The answer to our spiritual longing is close and not on a faraway mountaintop or in the hands of a guru. The everyday sutras of life point, whisper and echo the Truth of identity. Join us for a weekend that will inspire new thoughts, yield new inspiration and give new immediacy to your search for what is real and true.
Every TAT meeting is an outstanding gathering of companions on the spiritual path - a collaborative and creative matrix like none other.
Meet our presenters:
Paul Constant – Veteran rapport facilitator, student of Richard Rose and ever-evolving guide on the spiritual path. For a sampling of Paul's writings, visit the Articles and Essays page on
Bob Cergol – With a deep capacity for revealing the poignant depths in ordinary life, Bob is a speaker not to be missed. For a taste of his viewpoint, read Nothing of You Remains.
Bart Marshall and Deborah Westmoreland – A Truth-guiding tag team, Bart and Deborah understand well the arduous path of spiritual seeking, both having traversed long and winding roads to Truth. Bart's influences include: Richard Rose, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Douglas Harding, and the ancient masters of Zen and Advaita Vedanta. Deborah’s path was equally eclectic, but with a distinct Buddhist and Zen Buddhist emphasis. Both also find deep profundity and Truth in the inner teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Bart is the author of The Perennial Way and Christ Sutras. See more at
Shawn Nevins - Author, poet and filmmaker who thinks the combination of creativity and direct looking at the mind is a potent tool for revealing Truth. See more at
Additionally, there will be Group Self-Inquiry and Rapport and Meditation Sittings
The registration deadline for the April Gathering is Sunday, April 12th.
Weekend Schedule
Sunday, April 17th, 2016
Location and Facilities
The event is being held at the Claymont Society's Great Barn near Charles Town in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. The Great Barn's presence mixes perfectly with 350 private acres of forests and farmland. Sleeping accommodations include a mixture of single and double beds with dormitory style bathrooms. Claymont provides towels and bed linens for overnight guests (guests make and strip their own beds). During the registration process, we will do our best to accommodate room preferences, but all guests should expect to share sleeping quarters and bathrooms with other participants.
The Claymont Society is located near 667 Huyett Road, Charles Town, WV 25414. Claymont is 50 miles/60 minutes from the Dulles International Airport near Washington D.C. Travel directions to Great Barn.
The April Gathering fees per person for TAT members are as follows:
The non-member fees per person are:
Full-time students should contact for information on discounted registration fees.
Use PayPal to pay with these credit cards (PayPal account not necessary).
is "fast, free and secure" and allows payment by credit card or electronic withdrawal from a bank account. Checks (in U.S.
dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank) or money orders (domestic only) made payable to the TAT Foundation are also accepted if received by the registration
Become a TAT member for $40 on or before March 14th and register at the discounted member prices.
Visit our membership page for information
about TAT memberships.
Note: If cost is a serious issue that will make or break your attendance, please let us know. We do not want someone to refrain from attending for reasons of cost. |
* The TAT Foundation hosts four public events each year. Registration fees vary depending on the event location. Because we are an all-volunteer organization, please allow up to 5 business days before receiving confirmation of your payment. See our membership overview or email if you have questions about registration fees.
Space is limited, so registration is required. The deadline for registration is Sunday, April 12th. You may cancel your registration on or before April 12th and receive a refund, minus a $5 handling fee. Cancellations after April 12th will not be refunded. Because ADA-compliant facilities are limited, persons with a disability should contact before registering.
Meals are potluck style for Saturday and Sunday continental breakfasts, Saturday and Sunday lunches, and Saturday dinner. As a good rule-of-thumb, we ask that each event participant bring enough food to feed 6 people (about $10). All meals are included for non-members. Sorry, we cannot reduce fees for those who prefer to bring their own food. TAT will provide coffee and tea.
For those who register using the alternative (off-site) lodging option, the following overnight accommodations are located near the Claymont Society:
What is the TAT Foundation?
A group encouraging people to think rather than believe. A group determined to help people find ways and means to answer their deepest philosophical questions. A gathering of friends who are not afraid to be honest with one another. An island of hope and sanity (or at least the hope for sanity!). Last, but not least, TAT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization chartered in 1973.