TAT Membership

TAT is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 100%-volunteer organization established in 1973 to provide a forum for philosophical and spiritual inquiry. A board of elected Trustees provides guidance on day-to-day operations, as well as a group of officers, all of which are volunteer positions. We are committed to keeping the teaching of Richard Rose alive and available, as well as the exploration of other philosophical-spiritual teachings. Richard Rose’s unique, common-sense approach to the philosophical-spiritual search is of value to all. We gather for in-person TAT events four times each year, and there are study groups in various cities where the philosophic, the spiritual, and the scientific can meet on equal ground. TAT members also meet informally during occasional retreats throughout the year.
TAT membership provides an opportunity for finding and sharing the inspiration to continue our searches through discussion of our successes and setbacks with fellow-seekers. Members receive discounted registration to events and access to the members-only section of the website with recordings of past meetings and other materials of interest.
A Regular Membership of $40 per person per year. Memberships are considered active for one year from the date of purchase and renewal notices will be sent to the email address provided.
A Sustaining Membership is $10 per month and includes discounted registration for TAT events. Sustaining Members play a vital role in ensuring TAT has a steady source of funding.
A Lifetime Membership is available for a one-time payment of $500.
One membership covers husband and wife.
Contact us if you have questions about membership and/or fees. Click “Join Now” below to be redirected to a MemberPlanet site where you can join our membership platform and choose your membership type. If you don’t already have a MemberPlanet account, click “Create Account” at the bottom of the first page to get started. Enter as much or as little information about yourself as you like within the membership portal, then proceed to the next page for membership type and payment options. You can change your membership type at any time under “My Groups” within your membership portal.
Please use your most current contact information for your membership. |

Who Are The Members?

TAT is non-sectarian and non-denominational, and there are no secret oaths, dogmas, or rituals. Its membership, open to all of serious intent, from all walks of life, is united in the friendship of dialogue and fellowship of the human spirit. Members, who are both newcomers and “long timers,” represent all adult age groups and a fairly ubiquitous slice of society—scientists, teachers, students, business owners, householders, men and women in various trades, and many more. While members are located in several areas of the world, most live in the eastern United States. Many members are former students of Richard Rose.
TAT welcomes all inquirers, adventurers of the mind, and seekers of truth, knowledge, the self, and the unknown to meet others of like interest. All are on equal ground at TAT.