Approaching the Mind Directly
Selected quotes by Richard Rose:
"The system has to do with preparing someone for the experience (of
Realization). Two things are practiced: one is the arrival at a knowledge of the
mundane self, or personality,-- the elimination of the discrepancies in the
personality, false beliefs, etc. The second aims at direct-mind communication."
"Doubt everything except your ability to doubt. You have to have faith in your
ability to accomplish, your ability to sort."
"To generate anything above the mental capacities, we must remove the ego."
"... In direct mind introspection, the mind stares at itself, and eliminates the
mind-functions that would prematurely destroy the body, or would distort the
ability to recognize the true states of mind. Only the true states of mind will
lead us to True Scientific Realization."
"Any system, religion, or philosophy that does not in its very beginning find
for man relief from the confusion of uncertain and changing mind states has no
real foundation. In other words, just because some -ism appeals to you in a
certain state of mind, this doesn't mean that it is valid....
"You may or may not be aware of this, but we
are strongly subject to states of mind.... And the way you'll know this is that
when your passions are surfeited you will see that your state of mind changes
abruptly because of chemical change....
"We must first know the self and find
transcendence from confusion. It is not enough to read philosophy and Zen,-- we
must find ourselves. We must find out who is talking, who is reading and
studying, who is looking for survival. And we've got to find some safety from
vacillating convictions."
"... I found that Zen indicates a method of approaching the mind directly with
the mind,--rather that approaching spiritual values through emotional reading or
emotional living. Emotional or devotional, we might say the two are tied
together. Most religions encourage an emotional-devotional thing to find a
spiritual value."
ยป About Richard Rose.
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