TAT Journal Archive
Published for spiritual seekers to develop genuine friendships,
share ideas, and help understand themselves.
View the TAT Journal table of contents below or visit the TAT Journal Archive on a companion site.
From 1977 to 1986, the TAT Foundation published the TAT Journal as a “Forum for Awareness.” The Journal was published quarterly until 1980, at which point production continued annually. In due course, TAT printed a total of 14 Journals. The Journal’s editorial staff members, all of who were volunteers, described the publication as a meeting place for…
Esoteric searchers, transcendentalists, mystics, scientists for the new frontiers…
People who are dedicated to the development of genuine friendship among all levels of spiritual and psychological research…
People who see the need to share ideas, but who cannot meet personally, and for those who will give support and find support while seeking a common goal…
Specialists who see the value of broadening their perspectives by association with specialists in related fields and for people who, regardless of specialty, find a value in the psychological encounters with their fellows that help them to better understand themselves and so find peace of mind and a better understanding of their friends.

Table of Contents
TAT Journal Issue 1 (Volume 1, Number 1)
- New Age, Old Age and In-Between, by Joseph Kerrick
- Poems: Libido, Sleepy Giant
TAT Journal Issue 2 (Volume 1, Number 2)
- Meditation and Alchemy, by Hans W. Nintzel
- Memories of Past and Future, by Richard Rose
- The Riddle of Synchronicity, by Michael Baldrige
- Book Reviews: A Glimpse of Nothingness by Janwillem van de Wetering and The Conquest of Illusion by J.J. van der Leeuw
TAT Journal Issue 3 (Volume 1, Number 3)
- Measuring the Unmeasurable: TAT Interviews Professor Wilbur Franklin
- The Pregnant Witch, by Richard Rose
- Discovering, Uncovering and Recovering the Recurrent Dream, by David Gold
- Vignette in Zen, by Dan Quigley
- Book Reviews: Psychic Exploration edited by Edgar D. Mitchell and John White, and The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes
TAT Journal Issue 4 (Volume 1, Number 4)
- The Voices We May Hear, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- Tales of Love, by Richard Rose
- Part Two: Uncovering the Recurrent Dream, by David Gold
- Wilbur Franklin Memorial, by Michael Baldrige
- Book Reviews: Powers of Mind by Adam Smith and Possession and Exorcism by Traugott K. Oesterreich
TAT Journal Issue 5 (Volume 1, Number 5)
- What’s Your Fuel?, by Michael Treanor
- Ira Progoff, the Intensive Journal and Me, by Michael Baldrige
- The Watchmaker, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- Recovering the Recurrent Dream, by David Gold
- Critical Day for Biorhythms, by Luis Fernandez
- TAT Profiles: J. Krishnamurti
- The Prophecy of Mother Shipton
- Book Reviews: Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook by Ram Dass, The Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage by Dion Fortune, and Pathways Through To Space by Franklin Merrell-Wolff
TAT Journal Issue 6 (Volume 2, Number 1)
- Astrology and Energy, by Michael Whitely
- Reflections on The Crack In the Cosmic Egg, by Jake Jaqua
- The Puzzle of Autism
- The Way of the Heart, by Gordon Broussard
- Cultists and Anti-Cultists, by Raymond Lieb
- TAT News: Wholistic Health and Nutrition, by L. Fred Bissell, M.D.
- TAT Profiles: Ramana Maharshi, by Damien Markakis
- Jesus to John
- Book Reviews: The Practice of Zen by Garma C.C. Chang, Underground Man by Edward Abood, and God Is My Adventure by Rom Landau
TAT Journal Issue 7 (Volume 2, Number 2)
- Doomsday, Atlantis and Genetic Research, by Mark Jaqua
- The Way of the Heart, Part II, by Gordon Broussard
- Circle Amaze, by Keith McWilliams
- The Wholistic Healing of Dr. Jonas E. Miller
- Dream Dialogues: Dreams within Dreams
- Thinking Astrology: Investigating your split personality
- Mysticism in Everyday Life, by Beaumont S. Cornell
- Profile: Eileen J. Garrett, by Louis Khourey
- Book Reviews: The Image of An Oracle by Ira Progoff, Discernment—A Study in Ecstasy and Evil by Morton Kelsey, and A Guide for the Perplexed by E.F. Schumacher
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee
TAT Journal Issue 8 (Volume 2, Number 3)
- The Vampire as a Psychic Archetype, by Martin Riccardo
- Two Essays, by George Ellis
- The Psychological Mechanics of Ceremonial Magick, by Harold Harnick
- Approach to Validity, by Richard Rose
- Spirits: Entity or Archetype, by Mark Jaqua
- Dream Dialogues: A ritual for “divinely-inspired” dreams
- “I Died at 10:52 A.M.,” by Victor D. Solow
- Yoga: Hatha, Shabd, and Raja, by Richard Rose
- Thinking Astrology: Saturn: A new look at the “evil” planet
- African Mysticism and Possession, by Mary Dent
- Conversion to Life: The Waerland Health System, by Nancy Young
- Profile: H.P. Blavatasky
