"... Show me what to do!
Show me how to stop this struggle
and still the fear within!
Show me how to quench the come and go,
the ebb and flow between serenity and sadness."
Sooner or later, everyone searching for the truth about their existence, about the coming of life, the going of death, and all the comings and goings between, is likely to run out of ideas and implore the powers-that-be just to "Show me what to do!" as did the woodcutter in William Samuel's allegorical account of an awakening, "The Melody of the Woodcutter and the King."
The 2010 TAT Fall Workshop will provide an opportunity for those interested in quenching the longing to know the Stillness—a Stillness at the center of life's revolving struggles. The workshop will be held over the Labor Day weekend, Friday, September 3rd through Sunday, September 5th. It begins with a standalone session on Friday evening for those who can arrive early. On Saturday, participants split into small groups for two interactive workshops (see details), coming back together for other activities. Participants again split into groups for a third workshop on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon wraps up the workshops with friendly feedback by and for all participants. Free time for informal talking, walking meditation, and other activities is scheduled for both afternoons, as is a before-dinner rapport sitting. For those able to stay, Sunday evening allows for a silent period to process the weekend, a session to put together a spiritual self-care plan, and unstructured time in which spontaneous sessions may develop.
The registration deadline is Friday, August 27th.
Weekend Schedule Friday, September 3, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
he event is being held in TAT's beautiful rural facility near Wheeling, WV. Wheeling is in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia,
approximately 1 hour from Pittsburgh International Airport and 2 hours from Columbus International Airport. There are many
lodging and dining facilities within a 15-25 mile radius.
The Fall Workshop is $50 for nonmembers ($30 for students), which includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. See further notes below the following registration table. Lodging and other meals are not included. Coffee and tea will be provided. Other drinks, snacks, and special foods can be brought by participants. Space is limited, so registration is required. The deadline for registration is Friday, August 27th. Upon receipt of your registration, a packet containing information on lodging and driving directions will be sent to you. You may cancel your registration before August 27th and receive a refund, minus a $5 handling fee. Cancellations after August 27th will not be refunded.
Use PayPal to pay with these credit cards (PayPal account not necessary).
PayPal is "fast, free and secure" and allows payment by credit card or electronic withdrawal from a bank account.
Checks (in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank) or money orders (domestic only) made payable to the TAT Foundation are
also accepted if received by the registration deadline.
Become a TAT member for $40 before August 6th and attend the Fall Workshop for free.
(Members bring food or contribute toward the meals.)
After sending your membership fee, please
Visit our membership page for information about TAT
Non-member event registration - $50* Non-member registration and discounted 2010 TAT membership - $70* |
Student non-member registration - $30* Student non-member registration and discounted 2010 TAT membership - $50* |
New TAT membership - $40 |
Current TAT members: |
* The TAT Foundation hosts four public events each year. Registration fees vary depending on the event location. Because we are an all-volunteer organization, please allow up to 5 business days before receiving confirmation of your payment. See our membership overview for more details or email if you have questions about fees.
What is the TAT Foundation?
A group encouraging people to think rather than believe. A group determined to help people find ways and means to answer their deepest philosophical questions. A gathering of folks who are not afraid to be honest with one another. An island of hope and sanity (or at least the hope for sanity!). Last, but not least, TAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization chartered in 1973.