TAT 2019 August Workshop
Beyond Mindfulness: Meditation and the Path Within
Session Details

Friday through Sunday
August 16-18, 2019
at the Claymont Society Mansion, WV

Friday Evening

Welcome and evening interactive session

Our Friday evening session will ease everyone into the weekend through this special opportunity to connect with others and become acquainted in small groups.


Saturday Daytime

Body scan meditation with Leesa Williams

It has been said that our body is the transformer between heaven and earth. Leesa Williams, yoga and meditation instructor and long-time spiritual practitioner, will guide us through a unique exercise designed to bring our attention away from the mind and fully into our body.

Three workshops that everyone can experience:

Mindfulness. Is it just another spiritual buzzword? - Bob Cergol

Is it the secret ingredient that will deliver the results that have thus far eluded you? Can a dreamer be mindful of dreaming? Would such mindfulness be part of the dream? Can a sleepwalker be mindful of sleepwalking? Would such mindfulness be part of the sleepwalk? Who are you when you are being mindful, versus when you are not?

Lets use this workshop to be mindful of what you actually know for sure, mindful of what guides and informs your spiritual path, and mindful of your preconceptions and expectations of the results. Perhaps that might take the idea of mindfulness to a different level.

The Path of Direct Sensory Perception - Bob Harwood

Join Bob as he explores the role of everyday samadhi in waking up from the illusion of selfhood.

The Art of Mindfulness is the Passion for Truth - Paul Rezendes

Mindfulness comes when there is a passion for truth. It is not something that we make up or do. It is not about will. It is about Openness. When there is a passion for Truth, one is already open. So what is it that we are looking for? If it's enlightenment, then our focus is narrow, limited, but if we are in wonder about what is True, our minds will be open. Can we explore this together in this workshop?

Optional guided meditation session

Our session leaders and Norio Kushi will each introduce us to a 10-minute guided meditation that they feel is most productive for self discovery and recognizing one's True Nature. We'll follow with a Q&A session to delve more deeply into their recommended approaches. What role do you believe mindfulness and meditation plays in self realization?


Saturday Evening

What's one thing you'd like to know?

An opportunity to think about and ask questions that are on your mind. Free-ranging discussion among participants and session leaders.

Rapport sitting

Rapport means "harmonious relation," which is allowing yourself to open up through rapport with others and with your Self. It is the meaning behind the saying: "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am present."


Sunday Daytime

Optional group meditation

An optional session for early birds involving 30 minutes of silent sitting with a group. Participants are welcome to use their own approach to meditation. Please bring your own zabuton or cushion if you prefer to sit on the floor.

Workshops (continued)

The three concurrent workshops from Saturday continue in breakout session #3. Groups will rotate to their final workshop.

Wrap-up and feedback - monitored by Mike Gegenheimer

Session leaders and participants provide observations and comments about the weekend and suggest improvement for future workshops and other TAT events.


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