
The free TAT Forum newsletter is a great way to explore everything TAT has to offer. Each monthly issue will connect you with seekers and teachers through thoughtful essays, videos and audios, lively online discussions, event announcements and updates from local spiritual study groups. In addition, the Forum mailing list is the primary means for communication with members on the whole, everything from event notifications, to TAT Center updates, and everything in between. Sign up here!

  • March 2025 TAT Forum

    This month’s contents include:

    Convictions & Concerns: What I Found, by Mike Gegenheimer.

    TAT Foundation News: Including the calendar of 2025 TAT events and a listing of local group meetings organized by TAT members.


    Inspiration & Irritation

    Reader Commentary: What, in your experience, does it mean to “fool yourself”? 

    Founder’s Wisdom

    A New Home for TAT update: In-person TAT gatherings will be held at the Claymont Retreat Center in 2025.

    Friday-Sunday, April 25-27, 2025
    More information and registration.

    Keep informed of TAT events and receive our free monthly Forum filled with inspiring essays, poems and images.

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    (As an Amazon Associate, TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through links on our website … or save this link to use.)

    Convictions & Concerns

    TAT members share their personal convictions and/or concerns

    What I Found
    Questions and Answers From a Finder Questionnaire

    1. What did you find?

    Absolute. Absolute Emptiness; Absolute Awareness. Infinite energy of Absolute. Source / Essence / True Nature.

    2. What is your general advice to seekers?

    My advice echoes that which Richard Rose taught, and his advice was validated by my efforts over a lifetime.

    Commitment. If your intuition has led you in the direction of seeking, commit to and pursue a path of defining “what you are not” without desire for gain or fear of loss, and thereby “retreat from untruth.”  In this way you “back in” the direction of what remains without postulating what may be revealed. 

    Conserve and apply your energy.  Conserve your energy to the extent possible and apply it to the search for definition using both analysis and feeling.  Develop your intuition to guide your efforts through the various stages of seeking and meditation ranging from reading, analysis of ways and means of seeking, self-psychoanalysis, introspection, to rapport and efforts at between-ness.

    Work with others. Work with fellow seekers, reminding and questioning with the goal of helping each other as friends, and work with realized teachers if available.

    Become Truth. Make your life a vector in the direction of Truth. Seek clarity of purpose and honesty about your motivations. Live in harmony with your desire to be truthful as a first priority and seek truth for its own sake rather than for an ego-centric purpose.  If something is manifestly not helpful to the search, or a practice loses effect, try something else always with the goal of discerning what is most likely to inspire you to greater understanding about the self, until understanding is no longer needed.

    In the end, the final ego is taken from you by Grace. But it takes sustained, determined effort for Truth for its own sake, without hope of gain or fear of failure, to be open to Grace.

    3. Answer any or all of the following that you feel are relevant. What are your thoughts/feelings about:

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    ~ Thanks to Mike Gegenheimer. See a short bio. Image generated by chatgpt-picture-generator from the prompt: “Absolute. Absolute Emptiness; Absolute Awareness. Infinite energy of Absolute. Source / Essence / True Nature.”  Please email reader commentary to the TAT Forum.

    TAT Foundation News

    It’s all about “ladder work” – helping and being helped

    Richard Rose, the founder of the TAT Foundation, spent his life searching for the Truth, finding it, and helping others to find their Way. Although not well known to the public, he touched the lives of thousands of spiritual seekers through his books and lectures and through personal contacts with local study groups that continue to work with his teachings today. He felt strongly that helping others generates help for ourselves as well in our climb up the ladder to the golden find beyond the mind.

    Call To Action For TAT Forum Reader

    With the intention of increasing awareness of TAT’s meetings, books, and the Forum among younger serious seekers, and to increase awareness of ways to approach the search for self-definition, the TAT Foundation is now on Instagram.

    You can help! A volunteer is producing shareable text-quote and video content of Richard Rose and TAT-adjacent teachers. We need your suggestions for short, provocative 1-3 sentence quotes or 1 minute or less video clips of people like Rose, Art Ticknor, Bob Fergeson, Tess Hughes, Bob Cergol, Bart Marshall, Shawn Nevins, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Paul Constant, & other favorites. (An example here is selected by the TAT member who volunteers to oversee the Instagram account.)

    Please send favorite inspiring/irritating quotes—from books you have by those authors, from the TAT Forum, or any other place—to TAT quotes. If you have favorite parts of longer videos (ex: from a talk at a past TAT meeting), please email a link to the video and a timestamp.

    Thank you!

    TAT Foundation Press’s latest publication


    Hope! Life’s Calling: Finding Yourself on the Spiritual Path Called Life  is a profound exploration of self-inquiry, personal clarity, and the search for life’s deeper meaning. The book invites readers to confront their deepest questions and engage in a journey of self-discovery, offering hope for understanding one’s true nature and purpose. Paperback and Kindle versions are available, and the audiobook is now available for purchase in the Amazon Store and on Audible.

