“The Truth, the Way and the Life... has practically the same meaning as the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha”..."I feel that a sincere seeker, who possessed the determination to find the Truth at any cost, suffering, or expenditure of energy, would most certainly find the Truth, if he followed the threefold path with an open mind".
~TAT Founder Richard Rose - The Albigen Papers, chapter 6
You start where you are. Born into a world already in motion. Not knowing who, or what, you are but wanting to know, yearning to know. But how? You begin to ask questions, to search for answers, for a direction that may lead you to the Truth. But which way? Fortunately, others have gone before you. Spiritual pioneers have found a path and laid out markers to help you find your way. Join us for a weekend of insight and inspiration as we explore the essential steps along the threefold path.
Saturday, June 12, 2021 Day One - Saturday
Day Two - Sunday
Join us online for a weekend of insightful talks, small group dialogue, and panel discussions as we seek true self-knowledge through the theme of "The Way, The Life and The Truth." The virtual event, which includes audio and video, is being offered for a minimal fee of $35 for TAT members and $40 for non-members. If possible, please consider donating a larger amount (the drop-down menu below has options ranging from $60 to $80). Your generosity will help defray the many costs incurred in preparing the new TAT Center. We deeply appreciate your support!
The registration deadline for TAT's Online Spiritual Retreat is Friday, June 11, 2021.
Meet our featured presenters:
Shawn Nevins
"Author, filmmaker, poet, podcaster... what's the thread that runs through it all?" asks Shawn. "I wrote a book called Subtraction, which is as close as I could come to illustrating the path to enlightenment. Turning away from the untrue, from the dark, towards that which may seem unknown but is actually the Light. If there's a thread, that's it: finding and living my highest light." His newest book is Hydrographics. See more of Shawn's work at spiritualteachers.org. Shawn and his wife live in the San Francisco Bay area.
Anima Pundeer
Anima Pundeer began meditating in her late teen years and soon realized that underneath all the suffering in the world, the real pain was the feeling of a separate self. In June of 2004, she had an experience where she realized her All-ness and One-ness and finally knew Freedom. She tells her story in the documentary Meetings With Remarkable Women. Anima is currently working on a book with Art Ticknor, to be titled, Always Right Behind You, which they hope to publish by the end of the year. She lives with her family in Houston, Texas.
Bob Cergol
Bob was 19 when he met Richard Rose in 1972. He lived with Rose at his house in Benwood, WV, and on Rose's farm. Twenty years later, he moved away to pursue his life. He married and started a family, but soon gravitated back to the path. TAT group work led to a series of events that triggered a spiritual realization that brought Bob an absolute, final answer. Over the past decade, Bob has delivered a number of presentations during TAT events and has authored numerous TAT Forum essays that were ultimately published in Beyond Mind, Beyond Death, a TAT Foundation Press book. Listen to his story in a podcast interview on SpiritualTeachers.org.
Howdie Mickoski
Howdie Mickoski is the author of the recently published Falling For Truth: A Spiritual Death And Awakening. In it he explores the story of his spiritual path which includes the study of Zen, Shamanism, Nonduality, Advaita, Gnostic Christianity, Alchemy, Ancient Egypt, and the teachings of TAT founder Richard Rose. Howdie’s journey included depression in his 20’s, a death experience in his 30’s and bouts of illness “forcing one to go to the only place we have avoided - within.” He talks about his life, his awakening and what came after, with Shawn Nevins on spiritualteachers.org. His website is https://www.egyptian-wisdom-revealed.com/. Originally from Canada, Howdie and his wife live in Norway.
TAT Membership
C. The TAT Foundation currently has three categories of membership:
You can become a TAT member for $40 by visiting our membership page.
Renew membership AND pay for this event
D. To renew your membership and register for the event in one transaction (saving PayPal fees to TAT), please select the appropriate item(s) from the drop-down list below:
For more information... email:
What is the TAT Foundation?
A group encouraging people to think rather than believe. A group determined to help people find ways and means to answer their deepest philosophical questions. A gathering of friends who are not afraid to be honest with one another. An island of hope and sanity (or at least the hope for sanity!). Last, but not least, TAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization chartered in 1973.