
October 2024 TAT Forum

This month’s contents include:

Convictions & Concerns: What I Found, by Bob Cergol.

TAT Foundation News: Including the calendar of 2024 TAT events and a listing of local group meetings organized by TAT members.


Inspiration & Irritation

Reader Commentary: Does your life have a definite direction? If so, what is it?

Founder’s Wisdom

A New Home for TAT update

Saturday, October 26, 2024
More information and registration.

Keep informed of TAT events and receive our free monthly Forum filled with inspiring essays, poems and images.

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(As an Amazon Associate, TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through links on our website … or save this link to use.)

Convictions & Concerns

TAT members share their personal convictions and/or concerns

What I Found
Questions and Answers From a Finder Questionnaire

1. What did you find?

I found what I was essentially, and what I was essentially not. I found that there was no death because there was nothing to die. What I had taken myself to be, i.e., personal self-consciousness, was not independently alive, but rather it was born of experience, a stream of experience that gave rise to an experience-er. I found a pure living Awareness that was omnipresent, unborn and undying, that preceded all, that contained all, yet was simultaneously utterly empty and containing all life and all things seen and unseen. I found that I was this eternal impersonal omnipresent Awareness. Yes, the body dies and turns to dust, and the mind we proclaim to own is dependent upon that body and so likewise vanishes in the dust. What remains of you is nothing. But what you are essentially is eternal. The dreamer in the dream and the dreamer of the dream are no more—yet that which was always watching, was present before the dream began and remains after the dream ends. I am that, and so are you. You’re just too busy being you and staring at your body in the mirror of experience to see your true Self.

2. What is your general advice to seekers?

Define yourself. Go within. Develop an inward momentum of attention sufficient to not be deflected outward by the ceaseless stream of experience. Never look away from self-diminishing experiences that throw you back upon yourself. Always look behind and underneath self-affirming experiences that bind you to the false and temporary. Be wary of thought. Cultivate doubt. Know your priorities. Watch your fears and desires and be suspicious of the thinking that both generate. Strive to see clearly, to understand, and to live your understanding. Overcome your self-centeredness by helping others.

3. Answer any or all of the following that you feel are relevant. What are your thoughts/feelings about:

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~ Thanks to Bob Cergol.  See a short bio. Bob’s comment on the Magic Mirror image from Wikimedia Commons by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta:

Whatever the painter himself had in mind with this image, I think it depicts multiple themes, all rotating around the most fundamental human desire, that of self-definition, and our misplaced search for definition in the external world instead of looking inward. On another level, it raises the question of where is that boundary for what is external to you. Perhaps your sense of individuality is as much a reflection as is the bodily image you witness reflected in a mirror. Perhaps all life’s experience is merely a reflection in a magic mirror? If so, who is gazing into it?

Please email reader commentary to the TAT Forum.

TAT Foundation News

It’s all about “ladder work” – helping and being helped

Richard Rose, the founder of the TAT Foundation, spent his life searching for the Truth, finding it, and helping others to find their Way. Although not well known to the public, he touched the lives of thousands of spiritual seekers through his books and lectures and through personal contacts with local study groups that continue to work with his teachings today. He felt strongly that helping others generates help for ourselves as well in our climb up the ladder to the golden find beyond the mind.

Call To Action For TAT Forum Reader

With the intention of increasing awareness of TAT’s meetings, books, and the Forum among younger serious seekers, and to increase awareness of ways to approach the search for self-definition, the TAT Foundation is now on Instagram.

You can help! A volunteer is producing shareable text-quote and video content of Richard Rose and TAT-adjacent teachers. We need your suggestions for short, provocative 1-3 sentence quotes or 1 minute or less video clips of people like Rose, Art Ticknor, Bob Fergeson, Tess Hughes, Bob Cergol, Bart Marshall, Shawn Nevins, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Paul Constant, & other favorites. (An example here is selected by the TAT member who volunteers to oversee the Instagram account.)

