Love, Self-Inquiry, Prayer – Three Paths or One?

Credit: Dhivakaran S on
A TAT Foundation Virtual Retreat Saturday September 21, 2024
Join us for Love, Self-Inquiry, Prayer: Three Paths or One as we explore the potential connection between these three aspects of a spiritual path.
What is Love and how do “we” relate to It?
Where does prayer come into play?
Who are we?
And why are we here?
If these and similar questions haunt your mind, pull at your heart, and pique your curiosity we hope to see you at this Virtual Event. Registration will end on Friday, September 20th 9pm ET.
Our speakers will be Art Ticknor and Anima Pundeer, two long-time friends who found an Answer to their seeking and, through Love, continue in their aim to share what was found.
Saturday September 21, 2024 (US ET time zone; 5 hours behind BST)
- 2pm – Welcome/Introduction
- 2:15PM – Is Love our Source? A presentation followed by interactive Q&A with Art Ticknor
- 3pm – Breakout Groups for discussion/group inquiry
- 3:30 – Break
- 4pm – Self-Inquiry, the double-edged sword, is inquiry complete without prayer? A presentation followed by interactive Q&A with Anima Pundeer
- 4:45 – Breakout Groups for discussion/group inquiry
- 5:15 – Closing
Art Ticknor worked firsthand with numerous psychological and philosophical systems during years of intensive research. Twenty-six years of effort toward self-definition paid off in 2004, when the final nail was driven into the ego’s coffin during an intense Realization. Art is the author of the books Beyond Relativity, Solid Ground of Being, and Sense of Self, invaluable guides on the quest for self-knowledge. See his session from the 2011 North Carolina Self-Inquiry event “Going On The Spiritual Offensive.” Art currently lives the life of la dolce far niente and is involved in the Gainesville Florida-based Philosophical Self-Inquiry Discussion Group.
Join Art as he hosts an interactive session with the audience, structured around the following questions:
- What is Love?
- Do we come from Love?
- Why are we here?
- What do you want (lack)?
Anima Pundeer began meditating in her late teen years and soon realized that underneath all the suffering in the world, the real pain was the pain of feeling a separate self. In June of 2004, Anima had an experience where she realized her All-ness and One-ness…. She finally knew Freedom. She feels immense gratitude for all the help and guidance she got from her fellow seekers. She feels she couldn’t have made this journey without her Guru and her friends—and the only way she feels she can help anyone is by sharing her own struggles and obstacles. She tells her story in the documentary Meetings With Remarkable Women or watch her talk from the June 2021 TAT retreat “Falling In Love With Truth.” Anima is co-author with Art Ticknor of Always Right Behind You. She lives with her family in Houston, Texas. Read her responses to the Finder’s Questionnaire.
Join Anima as she explores the question “Is Self-Inquiry possible without Prayer?”
A Greek mystic was once asked what the most difficult of all things is.
“To know Thyself”, they replied.
We know more about the universe outside than about ourselves. I found that the path of Self-Inquiry is the most direct path. Most seekers start with a rational, intellectual questioning and refining of his self-definition. However, as he looks within, he gets to the point where he realizes that to really know his true essence, not just intellectually, he must surrender his self. This surrender happens only when the heart becomes prayerful.
~ Anima
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