    “A one-of-a-kind guidebook written for the person who sincerely wants to discover their essence—to learn who or what they truly are at the core….” ~ Tara

    “A masterpiece of a wake-up call, really a slap-in-the-face to almost all the books out there in the spiritual marketplace that claim to offer some variation of the perennial wisdom needed to seek Truth, Reality, Essence or Source….” ~ bk

    Read their full reviews on Amazon. And please add your review to the Amazon listing. It makes a difference!

    Other TAT Press publications also available as audiobooks

    1. Passages: An Introduction and Commentary on Richard Rose’s Albigen System
    2. Solid Ground of Being
    3. Beyond Relativity: Transcending the Split Between Knower and Known
    4. The Listening Attention
    5. Falling for Truth
    6. This Above All
    7. A Handyman’s Common Sense Guide to Spiritual Seeking
    8. Always Right Behind You
    9. Pouring Concrete: a Zen Path to the Kingdom of God

    Random rotation of
    TAT Foundation Books & Videos

    The Celibate Seeker by Shawn Nevins

    Read more: The Celibate Seeker by Shawn Nevins


    2025 TAT Meeting Calendar

    January TAT Talks online event: Sunday noon, January 12, 2025
    March TAT Talks online event: TBD
    April Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, April 25-27, 2025
    May TAT Talks online event: TBD
    June Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, June 27-29, 2025
    July TAT Talks online event: TBD
    August Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, August 22-24, 2025
    September Virtual Gathering: TBD
    October TAT Talks online event: TBD
    November Gathering: Friday evening through Sunday noon, November 7-9, 2025
    December TAT Talks online event: TBD

    TAT has decided to sell the Hurdle Mills, NC property and find property better suited for our needs. In the meantime, beginning in April, we will be having our in-person gatherings at the Claymont Retreat Center in Charles Town, WV.

    Comments or questions? Please email TAT Foundation events.

    Photo of TAT’s open door by Phil Franta

    TAT’s YouTube Channel

    Have you seen the TAT Foundation’s YouTube channel? Subscribe now for spiritual inspiration (and irritation)!

    Volunteers have been updating the channel with hours of new content! They’ve also curated some great playlists of talks by Richard Rose, teacher talks from recent & not so recent TAT meetings, episodes of the Journals of Spiritual Discovery podcast, and other great TAT related videos from around the internet.

    Featuring: Richard Rose, Bob Cergol, Shawn Nevins, Bob Fergeson, Mike Conners, Anima Pundeer, Norio Kushi, Paul Rezendes, Bob Harwood, Tess Hughes, Art Ticknor, Shawn Pethel, Tyler Matthew and other speakers.

    This month’s video is of one of the dialectical sessions with panels of “finders” in the November 2022 TAT gathering:

    Local Group News

    (Groups with recently updated information are listed first. Click the “read more” link to see a complete listing of local groups. )

    Northeast Weekend Gathering

    Nine of us from mid-Atlantic and New England states gathered in Hudson, NY, with Paul and Paulette Rezendes for a two day January weekend meeting in Jonathan and Anna-Maria P’s home. The idea of getting together locally had been brewing since the November TAT Gathering at Hurdle Mills. We met for three 2-3 hour group sessions and collective meals before heading home.
    The meetings held both a question element for Paul and Paulette and also a fair amount of confrontation and sharing between participants about their spiritual search. Many expressed a sense of closeness, intimacy that allowed them to touch on experiences and feelings they were guarding. An enlivening rapport arose—a comradeship of seekers. All were invited back if it can be arranged, possibly in early autumn. ~ Thanks to Jon P.

     Update from the Central New Jersey Self Inquiry Group:
    The Central Jersey Self Inquiry Group welcomes serious participants. We are a small group and meet every other Sunday from 7 pm to 8:30 pm eastern time on zoom.
    ~ For meeting info:
    Questions?for more details.

    Update for the Online Self-Inquiry Book Club:
    We’ll continue to meet at 2 PM ET but at a new meeting URL still open to TAT Forum readers:
    We’re doing a split of the Happiness and Art of Being by Michael James and The Direct-Mind Experience by Richard Rose for the Book Club. So, the schedule for the next couple of months will be:
    March 2: Finish Happiness and the Art of Being Chapter 3, The Nature of Our Mind p. 195-236
    March 16: Start Happiness Chapter 4, The Nature of Reality, p. 237-265
    March 23: Direct-Mind Experience, Introduction and Interview – WKSU Radio Kent State 1974
    April 6: Finish Chapter 4, The Nature of Reality, p. 265-290
    April 20: Start Chapter 5, What is True Knowledge? p. 291-321
    April 27: Direct-Mind Experience, Lecture on Moods, Columbus 1979

    The Happiness book continues to have occasional “Easter Eggs” or glimpses of great value, justifying the reading effort when it could arguably be half the number of pages. A few people have reported that voice-to-text has made its writing style more accessible.