Please send favorite inspiring/irritating quotes—from books you have by those authors, from the TAT Forum, or any other place—to TAT quotes. If you have favorite parts of longer videos (ex: from a talk at a past TAT meeting), please email a link to the video and a timestamp.

Thank you!

TAT Foundation Press’s latest publications

Message In A Bottle: Reflections On The Spiritual Path


Message In A Bottle: Reflections On The Spiritual Path relates the ongoing struggles and triumphs of fellow seekers. This collection of insightful essays serves as a testament to resilience, patience, and unwavering determination in the pursuit of inner truth and understanding. It is now available in print and Kindle versions as well as TAT Press’s first audiobook (individual purchase or membership) on

=> A review by Gus R.:

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Please add your review to the Amazon listing. It makes a difference!

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TAT Foundation Books & Videos

Mister Rose: the video The Mister Rose video: "There's a system that searches for the Truth, and it's a process of challenging everything."

Richard Rose speaks directly to the hearts and minds of his listeners. This special video serves as an excellent introduction to his thoughts on the spiritual path. Read more and watch a video trailer.


2024 TAT Meeting Calendar

January TAT Talks online event: January 27, 2024 at 12 PM ET
February Virtual Gathering: Saturday, February 24, 2024
March TAT Talks online event: March 23, 2024 at 12 PM ET
April Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, April 12-14, 2024
May TAT Talks online event: May 11, 2024 at 12 PM ET
June Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, June 14-16, 2024
July TAT Talks online event: July 13, 2024 at 12 PM ET
August Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, August 16-18, 2024
September Virtual Gathering: Saturday, September 21, 2024
November Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, November 8-10, 2024

Comments or questions? Please email TAT Foundation events.

Photo of TAT’s open door by Phil Franta

TAT’s YouTube Channel

Have you seen the TAT Foundation’s YouTube channel? Subscribe now for spiritual inspiration (and irritation)!

Volunteers have been updating the channel with hours of new content! They’ve also curated some great playlists of talks by Richard Rose, teacher talks from recent & not so recent TAT meetings, episodes of the Journals of Spiritual Discovery podcast, and other great TAT related videos from around the internet.

Featuring: Richard Rose, Bob Cergol, Shawn Nevins, Bob Fergeson, Mike Conners, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Bob Harwood, Tess Hughes, Art Ticknor, Shawn Pethel, Tyler Matthew and other speakers.

This month’s video is an interview of Tess Hughes by Michael Whitely:

Local Group News

(Groups with recently updated information are listed first. Click the “read more” link to see a complete listing of local groups. )

 Update for the Online Self-Inquiry Book Club:
October plan being developed. Check the link below for updates.

TAT Forum readers are welcome to drop in any time (invitation to Sunday meetings).

 Update from the Pittsburgh, PA self-inquiry group:
> Use the e-mail link below for invitations to all meetings and to receive internal email announcements.
> In-person bi-weekly meetings Mon. 7-9 pm: Univ. of PGH Cathedral of Learning, Main Room (look for red raincoat on the back of a chair!)
– Mon, Oct 21, 7-9PM: “Who Am I?” Group Confrontation.
– Oct 28, 7-9PM: Gloria N. presents topic.
> Online group confrontation and individual contributions every Wed, 8:00 pm ET via Zoom.
– Wed, Oct 2: Online: “Is Existence Experience?”
– Wed, Oct 9, 16, 23, 30: Online Topics and Presenters TBD.
> All Forum subscribers are welcome to join us.
Email to receive weekly topics with preparatory notes and Zoom invitations. Current events are listed on Meetup as Pittsburgh Self-inquiry Group and on

 Update from the San Francisco Bay area self-inquiry group:
Twice-a-month meetings alternate between in-person and virtual formats. Our first in-person meeting had six attendees. Each meeting, we explore a new chapter of the Workbook of the Self, a guided set of 24 exercises designed to catalyze a spiritual realization by questioning our core beliefs. The meetings are open to anyone within driving distance of the San Francisco Bay area. ~ Email for information about upcoming meetings and events.

