more information.
TAT Press publishes Anima's and Art's book: Always Right Behind You: Parables & Poems of Love & Completion.
Update from the Gainesville, FL self-inquiry group:
The Alachua County library reopened its meeting rooms on July 5th, and we were the first group to meet after the reopening.
We decided to change our meeting day from Sunday to Saturday, at the same time as previously (2 to 4 PM). Our first meeting was on July 10th, and subsequent meetings are scheduled for alternate Saturdays with an occasional extra week between meetings due to holidays or the TAT meeting schedule and our group's associated retreats.
~ Email
for more information.
TAT Press publishes three of Art's books: Solid Ground of Being: A Personal Story of the Impersonal, Beyond Relativity: Transcending the Split Between Knower & Known and Sense of Self: The Source of All Existential Suffering?
The Gainesville self-inquiry group is planning a five-day intensive retreat for those who can arrive by Sunday evening—a four-day or three-day intensive retreat for those who can't make it until Monday or Tuesday—at the TAT Center in NC on Sunday-Friday, June 5–10, 2022, segueing into the TAT weekend gathering on the evening of June 10th.
The theme is "The Real Problem": ~ E-mail for more information. |
Update from Galway, Ireland:
Tess Hughes is starting a women's group on Wednesday evenings, 7pm Dublin time, using Zoom.It will begin mid September. Sessions last 90-120 minutes usually. Anyone who's interested in joining can contact
TAT Press publishes Tess's easy to read, profound This Above All, the story of her journey of Self-Discovery.
The GMT support group group held a
weekend intensive retreat in West Sussex, UK on Friday-Sunday, Nov. 12–13.
On the weekend of 12-14th November a small number of people gathered for an in-person spiritual retreat in West Sussex
U.K. The aim was to foster a spirit of friendship and provide a face to face retreat for TAT interested European folks with the
theme of ‘Make Your Whole Life a Prayer’.
Tess Hughes joined us via Zoom and Peter O. made a moving talk about his life and spiritual path. Freddie L. offered a very
powerful guided meditation, we conducted Harding experiments, rapport, and it was a great opportunity for discussion and a
deepening of friendship. We hope to run another similar retreat sometime next year.
See "A Seeker-Organized Weekend Intensive Retreat" for feedback from participants including a poem by one of them.
~ E-mail
for more details.
Update from the Greensburg, PA self-inquiry group:
I am meeting every Saturday morning with three of my former Greensburg SIG group participants who are into non-dualist paths, such as Adyashanti and Mooji. There is also another participant, a professional psychologist who is interested in eastern philosphy and who wasn't in my SIG group but makes a great addition to our proceedings. These fellows are sincere seekers. We spend our time discussing our respective paths and comparing notes. Our new venue is a place called the White Rabbit Cafe in Greensburg. I'm hoping that the lull here has ended and that we're ready to be more dynamic again.
~ Contact
if interested in local self-inquiry meetings.
An update from the self-inquiry group in Houston, TX:
The backyard patio meetings are now moved to Zoom meetings, which take place at 4 pm on Saturdays. There are 3 active and inspired participants right now. Topics vary from Mr. Rose's writings to "What is on your mind?"
~ Contact
for more information.
"Ignoramuses Anonymous" blog
Ignoramuses Anonymous is for seekers to explore questions together
a fellowship of seekers for whom ignorance of the absolute truth had become a major problem. It started as a blog for Pittsburgh PSI meeting members back in 2009. Welcoming discussion on the path.
To get notices of new posts, you can subscribe by RSS feed or by
See the 2020/11/28 post:
Four-day isolation retreat at TAT Center, with photos and YouTube clips.
Update from the Lynchburg, VA self-inquiry group:
We have been meeting on Thursday evenings from 7pm—8:30pm, online, via zoom. Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, and Bob Harwood are consistent guests. We've also had some other interesting characters show up from time to time. Topics come from readings or questions brought up by our members. These are sent out, along with the zoom invitation each week. Recently we posted some "considerations" for joining our group:
** Try to frame your comments as questions to Norio, Paul, or Bob. Draw these questions from you own experience rather than generalities. Maintain attention and discussion on the question rather than philosophical musings.
** Question other participants, in the spirit of group-assisted self inquiry, but without attempting to lead them to any particular conclusion or bring attention to yourself.
**Allow for and attend to the silence and the space that is always present. When you aren't speaking, see that as your role—to hold that space.
**Question, in yourself, the use of personal story-telling and quoting others—though sometimes both are helpful and appropriate.