    For a quick example of what’s been valuable, Michael James’s impressions of Ramana Maharshi’s teaching seemed to spark a couple of “aha’s” in the context of whether the mind has a role in seeking beyond the mind:
    “the thought ‘who am I?’ [that is, the effort we make to attend to our essential being], having destroyed all other thoughts, will itself in the end be destroyed like a corpse-burning stick [that is, a stick that is used to stir a funeral pyre to ensure that the corpse is burnt entirely]”

    And for a longer example, a few sentences later:
    “As soon as each thought appears, if [we] vigilantly investigate to whom it has occurred, ‘to me’ will be clear [that is, we will be clearly reminded of ourself, to whom each thought occurs]. If [we thus] investigate ‘who am I?’ [that is, if we turn our attention back towards ourself and keep it fixed firmly, keenly and vigilantly upon our own essential self-conscious being in order to discover what this ‘me’ really is], [our] mind will return to its birthplace [the innermost core of our being, which is the source from which it arose]; [and since we thereby refrain from attending to it] the thought which had risen will also subside. When [we] practise and practise in this manner, to [our] mind the power to stand firmly established in its birthplace will increase.”

    And later, James explains:
    “Because he first says, ‘if [we] vigilantly investigate to whom this [thought] has occurred’, and then in the next sentence says, ‘if [we] investigate who am I’, some people wrongly mistake him to mean that we should first ask ourself to whom each thought has occurred, and that after remembering that it has occurred to me, we should then ask ourself who this ‘me’ is, or ‘who am I?’. In fact, however, since by the mere remembrance of ‘me’ our attention turns back towards ourself, we do not then need to do anything further except to keep our attention fixed on ourself.

    “Since we can investigate ‘who am I?’ only by scrutinising or attending to our consciousness of our own being, which we always experience as ‘I am’, the mere remembrance of the ‘me’ to whom each thought occurs is itself the beginning of the process of investigating ‘who am I?’. Thus all we need do after remembering that ‘this thought has occurred to me’ is to keep our attention fixed on that ‘me’.”

    “Can you turn your attention back toward yourself?” was a question based on this at the DC Self Inquiry Group.

     Update from the Pittsburgh, PA self-inquiry group:
    > Use the e-mail link below for invitations to all meetings and to receive internal email announcements.
    > In-person bi-weekly meetings: This month: Aladdin’s Eatery, 5878 Forbes Ave, Squirrel Hill, PGH 15217 (look for red raincoat on the back of a chair!).
    – Mon, Feb 10 7-9PM: “Feeling-Beliefs at our Core of Existence.”
    – Mon, Feb 24 7-9PM: Dean will host.
    > Online group confrontation and individual contributions every Wed, 8:00 pm ET via Zoom.
    – Wed, Feb 5: Gloria N: “Practices in Navigating Life’s Difficulties.”
    – Wed, Feb 12: Bob Harwood: “Finding Answers to Existential Questions.”
    – Wed, Feb 19: Bela G: “How to Survive Suffering.”
    – Wed, Feb 26: Shawn Pethel will be our guest.
    > All Forum subscribers are welcome to join us.
    Email to receive weekly topics with preparatory notes and Zoom invitations. Current events are listed on Meetup as Pittsburgh Self-inquiry Group and on

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    Members-Only Area

    A password-protected section of the website is available for TAT members. (Note that there’s an occasional glitch that, when you try to link to the members-only area or a sections within it, you’ll get a page-not-found error. If you try the link a second time, it should work.) Contents include:

    • How you can help TAT and fellow seekers,
    • 11 NEW audio recordings of selected sessions from 2008-2023 in-person meetings and virtual gatherings,
    • Resources and ideas for those planning a group spiritual retreats,
    • Photographs of TAT meeting facilities, the Richard Rose grave site, a rare 1979 photo, and aerial photos of the Rose farm,
    • Presenters’ talk notes from April TAT meetings in 2005–2007, and
    • TAT News Letters from 1996–2013 and Annual Retrospectives from 1973 thru 2011. The Retrospectives from 1973–1985 were written by Richard Rose and are replete with ideas on the workings of a spiritual group—rich historical content.
    • TAT policies, TAT business meeting notes, and other information.

    Latest recordings:

    • June 2023 TAT Meeting: The Search for Self-Definition: What’s Taking So Long?
    • September 2023 TAT Virtual Event: Pretty Lies or Ugly Truths.
    • October 2023 TAT Talk: Anima Pundeer.
    • November 2023 TAT Meeting: Knowing by Identity.