TAT Press publishes Shawn’s Images of Essence: The Standing Now, which features his poems with photos by Bob Fergeson, The Celibate Seeker: An Exploration of Celibacy as a Modern Spiritual PracticeSubtraction: The Simple Math of Enlightenment, Hydroglyphics: Reflections on the Sacred, which features his poems with photos by Phaedra Greenwood, and Passages: An Introduction and Commentary on Richard Rose’s Albigen System co-authored with Mike Gegenheimer.

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Members-Only Area

A password-protected section of the website is available for TAT members. (Note that there’s an occasional glitch that, when you try to link to the members-only area or a sections within it, you’ll get a page-not-found error. If you try the link a second time, it should work.) Contents include:

  • How you can help TAT and fellow seekers,
  • 11 NEW audio recordings of selected sessions from 2008-2023 in-person meetings and virtual gatherings,
  • Resources and ideas for those planning a group spiritual retreats,
  • Photographs of TAT meeting facilities, the Richard Rose grave site, a rare 1979 photo, and aerial photos of the Rose farm,
  • Presenters’ talk notes from April TAT meetings in 2005–2007, and
  • TAT News Letters from 1996–2013 and Annual Retrospectives from 1973 thru 2011. The Retrospectives from 1973–1985 were written by Richard Rose and are replete with ideas on the workings of a spiritual group—rich historical content.
  • TAT policies, TAT business meeting notes, and other information.

Latest recordings:

  • June 2023 TAT Meeting: The Search for Self-Definition: What’s Taking So Long?
  • September 2023 TAT Virtual Event: Pretty Lies or Ugly Truths.
  • October 2023 TAT Talk: Anima Pundeer.
  • November 2023 TAT Meeting: Knowing by Identity.

Please us if you have questions. (Look here for info on TAT membership.)

Amazon and eBay

Let your Amazon purchases and eBay sales raise money for TAT!

As an Amazon Associate, TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through the above link or other links on our website. Click on the link and bookmark it in your browser for ease of use.

TAT has registered with the eBay Giving Works program. You can list an item there and select TAT to receive a portion of your sale. Or if you use the link and donate 100% of the proceeds to TAT, you won’t pay any seller fees when an item sells and eBay will transfer all the funds to TAT for you. Check out our Giving Works page on eBay. Click on the “For sellers” link on the left side of that page for details.

Downloadable/rental versions of the Mister Rose video and of April 2012 TAT sessions on Remembering Your True Desire:

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Your Contributions to TAT News

TAT founder Richard Rose believed that working with others accelerates our retreat from untruth. He also felt that such efforts were most effective when applied with discernment, meaning working with others on the rungs of the ladder closest to our own. The TAT News section is for TAT members to communicate about work they’ve been doing with or for other members and friends. Please your “ladder work” news.

Humor {(h)yo͞omər}

“One thing you must be able to do in the midst
of any experience is laugh. And experience
should show you that it isn’t real, that it’s a
movie. Life doesn’t take you seriously, so why
take it seriously.” ~ Richard Rose, Carillon

That’s Me?

“My Therapist Gave Me This and Said, ‘That’s You.'”


~ Thanks to BH, who spotted it reposted on reddit without attribution.


(Definition: “the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound, especially of an image in a photograph or on a screen.”)

EGOTIST – Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.

INFLATION – Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.

YAWN – An honest opinion openly expressed. 

~ Collected by Paul Constant. Photo by alan King on Unsplash.

Irish Award


♬ original sound – Garron Noone


~ TikTok tease for our Irish friends.

Inspiration & Irritation

Irritation moves us; inspiration provides a direction

Comfort vs. Truth?

~ Thanks to Michael R. From”How to Become a Philosopher” (1942), in The Art of Philosophizing, and Other Essays.