**Consider the way in which you are listening. Does it have a quality of acquisitiveness or openness?
**Continue to question your own intention for coming to this meeting and let that guide any comments/questions/discussion.
~ Please contact
if you're interested in being on the email list.
Update from the New York City self-inquiry group:
The New York City Self-Inquiry group meets by Zoom every Monday from 6-8 PM EST. The link is For those joining by phone, the number is +1 929 205 6099 US (New York), with Meeting ID: 309 836 1863, and Passcode: 895478. More details, as well as our weekly discussion topics, are available on our MeetUp page (link above) and via email at
Update from the recently listed Online Video Confrontation Group:
The Monday Night Online Confrontation Group is going strong with a core group of participants and room for a few more. Now meeting at 7:30 pm EST (previously at 7 pm), using the online video conference platform from Zoom. The goal of the group is to practice confrontation/group self-inquiry.
~ If you're interested, email
Isaac and AJ interviewed Art Ticknor on their Plant Cunning Podcast series, where they "invite herbalists, ethnobotanists, farmers, mages, fungi experts, community organizers and all kinds of other interesting people to the microphone to share their wisdom and experiences with us": Self Realization with Art Ticknor.
Update from the Portland, OR self-inquiry group:
A small group of us meet most Sundays at a coffee shop. The format for our meetings is to give each person 20 minutes or so to talk about whatever is coming up for them in their practice and to answer questions from the others.
~ Email
for more information.
Update from the Raleigh, NC Triangle Inquiry Group:
We're continuing with Zoom online meetings for now--first and third Tuesdays of each month.
~ Email
for more details.
Update for the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area TAT Center:
Bob Fergeson spent a year as resident teacher before returning to Colorado in March.
Mark Wintgens continues as our chief-seeker in residence and invaluable caretaker. He is looking forward to hosting retreats and meetings for local group members as well as all TAT seekers. And TAT is looking forward to the possibility of hosting the August 2021 TAT meeting at the Center.
~ Email
for information about the TAT Center.
Update from the Richmond Self Inquiry Group:
There isn't a Richmond self inquiry group at the moment
it never really got off the ground. I'm considering a few different approaches for round three, but it'll be at least a few months away before that takes form.
~ Email
for information about future meetings and events.
Update from the San Francisco Bay area self-inquiry group:
See the Shawn Nevins interview by Iain McNay of, kicking off the publication of Shawn's book Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment.
~ Email
for information about upcoming meetings and events.
TAT Press publishes Shawn's Images of Essence: The Standing Now, which features his poems with photos by Bob Fergeson, The Celibate Seeker: An Exploration of Celibacy as a Modern Spiritual Practice, Subtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment, and Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred, which features his poems with photos by Phaedra Greenwood.
Update from the Washington DC Area Self-Inquiry Discussion Group:
[This group was previously listed as the Rockville, MD self-inquiry group.] We've been meeting monthly at Rockville, MD Memorial Library. While the library is closed for public health reasons, we're participating more in a weekly online book club. Forum readers are welcome to participate.
~ For more information, please email
or see the website
Everything You Believe is Wrong!
In the April 2022 TAT Forum, in the "Inspiration and Irritation" section, there was a reference in an article about "Conspirituality," which included the following excerpt from Wikipedia: It [Conspirituality] offers a broad politico-spiritual philosophy based on two core convictions, the first traditional to conspiracy theory, the second rooted in the New Age: 1) a secret group covertly controls, or is trying to control, the political and social order, and 2) humanity is undergoing a ‘paradigm shift’ in consciousness. Proponents believe that the best strategy for dealing with the threat of a totalitarian ‘new world order’ is to act in accordance with an awakened ‘new paradigm’ worldview. This article, "Everything You Believe is Wrong!," is intended to offer a counter-point—a counter-irritation, perhaps—to the article referenced in that TAT Forum, and to those who still claim such happenings are "conspiracy theories" by invalidating everyday beliefs that make up the basis for such claims. These beliefs—including unknown, subconscious beliefs—form the basis of our psyche, or mind, and are obstacles to knowing ourselves if they are still unknown or unconscious to us. The term coined as "conspirituality" may be an attempt to discredit anyone suspicious of the motives of the New World Order (NWO)1, and to discourage the objective investigation of its anti-human, anti-spiritual agenda, which it labels and sells as "The Great Reset," "The Fourth Industrial Revolution," "Sustainable Development," or simply the UN "Global Goals."2 By coining a term that links "spirituality" with "conspiracy," those in control of the narrative are attempting to discredit people who speak about relative truth in conjunction with spiritual truth. Hopefully this article will offer a glimpse of relative, worldly truth to folks who are beginning to