    Please us if you have questions. (Look here for info on TAT membership.)

    Amazon and eBay

    Let your Amazon purchases and eBay sales raise money for TAT!

    As an Amazon Associate, TAT earns from qualifying purchases made through the above link or other links on our website. Click on the link and bookmark it in your browser for ease of use.

    TAT has registered with the eBay Giving Works program. You can list an item there and select TAT to receive a portion of your sale. Or if you use the link and donate 100% of the proceeds to TAT, you won’t pay any seller fees when an item sells and eBay will transfer all the funds to TAT for you. Check out our Giving Works page on eBay. Click on the “For sellers” link on the left side of that page for details.

    Downloadable/rental versions of the Mister Rose video and of April 2012 TAT sessions on Remembering Your True Desire:

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    Your Contributions to TAT News

    TAT founder Richard Rose believed that working with others accelerates our retreat from untruth. He also felt that such efforts were most effective when applied with discernment, meaning working with others on the rungs of the ladder closest to our own. The TAT News section is for TAT members to communicate about work they’ve been doing with or for other members and friends. Please your “ladder work” news.

    Humor {(h)yo͞omər}

    “One thing you must be able to do in the midst
    of any experience is laugh. And experience
    should show you that it isn’t real, that it’s a
    movie. Life doesn’t take you seriously, so why
    take it seriously.” ~ Richard Rose, Carillon

    Time Flies

    … But you can’t do it because they pass at too irregular intervals.


    ~ Source of quip unknown. Stopwatch mage from

    Loch Ness Atheist

    An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when, suddenly, the Loch Ness Monster attacked his boat. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat at least a hundred feet into the air. It then opened its mouth waiting below to swallow them both. As the man sailed head over heels and started to fall towards the open jaws of the ferocious beast he cried out, ”Oh, my God! Help me!”

    Suddenly, the scene froze in place and, as the atheist hung in midair, a booming voice came out of the clouds and said, “I thought you didn’t believe in me!”

    “God, come on, give me a break!” the man pleaded, ”Just seconds ago I didn’t believe in the Loch Ness Monster, either!”

    “Well,” said God, “now that you are a believer, you must understand that I won’t work miracles to snatch you from certain death in the jaws of the monster, but I can change hearts. What would you have me do?”

    The atheist thinks for a minute then says, “God, please have the Loch Ness Monster believe in you also.”

    God replies, “So be it.”

    The scene starts in motion again with the atheist falling towards the ravenous jaws of the monster. The Loch Ness Monster folds his claws together and says, “Lord, bless this food you have so graciously provided…”


    ~ Funny story from Image generated by chatgpt-picture-generator from prompt “Loch Ness Atheist.”

    Disappearing Ink


    ~ Thanks to Dan G. Image of the sign board at the Carroll County (MD) Veterinary Clinic; widely spread on social media sites.

    Inspiration & Irritation

    Irritation moves us; inspiration provides a direction

    What, in Your Experience, Does It Mean to ‘Fool Yourself’?

    This question is fundamental to self-inquiry.

    It points to the core problem, our habitual unconscious misidentification.

    But first, I think a beginning seeker does not know that they are fooling themselves. They cannot see how this is happening. It is an unconscious process, so the thing is to bring this automatic process into conscious awareness.

    A seeker needs to get some clues as to how one might recognise this in themselves. The problem lies in the familiarity and automaticity of the process.

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    ~ Thanks to Tess Hughes. See other Reader Commentary responses to the question below. Photo by Components AI on

    Looking to See Me

    Looking to see me

    I see the world and my body through senses,
    Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
    That isn’t me, I see!

    I see thoughts, feelings, perceptions and assumptions arise.
    That isn’t me, I see!

    I see energy flowing around and through
    My body.
    That isn’t me, I see! 

    I see activities – walking, talking, interactions of all sort.
    That isn’t me, I see!

    What is me?
    I’ll keep looking,
    Backing away from beliefs,
    My teachers tell me,
    I may finally see me!

    ~ Thanks to Rex H. Image from Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

    ChatGPT Critique

    Critique (“a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.” ~ Oxford Languages) of the Conversation with Chat GPT: Wholeness and Inter-being by Paul Rezendes in the February 2024 TAT Forum.


    Paul: Are you awake?

    Chat GPT: Yes, I’m here and ready to help! What can I assist you with?

    Paul: Can AI go beyond thought?

    Chat GPT: AI doesn’t “think” in the human sense—it processes data, recognizes patterns, and makes decisions based on pre-programmed algorithms and learned information. While it can simulate aspects of thought, like reasoning and problem-solving, AI operates within the constraints of its programming and the data it’s been trained on.