Leave the Light On
Song by Chris Smither

If I were young again, I’d pay attention
To that little known dimension, a taste of endless time
It’s just like water, it runs right through our fingers
But the flavor of it lingers like a rich, red wine
In those days we were single, we lived them one by one
Now we hardly see ’em, they don’t walk, they run
But I’ve got plenty left, I’ve set my sight on
Don’t wait up, leave the light on, I’ll be home soon
I’d never seen my life in such a hurry
But if I stop to worry, I get left behind
It’s like a party, but you don’t get invitations
And there’s just one destination, you better be on time
For years, we rhymed in couplets and we sang ’em two by two
Now we hardly rhyme at all, but here’s a few
And if they hurt, there’s bullets left to bite on
Don’t wait up, leave the light on, I’ll be home soon

~ Thanks to Shawn Nevins, who wrote: “I like the performance of this song as much as the words: The guy is living the song as he’s playing it. Nostalgic, wistful, terminal. A reminder that, oddly, we have to fight to be where we already are, and that somewhere between life and death is an alternative.” Photo of Chris Smither by Anthony Pepitone, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Is this your life?

Hamster public-domain image from Credit: / Sunshine Rawpixel.


How “The Rose” Came to Be

(Lyrics of “The Rose” by Amanda McBroom in “Love as Our Source” in the September Forum.)

=> Amazing story of How “The Rose” Came to Be, as told by the songwriter.

Thanks to Tina S, who found the story. Image is an AI-generated rose from

Please your thoughts on the above items.

Reader Commentary

Encouraging interactive readership among TAT members and friends

A reader wrote that what would make the Forum more interesting would be:

Hearing from people who are searching—and have questions instead of those providing endless advice and “answers.” What challenges they are facing. What their doubts and questions are. How they perceive their path is going. What they are doing in their lives. Where they think they will end up, etc., etc.

Can you help make the Forum more interesting?

The Reader Commentary question for the October TAT Forum, thanks to Colm H., is:

Does your life have a definite direction? If so, what is it?

Responses follow:

From Andrew S:

I think the easy answer for this question is death. I suppose the only thing I know without a doubt I’m heading towards is death. It will happen, one way or another no matter what, and I can only move in the direction towards it.

Another direction, possibly related to the first but possibly not, is being more selective with my time and energy. It has been on my mind a lot of at least half a year and it might just be a natural process as someone gets older. Around 6 months ago I really noticed (not for the first time in my life) how much energy I spend on things that can’t possibly matter and have shown no evidence of giving me any real or lasting happiness. This seems to happen every couple of years or so and there is usually some “stuff” that gets left behind.

Reevaluating my habits and what I spend my time on came from the frustration of not having a direction, and that frustration got very loud. What I suspect it would like me to do is really narrow down the things I want out of life and conserve all possible energy for those things.

From Michael R:

At this point in my life, the answer to this would have to be “no,” though I wish very much that it was “yes.” This lack in definite direction shows itself in various ways, but most noticeable recently has been an avoidance of practice, meditation, etc. It took me some time to realize the pattern, often chalking it up to being busy, but even when I have a free day there’s an obvious prioritizing of other things. Seeing this more clearly now, and with the prodding of a few friends on the path, I’ve been asking myself why this has been the case. The best answers I’ve come up with so far is a lack of clarity in what I want most, which immediately translates to a lack of definite direction, motivation, etc.

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From Soanna P:

I am such a poor writer and have great difficulty in expressing my ideas and thoughts; on top of that I am very comfortable in letting myself flow on the water, relaxing, enjoying life as I could while knowing for sure that there is only one direction to go, the end of this body. Sometimes I feel so useless and heartless for my fellow people but have no courage nor energy to stand up and help others. The only thing I do is avoiding to annoy and trouble others.

I also believe that life drives, and as a living creature one can only accept for the sake of peacefulness.