suspect that, truly, nothing is what it seems in this world, and that corporate media sources—including Wikipedia and all TV network news—which label everything that doesn’t conform to the official government narrative a "conspiracy theory," may in fact be controlled by people who, to say the least, do not have our best interests at heart. In these times, when yesterday’s conspiracy theory quickly becomes today’s conspiracy fact, more and more people are beginning to see through the veil of lies being hammered into us daily by corporate media. This article is an entreaty to resist the pervasive "programming" we are being subjected to, and to, as Richard Rose advised, DOUBT EVERYTHING. *** In both Isis Unveiled3 by H.P. Blavatsky and The Albigen Papers4) by Richard Rose, nearly half of the book—the first half to be precise—is dedicated to countering the current belief system of the reader which they both saw as the primary obstacle to spiritual progress. Reality of the relative kind is mostly "agreement," and when something disagrees with the commonly accepted reality, the reality itself will fight back to maintain its inertia. It takes a lot of questioning and a persistent, rigorous self-honesty—which is a spiritual seeker’s most reliable tool on the path to Truth—to overcome this inertia and to see reality as it is without the filter of belief. This requires a discriminating, doubting, questioning mind that must be self-directed. It cannot be obedient to outside influences. The spiritual path to self-discovery includes, among other things, learning to think for yourself—apart from the crowd, outside the box, free from commonly accepted, socially-acceptable beliefs. Forty years ago there were over 1500 independent media outlets—newspapers, magazines, radio stations, local TV stations, TV networks, cable channels, movie studios, and entertainment companies. Now, they have all been acquired by 6 mega-corporations5 that all deliver the same programming, in lockstep with one another, that is virtually the exact same wording. Every news outlet now sounds exactly alike. No wonder critical-thinking, intuitive souls have come to realize that these media outlets can no longer be considered either "news" or reliable sources.6 It wasn't always this way. Even prior to 2012 there was some journalistic integrity for reporting the news even if it was mostly negative news. In 2012 though, through a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the repeal of the propaganda ban from the Smith-Mundt Act Of 19487 was lifted, paving the way for the U.S. to spread domestic propaganda delivered from our very own government—information weaponized against its own people. In conjunction with this coordinated propaganda onslaught is a parallel effort to censor and silence all views and evidence that does not conform to the official narrative. Independent journalists, scientists, doctors, and researchers of all sorts are de-platformed, censored, slandered, persecuted, "fact-checked" by government-funded lackeys, and labeled conspiracy theorists—a term made up in the 1960s in an effort to dismiss those who did not accept the official story of President John F. Kennedy’s murder, which has since been proven to indeed have been a NWO conspiracy.8 The mega-corporations that own these reporting outlets wield this many-headed monster to shape public opinion, and even influence what "science" we must believe—which is an ever-changing landscape of shifting sands. Are eggs good for you today? Tomorrow a new study will tell you they’re bad for you. Are eggs bad for you today? Tomorrow a new study will reveal they’re good for you. As the joke goes, "A new scientific study reveals that the results of scientific studies depend entirely on who is funding the study." Yes, even science which follows the Scientific Method can be corrupted simply by controlling which studies (results) are released and denouncing authors of studies with results that are unfavorable to the chosen narrative. "Following the money" is a great way to find phony "science" and is one way of questioning everything. Science, even with its brilliant achievements, has also been twisted into a weapon against the psyche of man for the purpose of pushing political and globalist aims—aims that go against what it means to be human, aims that are in fact open warfare on a spiritual level well beyond material "reality." This has never been more apparent that in the last few years. Don’t misunderstand, science remains a viable paradigm for research, and we should incorporate the scientific method into our lives and thinking, especially when it comes to the spiritual search. But we need to recognize science isn’t the sole domain of those with credentials from government-supported universities and institutions, or those who merely echo the mockingbirds on corporate news. If we ever hope to get at the truth of things, we need to scientifically and objectively examine evidence from ALL sources, including, and maybe especially, those sources that have been censored for being outside the current paradigm, or disagreeing with official policy. If evidence is not examined, not even looked at, it will not be seen. The mind will sense a threat to its existing worldview before the "I" that claims it is even aware in the moment—though it may be aware after the fact. Then it "turns away" and does not see what it was afraid of. Yet those who have seen this mechanism in play know there is nothing to fear, and that other paradigms or worldviews have equal or greater validity to existing, commonly-accepted or