Richard Rose wrote seven books over a span of thirty years. Each deals directly with a specific aspect of the spiritual search. He approaches the study of self, and the study of the human mind, in as scientific a manner as is possible in what must always be a subjective realm. He does not labor to create a paradigm of words and concepts. Rather, he intently and expertly disarms many of the preconceptions a spiritual seeker brings to the table. Although his books are not easy reading, he speaks to the heart and head simultaneously but leaves much unsaid, allowing, or rather forcing, readers to stretch the limits of their mentality. Those who venture into the mind and thought of Richard Rose via his books—or his Albigen System—will come away from the effort changed in an undeniable way.
The Albigen Papers by Richard Rose [read selections]
The aim of this book is to approach reality. It is an indispensable guidebook to the path of self-knowledge and realization. It contains an examination of spiritual systems, blocks and aids to spiritual progress, and a common sense approach to the spiritual search. Also included is a poetic account of Richard Rose's own spiritual experience — "The Three Books of the Absolute." ISBN: 978-1-878683-00-7 (paperback); 978-1-878683-07-6 (hardback).
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The Direct-Mind Experience by Richard Rose [read selections]
This is a recommended introduction to Richard Rose. It is a compilation of lectures, interviews, and discussions addressing such topics as Zen, spiritual systems, dreams, moods, miracles, psychology, perception, intuition, and many more. The dynamism and spontaneity of Richard Rose as speaker and teacher is well captured. ISBN: 978-1-878683-01-4 (paperback); 978-1-878683-01-4H (hardback).
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Meditation by Richard Rose [read selections]
A unique, but sensible approach to meditation — a system that advises looking for traumatic instances of the past to bring about an understanding of your true Self. It answers the same questions asked by sages such as Ramana Maharshi and Gurdjieff, not to mention the same questions asked by all honest spiritual seekers. (no ISBN)
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Psychology of the Observer by Richard Rose [read selections]
A small book packed with information; a road map to interior discovery. It presents the author's examination of perception, levels of mind and spiritual progress, and the method of self observation. The Albigen System contains a formula for mundane man to reach the maximum mental-spiritual experience. Such a book can save an individual a lifetime of random searching. New edition, with Forward, Introduction, and Index. ISBN: 978-1-878683-06-9.
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Carillon: Poems, Essays, and Philosophy of Richard Rose [read selections]
This delightful and enlightening book will carry you from the poetic to the profound. The idealism and romanticism of youth, the realism of maturity, and the wisdom of spiritual attainment are eloquently and poignantly expressed in Richard Rose's poetry and prose. ISBN: 978-1-878683-03-8.
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Energy Transmutation, Between-ness and Transmission by Richard Rose [read selections]
One of Richard Rose's earlier works written for those who have found a direction through his lectures and other books. It is an examination of the role of tension in life, the creation and conservation of human energy, and the use of that energy for spiritual attainment. ISBN: 978-1-878683-02-1.
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Profound Writings, East & West [read selections]
An inspiring collection, selected by Richard Rose, of hard-to-find writings from spiritual traditions around the world. Included are works by Ramana Maharshi, H.P. Blavatsky, Francis Thompson, Richard Rose, and Franz Hartmann, as well as selections from the Upanishads, the Platform Sutra, and Elegant Sayings. ISBN: 1878683055.
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Books, audio, and video recordings by and about Richard Rose are also available at
Rose Publications.