TAT Foundation

...friendship and the spiritual search

The TAT Foundation, friendship and the spiritual search.

"The highest form of spiritual work is the realization of the essence of man...."

"You never learn the answer; you can only become the answer."

"My purpose is to outline a system which will prove itself as it goes along, and which will reward us at any point along the line by finding for us a more disciplined and skillful mind, and a mind that is more aware of itself."

—Richard Rose

TAT August 19 - 21, 2022 Spiritual Retreat Banner

Attend TAT's August 2022 Retreat—Meditation and the Path Within

Welcome to TAT

TAT (Truth and Transmission) is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven spiritual self-help community. Founded in 1973 by spiritual teacher Richard Rose (1917-2005), TAT offers a wide range of practical ways to nurture and grow your spiritual search through independent action and working with spiritual friends.

Here you will find:

Wherever you are on the path, TAT can help you find your Way.

The life of the spiritual seeker is often a solitary affair. However, there are friends to find, books to read, and information to share. The TAT Foundation and its spiritual search site offer a place for genuine philosophical and spiritual inquiry on all levels, modeled on the principle that cooperation and interaction with fellow inquirers can expedite a seeker's own investigation. The depth of friendship and a unique set of principles without the dogma—these form the basic precepts of TAT® videos, audio, publications, and events.

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TAT is a registered trademark of the TAT Foundation.