socially-acceptable worldviews. Conspiracy is not theory when it is the truth of what is actually happening. Yet we have a whole system of denial, mockery and misinformation called "fact checking" that attempts to discredit, discourage, or deny evidence and call it misinformation (or disinformation). These so-called "fact checkers" that have sprung up recently like mushrooms on dung in the dark, are quick to censor any evidence against official positions, calling it "untrusted," "lacking context," or "partially false"—anything to cast dispersion upon independent voices and quash critical thinking. Ad hominem (against the person) attacks are also used to discredit independent authors and researchers in an attempt to keep people from reading and listening to them. Gaslighting is another important tool of the propagandists—telling us to not even believe what we see with our own eyes, but to believe their approved version of what we are seeing. So much effort and so many tactics to keep us duped and confused. What are they afraid of us knowing? What do they fear we will find out? Inquiring minds want to know. A good rule of thumb for sincere truth-seekers is to carefully examine anything being censored and discredited by corporate media and government spokesmen, because that is likely where the truth lies. Some of the memes that are censored on social media, for example, have no reason to be censored, and the censoring itself becomes their "evidence" that it is misinformation. The official reason will likely be "against community standards," with little to no explanation of what rule was broken—if indeed any were actually broken. Those who can see what information is against the goals of these censors can easily infer what those goals are. In many cases, those involved in the NWO will outright tell us in books or on television what they plan to do.9 Whatever the government and corporate media tells you to believe, you can be pretty sure the exact opposite is true. When was the last time your government told you the truth about anything? As George Carlin said, "I have several rules I live by. My first rule is to never believe anything the government tells me." So what does all this focus on relative truth, on worldly truth, have to do with the pursuit of Absolute Truth? EVERYTHING. Truth is truth, and if you are not interested in the truth of what’s transpiring right before your very eyes—if you dismiss it and remain willfully blind to it—don’t hold your breath waiting for a revelation of Absolute Truth. Richard Rose used to talk about kids coming to him saying they wanted to know Absolute Truth, but who couldn’t "wipe their own noses" or see what’s happening right in front of them. These young kids did not yet know about spiritual laws, the workings of the mind, or the principle of doing simple things before doing grand things. The Law of Progression10 applies here. One needs to be able to recognize relative truth and reject the easy-to-spot lies before there can be a greater recognition. The false is subtracted in order to reveal what is more real. There is no other way, and the relative world is all we have to work with. True, everything in relative reality is ultimately false, illusory. But unless and until one has a direct personal experience of that truth, we must work with the materials at hand. Richard Rose often said, "You don’t know anything until you know everything."11 This applies to truth on all levels. On the relative level, what you don’t know about an issue or subject might completely overturn and negate what you think you already know. Blind belief in TV "news" and government proclamations is not a good strategy if one desires to know Self and Absolute Truth. There is a hermetic axiom: "As above, so below. As within, so without." The mind operates on the principle of opposites—duality. Therefore, we must include both sides in order to rise above them. Looking at only one side of an issue—or worse, having a personal investment in that one side—will blind one to the greater reality that exists, and if done intentionally, can only be considered willful ignorance. We must look at all levels of truth and lies to develop a mind that can distinguish between them. *** Rose used to give a talk entitled "The Lecture of Questions," which is a long list of self-inquiry questions a seeker might ask. In that spirit, here are a few more in the context of this article that are perhaps worth adding to the list in these times: "Does investigating the relative truth of what’s going on in the world contribute to, and perhaps speed up, the search for a direct experience of Absolute Truth?" "How prepared for a revelation of Absolute Truth is a person who believes without question what his TV tells him?" "Can someone who is willfully ignorant of relative truth ever hope to discover Absolute Truth?" "Be honest: Is there any real difference between what you consider you own opinions and beliefs about current events, and what your TV tells you to think and believe? Are you, perhaps, just blindly supporting the current thing12 as dictated by the "news" and calling it your opinion?" History has repeatedly shown that the more powerful the government, the worse it is for the common man. With great power comes great responsibility,13 but every government in the world has demonstrated it cannot and will not be responsible to those it is supposed to serve. Instead, it serves only itself and those who run the show. It will claim to make you suffer for the "greater good," or "for your safety," and end up causing starvation, depression or death—intentional