    The idea of AI going “beyond thought” depends on how you define that phrase. If you mean surpassing human cognition, AI can already outperform humans in specific tasks like data analysis or strategic gameplay. However, it lacks qualities like consciousness, intuition, emotional understanding, and creativity as humans experience them.

    If you mean transcending limitations entirely—such as achieving sentience or accessing states of awareness outside computational paradigms—AI is far from capable of that. Such a concept borders on philosophical or speculative science fiction, requiring breakthroughs in understanding consciousness itself.

    What do you think?

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    ~ [As the editor, I blame Art Ticknor for this.] Image created by with prompt: “comic book style image of someone critiquing an LLM AI program.”

    Beneath the Weighted Sky

    Not the shadow
    the mountain casts,
    but thorns —
    that gouge the defeated claim–
    oak-crowned thieves, their spines
    a chorus of splintered hymns.

    The cliff’s core–
    gnarled. Against,
    The wind’s confession:
    unbowed, yet cracking
    under its own weighted sky.

    A gilded blade–
    jagged mouth gulping stolen air’s
    thin satisfaction–burping
    hollow psalms, bitter and dry

    lightning’s white hunger–
    it carves, claims, sincere–
    leaves no crypt
    for coward tongues.

    But the voice–
    that strangles its pulse,
    to steal another’s breath?
    the rot at the root of every
    unbloomed thing.

    Here, The reckoning:
    Pretense admits no mirror.
    Pride grinds it,
    singing dust.

    Let your spine
    not a bow, but a river’s gasp–
    let your throat purge
    borrowed hymns
    like a canyon
    sheds dead echoes.

    Only when granite unclenches
    its sermon of stone–
    when the river stills
    its insincere supplications
    that only wear the face
    your brother found–

    The mountain bends,
    its spine a sigh,
    forehead kissing the
    current’s cheek.

    It meets, at last,
    the face it could only seem to last look upon:
    ash in the wind,
    flame in the flood.

    ~ Thanks to Dan McLaughlin. Image created by chatgpt-picture-generator using the title and last two lines of the poem as the prompt.

    Please  your thoughts on the above items.

    Reader Commentary

    Encouraging interactive readership among TAT members and friends

    A reader wrote that what would make the Forum more interesting would be:

    Hearing from people who are searching—and have questions instead of those providing endless advice and “answers.” What challenges they are facing. What their doubts and questions are. How they perceive their path is going. What they are doing in their lives. Where they think they will end up, etc., etc.

    Can you help make the Forum more interesting?

    The Reader Commentary question for the January TAT Forum—the first of two questions from a “Certainties Discussion” on Friday evening of the November 2024 in-person TAT gathering, for which participants broke into threesomes to compare notes on their beliefs:

    What, in your experience, does it mean to “fool yourself”?

    Responses follow:

    From Erick L:

    In Paul Constant’s quote, the Self is capitalized—likely referring to a deeper essential awareness. Perhaps what is called the Observer in the Richard Rose system. The mind is said to “outwit” this Self, meaning that the conditioned thinking mind obscures the direct awareness of this deeper essence. This reminds me of The Penny That Blots Out The Sun by Alfred Pulyan.

    In Richard Rose’s quote, the self is lowercase. Making me believe that it is referring to a more genuine or inner aspect of the person, but not necessarily the transcendental Self that Constant mentions. It brings to mind the difference between emptiness as opposite of being and Sunyata, which negates both being and nonbeing—transcending both of them entirely.

    My interpretation is that the Self (capitalized) represents the higher observing awareness that transcends the mind, while the self (lowercase) is referring to a still relative aspect of personal identity that can be deceived unlike the Self which can only be obscured or blotted out. 

    From Tess Hughes:

    This question is fundamental to self-inquiry.

    It points to the core problem, our habitual unconscious misidentification.

    But first, I think a beginning seeker does not know that they are fooling themselves. They cannot see how this is happening. It is an unconscious process, so the thing is to bring this automatic process into conscious awareness….

    See Tess’s complete response.

    From Dan G:

    Fooling myself seems like anti-betweenness. The saying, “The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing,” comes to mind. One part of the mind is somehow intentionally remembering only the convenient part of a belief and forgetting the complex contradicting details.

    Lying might be natural for humans, as hunter-gatherers, who would have starved if they couldn’t be deceptive to potential prey. But when that is turned on the mind, it takes a shortcut; it procrastinates resolving the conflict. The desire for more self-honesty could thus be the start of a thread of higher intuition.

    Every belief I have, by definition, includes fooling myself into thinking I know something I don’t know for sure. So it must take some grace and perhaps betweenness to counter.

