September 2023 Virtual Gathering
Pretty Lies or Ugly Truths:
Fighting Rationalization On The Spiritual Path

Credit: Annie Spratt
A TAT Foundation Virtual Retreat Saturday September 30, 2023
“You are what you do”
– Richard Rose
“Rationalization is a process of not perceiving reality, but of attempting to make reality fit one’s emotions.”
– Ayn Rand
“Rationalizations are lies our minds make up to get out of discomfort and uncertainty. It’s completely understandable that we’d make up these rationalizations, but we don’t need to believe them. We can put ourselves in discomfort and uncertainty and be completely OK. The world won’t end, and we won’t crumble. In fact, it will only make us stronger, better, more resilient.”
– Leo Babauta
In this one day online event, we will dive into the conflict between our pursuit of spiritual realization and our self-defeating dance of rationalization and unquestioned beliefs. Featuring self-realized speakers, interactive guided reflection exercises, and dynamic small group inquiry sessions.
In the spirit of TAT founder Richard Rose’s unwavering commitment to self-honesty and Truth, we invite you to explore the depths of your own biases and decision-making processes, together with like-minded friends on the path from all over the world!
Engage with us in interactive activities designed to help you identify cognitive biases, navigate the shadows of self-deception, and foster a deeper connection with your highest self. Listen to finders’ experiences of their own struggles and successes, and engage in question-based inquiry within breakout groups.
Join your friends at TAT from anywhere in the world for this insight-provoking event!
Saturday, September 30, 2023 (US ET time zone; 5 hours behind GMT)
- 10:30 to 10:45 AM: – Welcome/Opening Silence
- 10:45 to 11:00 AM: – Why Am I Here?
- 11:00 to 12:00 – Conversation with Bob Cergol
- 12:00 to 12:30 PM: – 30 Minute Break with open chat
- 12:30 to 12:45 PM: – What Are My Priorities?
- 12:45 to 2:00 PM: – Breakout Group 1
- 2:00 to 2:15 PM: – 15 Minute Break with open chat
- 2:15 to 3:15 PM: – Conversation with Merry Song
- 3:15 to 4:15 PM: – Breakout Group 2
- 4:15 to 4:30 PM: – What is Commitment? (Followed by closing thoughts and open chat)
Join us online for a day of insightful talks and small group discussions as we seek true self-knowledge through investigating Identity and Identification.
The virtual event is being offered for a minimal fee of $20 for TAT members and $25 for non-members. If possible, please consider donating a larger amount (the drop-down menu below has more options). Your generosity will help defray the many costs incurred in preparing the new TAT Center. We deeply appreciate your support!
The registration deadline for this event is Friday, September 29, 2023.
Bob Cergol
Bob was 19 when he met Richard Rose in 1972. He lived with Rose at his house in Benwood, WV, and on Rose’s farm. Twenty years later, he moved away to pursue his life. He married and started a family, but soon gravitated back to the path. TAT group work led to a series of events that triggered a spiritual realization that brought Bob an absolute, final answer. Over the past decade, Bob has delivered a number of presentations during TAT events and has authored numerous TAT Forum essays that were ultimately published in Beyond Mind, Beyond Death, a TAT Foundation Press book. Listen to his story in a podcast interview on
Merry Song
Merry Song’s journey began in 1985 when a profound experience during surgery shattered the illusion holding up her self-centered life. Feeling called by what she describes as a “magnetic pull”, her path led her to Tibetan monks, Insight Meditation, and teachers such as Joel Morwood, a former acolyte of Franklin Merrel-Wolff. Merry describes her experience as an unfolding journey marked by sudden awakenings and realizations, and a continuous evolution towards intuitive and selfless service. In 2014, Joel formally invited her to be a teacher at the Center for Sacred Sciences, the organization he founded in Eugene, Oregon. Click to read about Merry’s story on the CSS website and learn about her Go As Nothing writing workshop.
Event registration closes on Friday 29 September 2023. To Register:
A. To register for the event only, please enter your name and email address. Registration fees depend on membership status. Check the drop-down list below. If you want to become a member or renew an annual membership in the same transaction, please see the drop-down list in section C.
B. The TAT Foundation currently has three categories of membership:
- Annual (calendar year): $40
- Sustaining: $10 per month
- Lifetime: $500
Please note that while one membership covers both spouses, two participation fees are required if both spouses participate in the event. You can pay for a $40 Annual membership below, or visit our membership page for the Sustaining and Lifetime options.
C. To renew your $40 Annual membership and register for the event in one transaction (saving PayPal fees to TAT), please select the appropriate item(s) from the drop-down list below:
You will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the event. We’re an all-volunteer group, so please be patient. If you haven’t received an email by Friday, September 29, contact TAT Foundation events .
You may cancel your registration on or before September 29 and receive a refund, minus the PayPal transaction fee. Cancellations after September 29 will not be refunded.
Note: If cost is a serious issue that will make or break your attendance, please let us know. We do not want someone to refrain from attending for reasons of cost.