or otherwise—at the expense of the general populations it attempts to control. FACT: In the last few years, while the rest of us were locked down, fired, driven out of business, forced to wear toxic masks, dying alone, committing suicide, and generally being made as fearful and miserable as possible, the net worth of the trillionaires and billionaires increased tenfold, in the most blatant, criminal transfer of wealth from the common people to the controllers in modern history. The reality is that rather than serve the people, governments—driven by the greed and sociopathy of the psychopaths who run them—seek to literally make the lives of their people ever more wretched, and to, yes, kill as many of them as possible, or failing that, to shorten their lifespans as much as possible, to "thin the herds" of humanity. But history itself cannot be trusted. The victors and controllers write history, and re-write it over and over again to their liking. Books are burned, intellectuals and dissidents murdered, knowledge buried and lost. Officially recorded events must always be questioned, especially if they are held up as inviolable "truth," and used to denounce alternative histories as "conspiracy theory." This is easily seen if one takes the time to study the true history of the planet. And once you see the falseness of one historical event, it throws all of history into question. As the saying goes, "If you think today’s news is fake, imagine how fake history must be." Truly, everything you have ever been taught or think you know or believe, is a lie. Richard Rose used to ask everyone he met, "What do you know for sure?" How would you answer that question? Is what you think you know merely what you have been told by corporate media and government indoctrination camps (schools)? How much independent thinking and research have you done about what’s going on in the world? Are you truly interested in truth? How much time do you spend looking for truth "under every rock," as Rose advised, and down every rabbit hole? Are you a believer, or are you a seeker of truth? Do you think you can hold onto the mass formation psychosis14—unintentional though it may be on your part—on the level of relative truth and still be a candidate for the revelation of Absolute Truth? Are you demonstrating an obsession with "Truth at all costs no matter what it turns out to be" in your daily life? Or are you only prepared to accept Truth if it fits into your established belief system? If it’s the latter, you’re dragging a ball-and-chain as you traverse your spiritual path. Truth will never fit itself into any belief system, no matter how widely accepted, revered, traditional or seemingly profound. Well, that’s enough for now. There is much more to be revealed, but chances are you’re not ready for most of it. When you gather the curiosity and courage to go down the rabbit holes of relative, worldly truth, however, we can talk. But fair warning, the truth will shake you to the core, enrage you, twist your stomach into knots, give you cold sweats, and invade your sleep. If you really want truth, you must be willing to pay the price, and the price is not less than everything you ever thought you knew or believed. Most of you reading this will probably choose to take refuge in your habitual worldviews and illusions, and perhaps continue to point with derision at the "conspiracy theorists" who say that things are not what they seem. But a few of you may be willing to take the red pill, to take the next step to Truth. It is for you this article was written. God bless you, and Godspeed you on your journey. More on the NWO.15
--- Footnotes:
Infographic is from 2016 but updated list of owners below - 6. Mockingbird Media: The Fact Is All News If Scripted And For Misinformation & Control - 7. 8. John F Kennedy EXPOSES The New World Order 1961: 9. World Government Summit 2022 Asks, "Are We Ready For a New World Order?" by Jamie White - and New Order of Barbarians 1988 - 10. Referring to Richard Rose’s Law of Progression outlined in The Albigen Papers, where if a plane can fly at an altitude of 30,000 ft it is highly likely it can fly to 30,0001 ft. 11. Also by Richard Rose. #7 "Doubt Everything" 12. A humorous meme: 13. Spider-man’s uncle, probably. 14. Mass Formation Psychosis: 15. World Government And The New World Order by Computing Forever - |
The Reader Commentary pair of questions for the June TAT Forum, thanks to Dan G., is:
What’s your take on what you really want out of life?
Has what you want out of life changed as you’ve gotten older?
The complete response from David Weimer:
In the following, I use quotes at times because I know that each term I use I assume I know the meaning of—and I never question my understanding or assumptions about these and other concepts.
What about the “want” to comprehend existence itself? Existential angst is the temporary calling card of a younger version of me, heading out into the world, yearning for a purpose worth having. Concern and anxiety over my purpose or my reason for being…. A desire to Know could be the same thing as my being (overly) paranoid, or (overly) afraid of the dark or going outside of my apartment, or (overly) focused on my own physical problems and illnesses; all of these could be manifestations that exist in greatly diminished forms at other times of life. My obsessive qualities are survivor examples that correspond to those who first exhibited them. “Evolutionarily advantageous.” Paranoia. Aggression. Curiosity. Charitability. Not involving any “planning” whatsoever—just lucky, and somehow things worked out.