    From Patrick K:

    A more disturbing question could be, “in your experience, when do you not fool yourself?” Isn’t that why we are in this game? To undo the yoke of our conditioning, the believed in false sense of self? If I am misidentified as something I am not, which I am pretty sure is the case, isn’t that a prerequisite for already being a bit of a fool, or even a wholesale fool? All other areas where I fool myself are all relative life/survival areas.

    The main parts of my spiritual path so far where I found that I fool myself have been:

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    From Jenny C:

    For me, it means to think of myself in a way that is false or not true. I find that my outer mind (or what I call my ego mind or body-mind) continually tries to take over or take control of a narrative or story of “my life” – either who I am or what is happening to me. For example: “I am/am not awake”; “I am/am not progressing along my spiritual path”; “I am/am not liked or loved by so and so”; “I am/am not a productive person”; or any other story I might ascribe to myself or believe myself to be or not. My outer mind continually tries to convince me that I am this separate, independent person/self. My outer mind is very good at fooling myself – at times.

    But, for me, my outer mind is only successful at this game to a limit. This game is a very distinguishable state from the state that is beyond my limited outer mind which is what I know as my true Self – (or true nature, or unconditional love, or presence, or what-is, or all-that-is, or …….. really that which cannot be described). My outer mind does not play a role here.

    From Eric C:

    As I sat down to read the context in the Forum for this month’s question, the state of mind was a hopeful “I can do this question in 15 minutes, then move on to the next task”, a sense of construction, and the self was liking itself.

    In the process of scrolling through the Forum to find the context, there was a quote from a Samurai about keeping death as focus of attention, and another quote “are you so fixated on the reflection in the looking-glass… too busy trying to be and become you, that you cannot stop to look and really see who wants what?”. The effect of these 2 quotes was a seeing of the state of mind. The conviction of building and momentum passed away like a nighttime dream does.

    For the following moments, there was a sense of having “come to”; the pursuit of something, a dream – was seen and now – a more real sense remains. Seems like the outer man dreams of building/becoming something… and then something reveals that dream state.

    Seems the anterior self gets forgotten from within the dream states. As to why the anterior self allows the dream, or takes the bait – I could speculate. Another observation is that the transition states (from anterior self to dream, and then back) are not noticed.

    From Art Ticknor:

    Believing with certainty about experience, or conclusions drawn from it, in spacetime—either before or after the split between knower and knower has been transcended.

    From Lena S:

    Simply when a higher self allows itself to unwittingly be usurped by a lower self.
    Examples: a body’s food urge may outwit the focus of a student studying, an emotional self overwhelms a religious self, an ego to announce an opinion interrupts the patience to listen. As if a higher principle I have adopted as my best intention gets forgotten or overshadowed in the moment and falls victim when a lower urge consumes my attention and energies that would have upheld it. In the personal hierarchy of preferences, to be fooled is to allow a lower desire to steal an opportunity from a higher one, in my experience usually due to a lack of disciple or focus. In the form of an opposing idea or belief. Or sleep, hypnosis or entity.

    From Anima Pundeer

    I have immense capacity to fool myself. Especially when I want something. I prefer to bury my head in the sand even when reality points in a particular direction. Wishful thinking takes over the logical mind.

    There is a saying in India that truth is bitter. My natural tendency to avoid any pain or discomfort makes me want to live in denial. The soft little voice inside gets ignored for the sweet lies from outside that I want to believe in. I have also mastered the art of justifying these delusions I create. It is painful to see your projections get punctured.
    I have also discovered that in the long run, life becomes hell if you ignore that inner voice.

    The outer man, the critter engaged in the world, is not separate but not the same as the inner man.

    From Jonathan P:

    This question implies there are two things, one fooling and the fooled. As it mostly appears to me, there’s my state of being fooled, and a major quality of this state or view is passivity. Is this ignorance an effect of another function? 

    Being fooled doesn’t often become apparent to me. What’s antecedent to seeing through? Maybe when a contradiction to my supposed “facts” becomes obvious—can’t look away. When my wished-for control of outcomes based on memories and expectations gets dashed abruptly. Something may penetrate that I am an effect, passive to my past programming, belief.

    Shocks to the program seem to come at right angles, at odds to the expected, a bolt from the blue. They’re energetic, moving, not passive, not chosen or planned. I don’t choose to resist or allow them. But a veil may lift for a while, passive plodding is seen through. Is the anterior Self now seeing through a mind veil? Dunno. Seems like it’s a seeing without as much Me involved.

    Possible to court a shock, an active state? Maybe through accumulating energy, confrontation work with others, active insight meditation, walking in nature, solitary retreat, praying not for a benefit to my passivity but for courage to invite and surrender to the shocks that will arise. Don’t give up.