From Patrick K:

Brett posed the question of what songs touch you and what interpretation to take from the songs you listen to in last month’s TAT Forum. So I took up the challenge. After exhausting a list of songs, one song stuck out, “To Win Just Once” by the Saw Doctors. Every up and down and victory in this life as far as I have experienced is to do with survival or is selfish, having some level of vanity; there is nothing of a higher transcendental spiritual nature about anything. Everything within my paradigm is survival/vanity based. I can of course try to claim that “observation” goes beyond survival but as far as I can tell, observation/awareness is just a facet of the body/mind put there to aid in the proficiency of survival. My “to win just once” would be to Self-realise / have the Beatific vision / find the Truth that passeth all understanding / attract the lightning bolt of enlightenment Richard Rose had. Even though I know nothing about all that, it is what I want, to uncover the veil of maya and get that Truth/Experience.

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From Mark W:

I have to look at the big picture to determine that my life does have a definite direction, and the one thing I was sure I wanted ever since adolescence was to be given an objective opinion as to who I was, if I needed to be fixed, and how to do it. The operative word is “objective” and the only way I thought I could find out was by reading and, if I was lucky enough, ask somebody who might know. Well, I’m not quite so naïve anymore but I’m still looking for what I really want. I can see, with the benefit of hindsight, for example that over the past 60 years, my life, despite many stops, starts, and detours, does have a definite direction. And though I now use different words, what I really want points in the same direction, which is to become my True Self with the benefit of help from my friends on the path. Moreover, regardless of the outcome, I intend to continue working with other seekers as long as I am able.

From William R:

When I first attended a lecture by Richard Rose, when I was only 21 years old (a lifetime ago), it is most accurate to say I was searching for the way to make sense of a world that appeared to me to be insane, a world of humans obsessed with creating painful drama, in which everyone denied his or her own viciousness and malice. During that lecture, Mr. Rose asserted that, in the quest for Enlightenment, one must strive to become Truth. But, since none of us knew the Truth, the only way to move toward Truth was through a journey of exploration that would be defined by seeking, testing, and retreating from untruth. The “definite direction” could only be seen in retrospect, looking back at the winding and twisting path that led from the commitment to become, to the present moment. My definite direction continues to be what it has been, to find the life that feels “correct,” that feels like my personal aspirations are in harmony with the greater intelligence and dynamic of life.

I find most of the intrigues and entertainments of society to be boring, banal, and tedious. And, being reasonably healthy, I experience the continued desire to act, to “do something” with my life. But recently, the question that had been present for months had been, “What am I to do?” And it has become clear to me that the calling I have felt since youth has been to be a musician of the highest order, to achieve a level of virtuosity that transcends the need for ego acknowledgement, that is about embodying an identity. And so, I have set myself to the task of doing what must be done to achieve such a realization, testing my ability and resolve even as I feel the correctness and enthusiasm of this aspiration.

I am a projection of the Infinite Self into a bounded, finite corpuscle in the vastness of creation, programmed to seek a permanent state of well-being. My “definite direction” can be summed up by a thought communicated to me many years ago: “I pray to God to reveal my purpose. I pray for the strength to do it. Then I do my best.”

From Art Ticknor:

When I was 18 and my 18-year-old girlfriend told me that she was pregnant, I was delighted: I felt I now had a direction or purpose in life. By a dozen years later, I had graduated from college, was on a fast-track career path, was still with that girlfriend/wife and by then three kids, all of whom I adored. But I felt something was missing in my life, and I couldn’t get a clue about what it was. Then at age 33 I met Richard Rose, who said something that “rang my bell” and provided a refined sense of direction: the answers lie within. Within a short time I saw clearly what I wanted most from life, and saw that the words that best described it for me were also from Rose: to become the Truth at any cost.

A year or so later, I was moving from Ohio (about 3 hours from where Rose lived in WV) to California. I visited Rose to thank him for all the benefits I felt I’d received from him, and I told him I wished there was some way I could repay him. He said: “That’s not the way it works. Pass it on.” That became part of my life-direction that’s still at work.