Is there a “spiritual” component to my existence, or what I see as “reality?” Is there an afterlife? An Absolute? Is an Answer to my personal existence possible? Is Enlightenment real? These things are each defined from a particular point of view. Hunger and being satiated are defined using their counterparts. Spiritual yearning exists—therefore?
I have the potential/personal obligation to reach a conciliatory position regarding my life and death. To me, the Absolute, God, Truth, Oblivion, Death, and Non-existence are all somewhat synonymous; they’re on the same page. In my life, I have to be able to put up with living, and come up with, or “find,” somehow, an explanation I can live with. This takes as many forms as there are individual people.
As far as my “take” on what I really want out of life, my overarching wants are the same as my “hunger” for food, or sex, or substances that facilitate an experienced change in my observed condition of being (alcohol, drugs, etc.). My mind has the apparent ability to think about tomorrow. It appears to automatically identify and synthesize objectives in that future time and place, given the imagined circumstances from where I’ll be tomorrow (work, home, vacation). Activities are automatically “planned” to realize the objectives or wants that spring up considering tomorrow’s time in a certain location (build a sand castle tomorrow at the beach).
The type of thinking self I appear to embody is a figurehead who says, “I feel this,” and “I want that,” while an unseen mountain of activities goes on underneath, or outside of, my awareness. My dog doesn’t look like he plans, but he lets me know it’s his usual time for eating like clockwork; he “remembers” the previous feeding times, and his timing is perfect. I think my future-pondering, planning self is a variation or extension of drive mechanisms leading to eating, reproducing, and engaging in self-gratifying activities like drinking, smoking, drug use, etc.
I’m goal-oriented. I “feel “satisfied” when I’m working towards a goal—whether it’s a work project spanning days or weeks; a health-related goal like losing weight, quitting smoking, or exercising to get more muscles, or a less tangible-seeming goal like achieving happiness, contentment, or coming to understand my place in the world of observable reality. When I don’t have any goals, I “feel unfulfilled,” and my life doesn’t “feel personally meaningful.” These “negative” feelings are my mind’s hunger pangs—increasing discomfort resulting in my being irritated enough to stand up and go look for something to eat.
I feel “comforted” or “reassured” that my life is worthwhile, meaningful, and fulfilling when I have a goal I’m actively working towards. Worthwhile, meaningful, fulfilling…. My urge to identify and pursue “meaningful” goals is ingrained; I don’t think I came up with the idea to feel what I feel. Eating food, reproducing, and experiencing pleasure should be enough for my dog. It should be enough for me too, if I were in a war zone or living in an impoverished and starving nation, but since I’m not in those situations, I want “more.”
“Really want,” assumes a more important want and others that are judged to be less important. If my arms are full while foraging and a predator approaches, what will I drop (or throw at the predator), and what will I hold onto as I run away to preserve myself? If I’m carrying a baby, I’ll drop the food, then my weapon, then the baby? Or, the food, then put the baby in a tree and confront the predator with my weapon? This kind of prioritization is likely a part of me down to the smallest, genetic level, because each existing trait that survives long enough to reproduce passes on its succeeding-to-survive characteristics to me, its self-copy. I can’t exhibit my dad’s work ethic if I was not born. The seemingly planned nature of my instincts and urges is located in a fuzzy place on the end of an unbroken chain of successful survivals and countless overlapping copies of selves.
When I was younger, I felt a strong urge for the companionship of the opposite sex; I was “lonely.” I felt a strong urge to conquer the world or to achieve something great; I wanted “adventure.” When I was a parent, my strongest urge was to feed and support my offspring as best as I could, sacrificing my resources to promote their continued, thriving existence. Now that I’m older, my want is to live longer to be around to see my offspring’s life progress, supporting and aiding them. Next on my priority list is the urge to be engaged in innately-preferred activities, like reading or making stuff out of wood or words. I’ve observed that older females I work for appear to prioritize nurturing family and friend relationships. They also do a lot of plant growing. Our preferred activities seem to emanate from the type of living thing we seem to be. Can I understand myself completely? My guess is that it takes a lifetime to get a complete picture.
Over time, having different obsessions and periods of responsibility relating to these obsessions, having a string of successfully-achieved, and some not-achieved, goals behind me—what I “want” from my daily and my overarching life has changed. Wisdom is having experienced a lot, and having learned the hard way about many things. I’ve accomplished different things over the years, and I’ve become an expert in the things I’ve done often.
“What do I really want out of life?” is a good question to ask myself. Thanks for the reminder.
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