- Book Reviews: The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort, Secret Talks with Mr. G., The Mysteries Of Chartres Cathedral by Louis Charpentier, Sexual Energy and Yoga by Elisabeth Haich
- Wisdom of St. John of the Cross
TAT Journal Issue 9
- Black Sheep Philosophers: Gurdjieff, Orage and Ouspensky, by Gorham Munson
- Defining the Truth, by Richard Rose
- Sexual Energy and Kundalini, by Mark Jaqua
- Invitation to Nonsense, by Essa George Hannoush
- The Wisdom of Franz Hartmann
- New Age Therapies, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- Vegetarianism Has Its Reasons, by Jonathon David Miller
- Thinking Astrology, by James Wayne
- Science Studies Intuition, by Russell G. MacRobert
- Book Reviews: The Law of Suggestion by Santanelli, Sword of Wisdom by Ithell Colquhoun, Magic: White and Black by Franz Hartmann, and Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg by Joseph Chilton Pearce
TAT Journal Issue 10
- The Magical World of the Australian Aborigines, by Mark Jaqua
- The Cathedral of Wisdom, by Louis Khourey
- Viktor Frankl and The Psychology of Meaning, by John Kent
- The Convocation
- The Mirror, by Richard Rose
- Why the Tarot Works: A Basis for Studying the Cards, by Robert Cergol
- Thinking Astrology, by Michael Whitely
- Coming Face to Face, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- Yoga and Insomnia, by David Gold
- Renewing Health with Herbs, by Jonathon D. Miller
- Book Reviews: The Psychological Society by Martin L. Gross, The Castrated Family by Harold M. Voth, M.D., The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980’s by Marilyn Ferguson, and Conscience—The Search for Truth by P.D. Ouspensky
- Untapped Powers of Sound and Vibration, by Douglas Hardesty
TAT Journal Issue 11
- Coming Face to Face, Part 2, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- Para-Science Inventions, by Douglas Hardesty
- The Magician of Leavenworth, by Donald Wilson
- Book Reviews: Analyze Handwriting Immediately by Joseph Zmuda, The New Celibacy by Gabrielle Brown, and The Secrets of Spirulina by Christopher Hills
- The Dream Intention, by Linda J. Houlahan
- Planning a Sensible Program of Nutrition for the 1980’s, by Robert C. Jansky
- Deathstyles, by Joseph Jacobs
- Thinking Astrology, by Michael Whitely
- Cosmic Consciousness, by Richard M. Bucke
- Richard M. Bucke, by Norman Reed
- John Lennon: Written in the Stars
TAT Journal Issue 12
- The Truth Behind the Exorcist, by Joseph Jacobs
- The Primitive Mind of Man, by George Ellis
- The Mystery of Firewalking, by Alan Fitzpatrick
- The Uncanny Abilities of Idiot Savants, by Donald K. Snyder
- The Cave of Echoes, by H.P. Blavatsky
- The Potential of Medical Astrology, by Robert C. Jansky
- Acupuncture: Does It Get Your Yin-Yang Going?, by Mary Robinson
- Iridology, by Jonathon David Miller
- Thinking Astrology, by Michael Whitely
- Right Brain / Left Brain Religion, by Gabe L. Campbell, Ph.D.
- Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead, by Mark Jaqua
- Book Reviews: “I”: The Story of Self by Michael J. Eastcott, Mysteries by Colin Wilson, Hypnotism and Psychic Phenomena by Simeon Edmunds, Yoga and Psychotherapy by Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine M.D. and Swami Ajaya (Allan Weinstock), Ph.D., and Psychology of the Observer by Richard Rose
TAT Journal Issue 13
- The Illumination of Jacob Boehme, by Mark Jaqua
- The Feel of Things, by Warwick Deeping
- “Between-ness”—A New Theory of the Paranormal, by Tom MacKay
- The Childhood Door, by Howard E. Rawlinson
- The Lost Chord, by Phillip George Beith
- My Platonic Sweetheart, by Mark Twain
- Book Reviews: Magic, White and Black by Franz Hartmann, M.D., A New Science of Life by Rupert Sheldrake, Psychedelics Encyclopedia (Revised Edition) by Peter Stafford, Concepts of Qabalah by William G. Gray, and The Continuing Discovery of Chiron by Erminie Lantero
- Vegetarianism as Spiritual Practice, by Tom Sperry
- The Presence of Spirits in Madness, by Wilson Van Dusen
- Land of Immortality, by Betty Rawlinson
- Middle Age and the Failure of Will, by Murray L. Bob
- Science and Feminine Psychology, by Beverly Simpson
- Psychic Investigators Came to Our House, by Sharon White Taylor
- The Occult Significance of Hypnosis, (A Book Supplement) by Wilfred N. Caron
- Friendship, by Richard Rose
TAT Journal Issue 14
- Pathfinder, by Richard Rose
- Conservation Therapy, by Mark Jaqua
- Spirit-World Research, by Rev. Louis Greene
- Defining The Truth (Part 2), by Richard Rose
- Omm Sety Of Abydos, Egypt, by Deborah Rosen
- The Case Investigation Of Natuzza Evolo, by Michael J. Nanko
- Celtic Philosophy—The Gift Of The Druids, by Gail Gray
- Rune Song, by Albert Burger
- The Resurrection Of John Davis, by Louis Khourey
- Selected Poems, by John E. Davis
- Chasms Of The Mind, by Richard Rose
Visit the TAT Journal Archive on a companion site.