From Lena S:

Stepping back, or maybe, backing out of identity, a tiny step but perhaps the best direction I could ever pursue. When I begin to get pulled into an emotionally charged or identity entangled interaction, or any really enticing experience, I have been teaching myself to “back out of it,” to pull back from both identifying and getting entangled. There is much talk of sword and surrender as a path to freedom. I interpret that as to cut myself free from identifying and entanglement as I ask myself “To whom is this occurring?” and “Who or what is reacting to this?” This results in becoming a little less identified and more observing of the situation, which results in an observer (?) becoming free to be surrendered—but not by choice. It is an act of seemingly contradictory cutting and surrendering. And this movement “backing away from” is repeated endlessly, a never-ending cycle unless there might be one final tug in which backing away steps back far enough to engage either a cliff, or some Higher Intention than mine. Prayer too, can define this direction, as offering-up my intentions like smoke signals demonstrating my commitment to whatever may be aware. Also, I believe recording and analyzing dreams is an effort in going back into where dreams come out of.

From Shane R:

I’m becoming more responsive to my intuitive wisdom, less subject to the whims of the ego/self.
I’ve been journaling for about a year. What I see in my life is that my thoughts are trending, almost desperately, towards being more honest with myself. I recognize the false promises of obsessions, habits, compulsions and strong preferences and that they are consciousness-limiting factors. Moving my life in the opposite direction requires faith in my ability to not only survive without various cherished obsessions…but also to trust that by actively opposing selfish, obsessive behaviors in my life, I am salvaging and reclaiming parts of my consciousness that kept those obsessions “running in place.” From my experience, it is really only through turning away from self that we become or “attain” higher consciousness.

From JP:

There’s a noticing of the usual dull, pressured veil on my experiencing, sometimes a noticing of how all these false beliefs—that I’m running this body, these thoughts, controlling this happenstance—add up to nothing. Part of me wants to see this.

There is a taste of freedom and truth in seeing, a burden lifted. There’s a sense that there is some force that aids. I pray to the Friend that this veil is seen through. There just isn’t anything really attractive or interesting than this intention.

Other Reader Feedback

From John A. Johnson concerning Not for Ourselves Alone” in the September TAT Forum:

I contemplated for years on what “service to others” could mean. The result of my contemplation was a two-part blog post I wrote for Psychology Today. Here are the links: and>.

From Don A. regarding “Spiritual Songs – Desperado pt. 2” in the September TAT Forum:

Brett S’s “Spiritual Songs – Desperado” was quite an eye-opening article for me -it was very instructive in pursuing how a song “means” to me. Not only how a song or poem moves me, but how as a deeper rarely realized feeling-belief might be realized by being played like a note resulting from hitting an ivory on the keyboard. In real life, such emotions and feelings may be triggered by events that need to be immediately dealt with, whereas if triggered by music, the observer of the feeling has the luxury to abide in it without distraction to investigate its dimensions.
A suggestion for the Forum: people could submit their most inspiring poem, song or music and describe why they are so.

From Don A. regarding Tyler Matthew’s responses for “What I Found” in the July TAT Forum:

“The straddling of teaching streams is a psychological ploy of avoidance—and it is very seductive.”
This is very true, that I find myself always looking for something new for insight or new perspective as if something new will “crack the egg” for me like nothing else has been able to.

“To me, the path is a lot like walking backwards in a pitch-black room. We have a flashlight, but we can only illuminate and see where we have come from.”
A meaningful re-phrasing for me of “backing away from untruth”—where am I going?

“If anything is fundamental, I would say it is being honest with what you are actually interested in and then moving that way.”
I think he is referring to “follow your heart” as he’s stated elsewhere, as opposed to following any other authority because they represent authority.

Transmission: “Possibly the greatest gift in all of human experience.”
Makes me wonder how finding a Final Answer might have something to do with interaction with another human.

Next Month

The Reader Commentary question for the November TAT Forum, thanks to Dan G., is:

What are your thoughts/feelings about the difference between commitment and intention?

Please your response by the 25th of October, and indicate your preferred identification (the default is your first name and the initial letter of your last name). “Anonymous” and pen names are fine, too.

PS: What question(s) would you like to ask other TAT Forum readers?

Q: What are your thoughts on this month’s reader commentary? Please your feedback.