    From Paul Constant:

    The process of going within involves watching the mechanics of our mind and the sensations of our body. When we pay attention, we can observe our inner voices making convincing arguments to do or not do something, to say or refrain from saying something, etc. We usually have a good grasp of what is correct, a gut feeling, but we fool ourself. The loudest voice drowns out the others. We outwit our own wisdom–a special type of wisdom that is a more pure expression of our Essential Source. And in retrospect, we can usually measure that outwitting process by the depth of our regrets. 

    Our mind is a rationalization machine. With regard to spiritual matters, we usually have an intuitive hunch about the integrity of a teacher or their teachings. However, if the teacher or teachings are phoney, we are susceptible to ignoring our direct observations and other evidence that contradicts our intuition. This is why we must always remain on our toes for the lies we tell ourself. “To thine own self be true.” Always.

    From NNM:

    On the spiritual path, I don’t think self deceit is intentional. I think it stems from a habit of creative play, and forgetting that it all started as a game. I often forget how powerful my imagination is and start to believe my fantasies are real.  

    In my experience, as a child I animated the world around me. Inanimate objects were given names, personalities, preferences, they even had their own storyline. When I first came to Canada at 5 years old I couldn’t speak English, and at school I played by myself every recess. One day, at recess, I found a surprising friend. It was a rock. There was nothing special about it. It looked like any other rock, but for some reason, I attached myself to it. I hid it in a special place in the playground and would look forward to “playing” with it during recesses. I didn’t feel lonely anymore. After several weeks of playing with my rock “friend”, I was blindsided. During one of our adventures through the bushes in the playground, my rock friend said he couldn’t play with me anymore. He said, he met a rock girl, and they were getting married and wanted to start a family. He said, I should try making friends and play with the other human children, since we couldn’t be friends anymore. I sadly put my rock friend down in his usual spot, and wandered the school yard on my own, paying close attention to the children around me and imagined who would make a good friend. I made several friends that year, all human. 

    As a child, I fooled myself into believing the objects I animated with my imagination were alive, and I loved them. These objects, though beloved by me, did not teach me to love; they simply inspired the love that was already ever present within me. The creativity that enlivened my world was the creative aliveness within me. I think this is how I fool myself: I so adore the things I create, I forget that I am the source of this creative play. 

    I often fool myself by believing my body, and my personality – which is a part of the body system – are conscious. Because I am hypnotised by the stories I give it, and the games I play with it, all the while forgetting that, though organic and intelligently designed, my body is not conscious. There is only one consciousness, and one creative source. I believe the mind cannot outwit, the anterior observing Self, because my sweet little rock did not have the capacity to outwit me, I outwitted my Self – I was the only Consciousness there. 

    Other Commentary

    From Jerry S:

    In the February Forum’s “Delusion” article, there was a question posed at the end:
    Does not (yet) seeing anything when looking for one’s self prove that a self doesn’t exist?

    This struck me as a curiously interesting proposition since I cannot recall any current teacher in the popular spiritual movements who does not teach that the “self” is non-existent. It seemed to me that such a belief might for me prove prohibitive in seeing past the short comings of self in order to perceive more than “self”. To first deny it might prohibit me from “seeing” past it. So over a period of a week or so, I focused on accepting that the self and my “selfing” that I have lived my entire life are undeniable—I experienced them first hand, and it was for the vast amount of my life, the only characterization that I identified with.

    It then dawned on me, what if I “sobered” back to the Perennial Wisdom, could I simply drop the illusion of self once again, but for good, perhaps more convincingly this second time around. But a funny thing happened, in that the substantiality of the existence of self could not be denied, at the very least as something as a living process with its own energies and agenda. I’m sorry, the self is me, and I feel I can accept and embrace it completely. But only in its acknowledgment, can I recognize, can I see a path beyond too far more than appears as self. Only upon the acknowledgement of what I experience first-hand, might what is more real than that experience, become a possibility. There is no doubt that the experience of the guy typing this is real, but likewise the probability of the existence for something far more real than what appears here.

    The Reader Commentary question for the April TAT Forum from Erick L. is:

    Do you think that the price of enlightenment is worth everything?

    Please  your response by the 25th of March, and indicate your preferred identification (the default is your first name and the initial letter of your last name). “Anonymous” and pen names are fine, too.

    PS: What question(s) would you like to ask other TAT Forum readers?

    Q: What are your thoughts on this month’s reader commentary? Please your feedback.

    Richard Rose described a spiritual path as living one’s life aimed at finding the meaning of that life. Did you find anything relevant to your life or search in this month’s TAT Forum?

    Photo from 

    We like hearing from you! Please email your comments, suggestions, inquiries, and submissions.

    Sign up for notices of TAT’s four annual events, other virtual events, and free monthly Forums on our contact page.

    Founder’s Wisdom

    Richard Rose (1917-2005) established the TAT Foundation
    in 1973 to encourage people to work together on what
    he considered to be the “grand project” of spiritual work.