Richard Rose described a spiritual path as living one’s life aimed at finding the meaning of that life. Did you find anything relevant to your life or search in this month’s TAT Forum?

Thanks to Brett S., who sent his photo and wrote:

This mural in Crown Heights, Brooklyn reminded me of Richard Rose’s “the law of the ladder.” I can see in it a matrix of cooperation, people working together and to help each other, in order to nurture and share something that represents wisdom, life, and source.

We like hearing from you! Please email your comments, suggestions, inquiries, and submissions.

Sign up for notices of TAT’s four annual events and free monthly Forums by email on our contact page.

Founder’s Wisdom

Richard Rose (1917-2005) established the TAT Foundation
in 1973 to encourage people to work together on what
he considered to be the “grand project” of spiritual work.

Psychology of Zen: Science of Knowing
Transcript of a public talk at Ohio State University in 1977 (part 3 of 5)
Continued from September 2024; indented paragraphs indicate where Rose was reading from notes.


Definition requires comparison. Knowing may be direct and absolute, in understanding the nature of things, and we know that we are not absolute creatures. Or in the event that we know we are absolute creatures, we have not found a means to communicate that finding except with words.

It is possible to know things directly. But once you know them, it’s not always possible to communicate what you find. So in the business of communicating with other people we get back to definitions. And definition requires that we talk about something in relation to something else we’re familiar with. It’s like creating a small planetarium out of marbles and showing the relationships of the planets: we can get a better idea by talking about marbles than we can by talking about infinite planets out in space.

Words relate to bodies, and that includes our own body, body-mind or mundane consciousness. So that we come back to definition, unless we have found a state of being that satisfies us, and which we do not care to promote among our fellow man.

Now if we find this state of being and don’t care to promote it, that’s alright. You don’t have to talk. But if you do want to talk, then you have to find words, definitions.

When the man who has become says that the universe does not exist, he means that it does not exist as permanently as does another dimension.

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[to be continued….]

Definition of Terms

Index of many of the key terms and principles in Rose’s work, with brief definitions, from Richard Rose’s Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self by John Kent.

Jacob’s Ladder © 2001 Richard Rose. See this transcript of a talk on the topic by Rose.

Homing Ground Update

… A spot on earth where people can do retreats and hold
meetings; where the emphasis is on friendship and the search.

January 2024:

As we start the new year, December donations brought us to just over 20% of our 2023 fundraising goal of $15,750. The bulk of that total came from monthly, recurring donations. A big thank you goes to those core supporters who are there for TAT month in and month out, as well as all of you who choose monthly supporting memberships in TAT. These steady commitments are greatly appreciated and very helpful for TAT’s long-term planning.

An additional $152 came from Amazon purchases in 2024. This is a simple, no-cost way to support TAT but does require remembering to visit the TAT website first and use the Amazon link on this page before you put items in your cart: Almost any product is eligible. For example, someone purchased toothpaste on Amazon, and TAT received $0.25 on that purchase.

In 2024, expect to see less frequent, but more effective, reminders of fundraising goals. I think these monthly reminders are a bit like that inspiring quote you put on the refrigerator—it works for a few days and then you don’t notice it anymore.

Thanks to all of you for making TAT the extraordinary organization it is, and best wishes for the new year.

Shawn Nevins

PS: Monthly contributions are a great way to support the TAT Center if making a larger one-time donation seems too much. If you’re so inspired, click the Donate button below, then check the box for “Make this a monthly donation” as in the example below:

Let’s bring this to life! “The job is upon us,” Richard Rose said, “and it is worthwhile.” To contribute to the TAT Center, mail a check made out to the TAT Foundation to:

TAT Foundation
PO Box 3402
Roxboro, NC 27573

Big checks, little checks, all are welcome. Or use the PayPal link above (though we lose 2.2% of your donation to PayPal fees).

* See photos and more on the Homing Ground page. *

Did you enjoy the Forum? Then buy the book!
Readers’ favorite selections from seven years of issues.
Beyond Mind, Beyond Death is available at

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