    Willful or Will-Less?

    Between-ness says that there is no way to prove that we have a will, and by the same token there is no way to prove that we do not have one. And life must be conducted with the wisdom of our helplessness combined with the determination to move through life with the dynamic attitude that we are able to do something about our life. ~ Richard Rose, The Direct-Mind Experience; image from chatgpt-image-generator.


    Do we have free will? ChatGPT responds:

    The question of whether humans have free will is a longstanding philosophical debate that touches on issues of determinism, consciousness, and moral responsibility. There are several perspectives on this topic:


    Determinism is the idea that all events, including human actions, are ultimately determined by preceding causes. According to this view, if the universe operates according to fixed laws of nature, then every event or action is the result of preceding events and conditions. This raises the question of whether free will can exist if our actions are predetermined.


    Compatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are not mutually exclusive. Compatibilists argue that even if our actions are determined by prior states of the world, we can still be considered free as long as we act according to our desires and intentions without external coercion. In this view, free will is more about the ability to act in accordance with one’s own motivations.


    In contrast to determinism, libertarianism posits that free will is real and that individuals have the capacity to make genuinely free choices that are not determined by prior events. Libertarians argue that humans have the ability to initiate new causal chains, and thus, are responsible for their actions.


    Indeterminism suggests that not all events are determined by prior causes and that there is an element of randomness or chance in the universe. This view contrasts with determinism, which posits that every event is causally inevitable given the state of the universe and the laws of nature at any given time.

    Indeterminism is supported by findings in quantum mechanics, which indicate that certain events at the quantum level are inherently unpredictable and random. For example, the decay of radioactive atoms is considered a random process, as quantum mechanics can predict the probability of decay but not which specific atoms will decay at a given time.

    Philosophers who support indeterminism often link it to the concept of free will, suggesting that if some events are not predetermined, humans might have the capacity to make free choices. This position is known as libertarianism in the context of free will, not to be confused with the political philosophy of the same name. However, libertarianism faces the “intelligibility” objection, which argues that if actions are purely random, they do not constitute free will, as individuals would have no more control over random actions than over determined ones.

    Definition of Terms

    Index of many of the key terms and principles in Rose’s work, with brief definitions, from Richard Rose’s Psychology of the Observer: The Path to Reality Through the Self by John Kent.

    Jacob’s Ladder © 2001 Richard Rose. See this transcript of a talk on the topic by Rose.

    Homing Ground Update

    … A spot on earth where people can do retreats and hold
    meetings; where the emphasis is on friendship and the search.

    January 2025:

    As we look to 2025 for a new year of TAT Retreats and Friendship on the spiritual path, there are a few important updates to share. 

    Since 2019 when we first moved into the current TAT Center, this home away from home has been developed and supported by many. Through donations, workdays, and the ongoing efforts of our caretaker, the property has served as a retreat center, a spiritual library, and a gathering place for friends. It would be difficult to sufficiently put into words how grateful we are for these efforts, contributions, and time together at the Hurdle Mills TAT Center, and for all who continue to support and have played a part in making the TAT Center a reality. 

    To enhance the ability for TAT to provide a center for meetings and retreats, after much careful consideration, discussion, and engagement with TAT members for input, we have strategically decided that, while the current TAT Center is very good, it is not as well-suited for the future as we would like.  In the spring of 2025, the TAT Center will be for sale, and we will transition the 2025 quarterly TAT Meetings and Retreats to Claymont (Charles Town, WV) and other retreat facilities. A committee is actively looking at properties to find a future home for TAT. 

    A unique piece of land with a purposefully built retreat center building, acreage for solitary cabins, and a modest caretaker home is the view we have in mind. A place that feels more like a quiet retreat center than a large suburban home, and one that requires less ongoing live-in maintenance than our current home are additional items that have been discussed. The net is cast widely, but we are focusing on the Appalachian Mountain range for property searches, seeking the right balance of solitude and accessibility. 

    The right property will come when it is meant to, and we look forward to that next chapter for TAT. In the meantime, many have expressed a fondness for the Claymont center, and we intend to hold retreats there until a new property for TAT is found. Over the next few weeks, we will finalize dates for TAT’s 2025 Meetings and Retreats and announce them through January’s Forum and share them on the TAT website. 

    A very special thank you to all who have been involved in creating and supporting the Hurdle Mills TAT Center during the last five years, and likewise to those planning TAT’s future home. We look forward to the coming year of TAT Meetings and Retreats and very much hope to see you there. 

    In Friendship, 
    Michael, Shawn, and Mike
    [our current trustees]

    Did you enjoy the Forum? Then buy the book!
    Readers’ favorite selections from seven years of issues.
    Beyond Mind, Beyond Death is available at

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